bleak house(奈噌議型徨)-及305嫗
梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
be neglected察 sir。 They are paramount in the thoughts of a
professional man like myself察who wishes to preserve a good name
among his fellow´practitioners and society at large。 My denying
myself the pleasure of the present agreeable conversation察 may
not be wholly irrespective of your own interests察Mr C。 ̄
Richard expressed himself quite sure of that察 and lighted Mr
Vholes out。 On his return he told us察more than once察that Vholes
was a good fellow察a safe fellow察a man who did what he pretended
to do察a very good fellow察indeed He was so defiant about it察that it
struck me he had begun to doubt Mr Vholes。
Then he threw himself on the sofa察tired out察and Ada and I put
things to rights察 for they had no other servant than the woman
who attended to the chambers。 My dear girl had a cottage piano
there察and quietly sat down to sing some of Richard¨s favourites察
the lamp being first removed into the next room察as he complained
of its hurting his eyes。
I sat between them at my dear girl¨s side察 and felt very
melancholy listening to her sweet voice。 I think Richard did too察I
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think he darkened the room for that reason。 She had been singing
some time察rising between´whiles to bend over him and speak to
him察when Mr Woodcourt came in。 Then he sat down by Richard察
and half playfully察half earnestly察quite naturally and easily察found
out how he felt察 and where he had been all day。 Presently he
proposed to accompany him in a short walk on one of the bridges察
as it was a moonlight airy night察and Richard readily consenting察
they went out together。
They left my dear girl still sitting at the piano察 and me still
sitting beside her。 When they were gone out察I drew my arm round
her waist。 She put her left hand in mine I was sitting on that side察
but kept her right upon the keys!going over and over them察
without striking any note。
^Esther察 my dearest察院 she said察 breaking silence察 Richard is
never so well察 and I am never so easy about him察 as when he is
with Allan Woodcourt。 We have to thank you for that。 ̄
I pointed out to my darling how this could scarcely be察because
Mr Woodcourt had come to her cousin John¨s house察 and had
known us all there察and because he had always liked Richard察and
Richard had always liked him察and!and so forth。
^All true察院said Ada察 but that he is such a devoted friend to us察
we owe to you。 ̄
I thought it best to let my dear girl have her way察and to say no
more about it。 So I said as much。 I said it lightly察because I felt her
^Esther察my dearest察I want to be a good wife察a very察very good
wife indeed。 You shall teach me。 ̄
I teach I said no more察 for I noticed the hand that was
fluttering over the keys察and I knew that it was not I who ought to
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speak察that it was she who had something to say to me。
^When I married Richard察 I was not insensible to what was
before him。 I had been perfectly happy for a long time with you察
and I had never known any trouble or anxiety察so loved and cared
for察but I understood the danger he was in察dear Esther。 ̄
^I know察I know察my darling。 ̄
^When we were married察I had some little hope that I might be
able to convince him of his mistake察that he might come to regard
it in a new way as my husband察 and not pursue it all the more
desperately for my sake!as he does。 But if I had not had that
hope察 I would have married him just the same察 Esther。 Just the
same 院
In the momentary firmness of the hand that was never still!a
firmness inspired by the utterance of these last words察and dying
away with them!I saw the confirmation of her earnest tones。
^You are not to think察my dearest Esther察that I fail to see what
you see察and fear what you fear。 No one can understand him better
than I do。 The greatest wisdom that ever lived in the world could
scarcely know Richard better than my love does。 ̄
She spoke so modestly and softly察 and her trembling hand
expressed such agitation察 as it moved to and fro upon the silent
notes My dear察dear girl
^I see him at his worst察 every day。 I watch him in his sleep。 I
know every change of his face。 But when I married Richard I was
quite determined察Esther察if Heaven would help me察never to show
him that I grieved for what he did察 and so to make him more
unhappy。 I want him察when he comes home察to find no trouble in
my face。 I want him察when he looks at me察to see what he loved in
me。 I married him to do this察and this supports me。 ̄
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I felt her trembling more。 I waited for what was yet to come察
and I now thought I began to know what it was。
^And something else supports me察Esther。 ̄
She stopped a minute。 Stopped speaking only察 her hand was
still in motion。
^I look forward a little while察and I don¨t know what great aid
may come to me。 When Richard turns his eyes upon me then察
there may be something lying on my breast more eloquent than I
have been察 with greater power than mine to show him his true
course察and win him back。 ̄
Her hand stopped now。 She clasped me in her arms察 and I
clasped her in mine。
^If that little creature should fail too察Esther察I still look forward。
I look forward a long while察 through years and years察 and think
that then察when I am growing old察or when I am dead perhaps察a
beautiful woman察his daughter察happily married察may be proud of
him and a blessing to him。 Or that a generous brave man察 as
handsome as he used to be察as hopeful察and far more happy察may
walk in the sunshine with him察 honouring his grey head察 and
saying to himself察 I thank God this is my father ruined by a fatal
inheritance察and restored through me  ̄
O察 my sweet girl察 what a heart was that which beat so fast
against me
^These hopes uphold me察my dear Esther察and I know they will。
Though sometimes even they depart from me察before a dread that
arises when I look at Richard。 ̄
I tried to cheer my darling察and asked her what it was拭Sobbing
and weeping察she replied此
^That he may not live to see his child。 ̄
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Chapter 61
A Discovery
he days when I frequented that miserable corner which
my dear girl brightened察 can never fade in my