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bleak house(奈噌議型徨)-及31嫗

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    ^Lord bless you察my dear boy He relies upon everybody 院said 

Mr Jarndyce察giving his head a great rub察and stopping short。 


    ^Everybody And he¨ll be in the same scrape again察next week 院

said Mr Jarndyce察walking again at a great pace察with a candle in 

his hand that had gone out。 ^He¨s always in the same scrape。 He 

was     born    in   the    same    scrape。     I  verily   believe    that    the 

announcement in the newspapers when his mother was confined察

was `On Tuesday last察at  her  residence   in   Botheration   Buildings察

Mrs Skimpole of a son in difficulties。¨ ̄ 

   Richard laughed heartily察but added察 Still察sir察I don¨t want to 

shake his confidence察or to break his confidence察and if I submit to 

your   better   knowledge   again察  that   I   ought   to   keep   his   secret察  I 

hope you will consider before you press me any more。 Of course察if 

you do press me察sir察I shall know I am wrong察and will tell you。 ̄ 

    ^Well 院cried Mr Jarndyce察stopping again察and making several 

absent endeavours to put  his candlestick   in   his   pocket。 ^I!here 

Take it away察my dear。 I don¨t know what I am about with it察it¨s all 

the wind!invariably has that effect!I won¨t press you察Rick察you 

may be right。   But察  really!to  get  hold   of  you  and   Esther!and   to 

squeeze      you   like   a  couple    of  tender    young     Saint   Michael¨s 

oranges It¨ll blow a gale in the course of the night 院

   He was now alternately putting his hands into his pockets察as if 

he were going to keep them there a long time察and taking them out 

again察and vehemently rubbing them all over his head。 

   I ventured to take this opportunity of hinting that Mr Skimpole察

being in all such matters察quite a child! 

    ^Eh察my dear拭院said Mr Jarndyce察catching at the word。 

    ^!Being quite a child察sir察院said I察 and so different from other 

Charles Dickens                                                   ElecBook Classics 

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                                  Bleak House                                    115 


    ^You are right 院said Mr Jarndyce察brightening。 

    ^Your   woman¨s   wit   hits   the   mark。   He   is   a   child!an   absolute 

child。 I told you he was a child察you know察when I first mentioned 

him。 ̄ 

    Certainly certainly we said。 

    ^And     he  is   a  child。   Now察    isn¨t  he拭院   asked    Mr   Jarndyce察

brightening more and more。 

    He was indeed察we said。 

    ^When you come to think of it察it¨s the height of childishness in 

you!I      mean     me! ̄     said   Mr    Jarndyce察     to  regard    him    for  a 

moment  as   a   man。   You   can¨t   make him   responsible。   The   idea   of 

Harold      Skimpole       with    designs    or   plans察   or   knowledge       of 

consequences Ha察ha察ha 院

    It  was   so   delicious   to  see   the   clouds   about    his  bright    face 

clearing察and to see him so heartily pleased察and to know察as it was 

impossible   not   to   know察  that   the   source   of   his   pleasure   was   the 

goodness   which   was   tortured   by   condemning察  or   mistrusting察  or 

secretly accusing any one察that I saw the tears in Ada¨s eyes察while 

she echoed his laugh察and felt them in my own。 

    ^Why察    what     a  cod¨s   head    and    shoulders     I  am察院   said   Mr 

Jarndyce察 to require reminding of it The  whole  business   shows 

the child from beginning  to  end。   Nobody  but a   child   would   have 

thought   of   singling you   two   out   for   parties   in   the   affair   Nobody 

but a child would have thought of your having the money If it had 

been a thousand pounds察it would have been just the same 院said 

Mr Jarndyce察with his whole face in a glow。 

    We all confirmed it from our night¨s experience。 

    ^To   be   sure察  to   be   sure 院  said   Mr   Jarndyce。   ^However察  Rick察

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Esther察  and   you   too察  Ada察  for   I   don¨t   know   that   even   your   little 

purse   is   safe   from   his   inexperience!I   must   have   a   promise   all 

round察that  nothing  of  this sort  shall   ever  be done any more。   No 

advances Not even sixpences。 ̄ 

    We all promised faithfully察Richard察with a merry glance at me察

touching his pocket察as if to remind me that there was no danger of 

our transgressing。 

    ^As to Skimpole察院said Mr Jarndyce察 a habitable doll¨s house察

with  good   board察  and   a   few   tin   people   to   get   into   debt   with   and 

borrow  money  of察  would   set  the   boy  up in life。   He   is   in   a   child¨s 

sleep   by   this   time察  I   suppose察  it¨s   time   I   should   take   my   craftier 

head to my more worldly pillow。 Good night察my dears。 God bless 

you 院

    He peeped in again察with a smiling face察before we had lighted 

our candles察and said察 O I have been looking at the weather´cock。 

I find it was a false alarm about the wind。 It¨s in the south 院And 

went away singing to himself。 

    Ada     and   I  agreed察   as   we   talked    together    for   a  little  while 

upstairs察that this caprice about the wind was a fiction察and that he 

used the pretence to account for any disappointment he could not 

conceal察    rather    than    he   would    blame     the   real   cause    of  it察 or 

disparage        or   depreciate       any    one。    We      thought     this    very 

characteristic   of   his    eccentric     gentleness察    and   of  the   difference 

between   him   and   those   petulant   people   who   make   the   weather 

and     the   winds    particularly     that   unlucky     wind    which     he   had 

chosen   for   such   a   different   purpose   the   stalking´horses   of   their 

splenetic and gloomy humours。 

    Indeed察so much affection for him had been   added  in  this   one 

evening       to  my    gratitude察    that   I   hoped     I  already     began     to 

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understand        him    through      that   mingled      feeling。    Any    seeming 

inconsistencies   in   Mr   Skimpole察        or   in  Mrs   Jellyby察  I   could   not 

expect     to   be  able    to  reconcile察   having     so  little  experience      or 

practical knowledge。 Neither did I try察for my thoughts were busy 

when I was alone察with Ada and Richard察and with the confidence 

I had seemed to receive concerning them。 My fancy察made a little 

wild by  the   wind perhaps察 would   not   consent   to   be   all   unselfish察

either察  though   I   would   have   persuaded   it   to   be   so   if   I   could。   It 

wandered   back   to   my   godmother¨s           house察   and   came     along    the 

intervening       track察  raising   up   shadowy      speculations      which     had 

sometimes trembled   there   in   the   dark察  as   to  what  knowledge   Mr 

Jarndyce had of my earliest history!even as   to  the   possibility  of 

his being my father!though that idle dream was quite gone now。 

    It was all gone now察I remembered察getting up from the fire。 It 

was   not  for  me   to  muse   over  bygones察but  to  act  with  a   cheerful 

spirit   and   a   grateful   heart。   So   I   said   to   myself察   Esther察  Esther察

Esther Duty察my dear 院and gave my little basket of housekeeping 

keys such a shake察that they sounded like little bells察and rang me 

hopefully to bed。 

Charles Dickens                                                       ElecBook Classics 


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