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never read more of it myself than the sentence on which I chanced 

to  light   on   opening   the   book。   It   was   this。   ^Jarndyce察  in   common 

with     most    other     men     I  have    known察     is  the    Incarnation      of 

Selfishness。 ̄ 

    And   now   I   come   to   a   part   of   my   story察  touching   myself   very 

nearly   indeed察  and   for   which   I   was   quite   unprepared   when   the 

circumstance   occurred。   Whatever   little   lingerings   may   have   now 

and   then   revived   in   my  mind察  associated   with  my   poor   old   face察

had only revived as belonging to a part of my life that was gone! 

gone like my infancy or my childhood。 I have suppressed none of 

my   many   weaknesses   on   that   subject察  but   have   written   them   as 

faithfully as my memory has recalled them。 And I hope to do察and 

mean to do察the same down to the last words of these pages察which 

I see now察not so very far before me。 

    The months were gliding away察and my dear girl察sustained by 

the hopes she had confided to me察was the same beautiful star in 

the miserable corner。 Richard察more   worn   and   haggard察  haunted 

the   Court   day   after   day察  listlessly   sat   there   the   whole   day   long察

when      he   knew    there    was   no   remote     chance     of  the   suit  being 

mentioned察  and   became   one           of  the  stock    sights   of  the   place。   I 

Charles Dickens                                                        ElecBook Classics 

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                                   Bleak House                                   1141 

wonder whether any of the gentlemen remembered him as he was 

when he first went there。 

    So completely was he absorbed in his fixed idea察that he used to 

avow in his cheerful moments察that he should never have breathed 

the fresh air now ^but for Woodcourt。 ̄ It was only Mr Woodcourt 

who   could   occasionally   divert   his   attention察  for   a   few   hours   at   a 

time察and rouse him察even when he sunk into  a lethargy  of   mind 

and     body    that  alarmed      us  greatly察   and   the   returns    of  which 

became more   frequent  as   the   months   went  on。   My  dear   girl   was 

right    in   saying    that    he   only    pursued     his   errors    the   more 

desperately for her sake。 I have no doubt that his desire to retrieve 

what he had lost察was rendered   the  more   intense  by  his  grief  for 

his young wife察and became like the madness of a gamester。 

    I was there察as I have mentioned察at all hours。 When I was there 

at    night察  I  generally     want     home     with   Charley     in   a   coach察

sometimes   my   Guardian   would   meet   me   in   the   neighbourhood察

and we would walk home together。 One evening察he had arranged 

to meet me at eight o¨clock。 I could not leave察as I usually did察quite 

punctually to the time察for I was working for my dear girl察and had 

a   few  stitches more   to  do察  to  finish  what   I   was   about察  but   it   was 

within   a   few   minutes   of   the   hour察  when   I   bundled   up   my   little 

work´basket察      gave    my   darling    my   last  kiss   for  the   night察  and 

hurried downstairs。 Mr Woodcourt went with me察as it was dusk。 

    When we came to the usual place of meeting!it was close by察

and     Mr    Woodcourt       had    often    accompanied        me    before!my 

Guardian was not there。 We waited half an hour察walking up and 

down察  but   there   were   no   signs   of   him。   We   agreed   that   he   was 

either   prevented   from   coming察  or   that   he      had   come察  and     gone 

away察and Mr Woodcourt proposed to walk home with me。 

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    It   was   the   first   walk   we   had   ever   taken   together察  except   that 

very short one to the usual place of meeting。 We spoke of Richard 

and Ada the whole way。 I did not thank him察in words察for what he 

had done!my appreciation of it had risen above all words then! 

but I hoped he might not be without some understanding of what I 

felt so strongly。 

   Arriving      at  home     and    going    upstairs察   we    found    that   my 

Guardian was out察and that Mrs Woodcourt was out too。 We were 

in the very same room into which I had brought my blushing girl察

when   her   youthful   lover察  now   her   so   altered   husband察  was   the 

choice   of   her   young   heart察  the   very   same   room察  from   which   my 

Guardian and I watched them going away through the sunlight察in 

the fresh bloom of their hope and promise。 

   We were standing by the opened window察looking down into the 

street察  when   Mr  Woodcourt   spoke   to   me。   I   learned   in   a   moment 

that he loved me。 I learned in a moment that my scarred face was 

all   unchanged   to   him。   I   learned   in   a   moment   that   what   I   had 

thought was pity and compassion察was devoted察generous察faithful 

love。 O察too late to know it now察too late察too late。 That was the first 

ungrateful thought I had。 Too late。 

    ^When I returned察院he   told   me察 when   I   came  back察  no  richer 

than I went away察and found you nearly risen from a sick bed察yet 

so inspired by sweet consideration for others察  and so  free   from   a 

selfish thought! ̄ 

    ^O察Mr Woodcourt察forbear察forbear 院I entreated him。 ^I do not 

deserve your high praise。 I had many selfish thoughts at that time察

many 院

    ^Heaven knows察beloved of my life察院said he察 that my praise is 

not    a  lover¨s  praise察  but   the  truth。   You   do   not   know    what    all 

Charles Dickens                                                     ElecBook Classics 

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                                  Bleak House                                   1143 

around      you   see   in  Esther    Summerson察      how    many     hearts    she 

touches and awakens察what sacred admiration and what love she 

wins。 ̄ 

    ^O察Mr Woodcourt察院cried I察 it is a great thing to win love察it is 

a great thing to win love I am proud of it察and honoured by it察and 

the hearing of it causes me to shed these tears of mingled joy and 

sorrow!joy that I have won it察sorrow that I have not deserved it 

better察but I am not free to think of yours。 ̄ 

    I said it with a stronger heart察for when he praised me thus察and 

when I heard his voice thrill with his belief that what he said was 

true察I aspired to be more worthy of it。 It was not too late for that。 

Although I close this unforeseen page in my life tonight察I could be 

worthier of it all through my life。 And it was a comfort to me察and 

an impulse to me察and I felt a dignity rise up within me that was 

derived from him察when I thought so。 

    He broke the silence。 

    ^I should poorly show the trust that I have in the dear one who 

will evermore be as dear to me as now察院and the deep earnestness 

with   which   he    said   it察 at   once  strengthened     me   and    made   me 

weep察   if察after  her  assurance   that  she   is   not   free   to   think   of   my 

love察I urged it。 Dear Esther察let me only tell you that the fond idea 

of   you   which   I   took   abroad察  was   exalted   to   the   Heavens   when   I 

came home。 I have always hoped察in the first hour when I seemed 

to stand in any ray of good fortune察to tell you this。 I have always 

feared that I should tell it you in vain。 My hopes and fears are both 

fulfilled tonight。 I distress you。 I have said enough。 ̄ 

    Something seemed to pass into my place that was like the Angel 

he    thought     me察  and   I  felt  so   sorrowful    for   the   loss  he   had 

sustained I wished to help him in his trouble察

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