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bleak house(奈噌議型徨)-及302嫗

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astonished by such unreason and injustice in one of their suitors察院

pursued   my   Guardian。   ^When   those   learned   gentlemen   begin   to 

raise moss´roses   from   the   powder   they   sow   in   their   wigs察  I   shall 

begin to be astonished too 院

    He   checked   himself   in   glancing   towards   the   window   to   look 

where the wind was察and leaned on the back of my chair instead。 

    ^Well察well察little woman To go on察my dear。 This rock we must 

leave   to   time察  chance察  and     hopeful   circumstance。       We   must   not 

shipwreck Ada upon  it。   She cannot  afford察and   he   cannot  afford察

the    remotest      chance      of  another      separation      from    a   friend。 

Therefore察  I   have   particularly   begged   of   Woodcourt察  and   I   now 

particularly   beg   of   you察  my   dear察  not   to   move   this   subject   with 

Rick。 Let it rest。 Next week察next month察next year察sooner or later察

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he will see me with clearer eyes。 I can wait。 ̄ 

    But I had already discussed it with him察I confessed察and so察  I 

thought察had Mr Woodcourt。 

    ^So   he   tells   me察院  returned   my   Guardian。   ^Very   good。   He   has 

made his protest察and Dame Durden has made hers察and there is 

nothing more to be said about it。 Now察I come to Mrs Woodcourt。 

How do you like her察my dear拭院

    In   answer   to   this   question察  which   was   oddly   abrupt察  I   said   I 

liked   her   very   much察  and   thought   she   was   more   agreeable   than 

she used to be。 

    ^I   think   so   too察院 said   my   Guardian。    ^Less    pedigree拭  Not   so 

much of Morgan´ap!what¨s his name拭院

    That was what I meant察I acknowledged察though he was a very 

harmless person察even when we had had more of him。 

    ^Still察  upon   the  whole察  he   is   as   well   in   his   native   mountains察院

said my Guardian。 ^I agree with you。 Then察little woman察can I do 

better for a time than retain Mrs Woodcourt here拭院

    No。 And yet!My Guardian looked at me察waiting for what I had 

to say。 

    I had nothing to say。 At least I had nothing in my  mind   that  I 

could say。 I had an undefined impression that it might have been 

better if we had had   some   other  inmate察  but  I could   hardly  have 

explained   why察  even   to   myself。   Or察  if   to   myself察  certainly   not   to 

anybody else。 

    ^You     see察院   said   my    Guardian察      our   neighbourhood         is  in 

Woodcourt¨s way察and he can come here to see her as often as he 

likes察  which  is   agreeable  to  them   both察  and   she   is   familiar   to   us察

and fond of you。 

   Yes。   That   was   undeniable。   I   had   nothing   to   say   against   it。   I 

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could   not   have   suggested      a   better   arrangement察  but   I    was   not 

quite easy in my mind。 Esther察Esther察why not拭Esther察think 

    ^It is a very good plan indeed察dear Guardian察and we could not 

do better。 ̄ 

    ^Sure察little woman拭院

    Quite   sure。   I   had   had   a   moment¨s   time   to   think察  since   I   had 

urged that duty on myself察and I was quite sure。 

    ^Good察院     said    my    Guardian。      ^It   shall   be    done。    Carried 

unanimously。 ̄ 

    ^Carried unanimously察院I repeated察going on with my work。 

    It   was   a  cover    for   his  book´table     that   I  happened       to  be 

ornamenting。 It  had been  laid by  on   the night  preceding  my  sad 

journey察    and   never    resumed。     I  showed    it  to  him   now察  and    he 

admired it highly。 After I had explained the pattern to him察and all 

the   great   effects   that   were   to   come   out   by´and´by察   I  thought   I 

would go back to our last theme。 

    ^You   said    dear   Guardian察    when     we   spoke   of   Mr   Woodcourt 

before Ada left us察that you thought he   would give a long  trial   to 

another country。 Have you been advising him since拭院

    ^Yes察little woman察pretty often。 ̄ 

    ^Has he decided to do so拭院

    ^I rather think not。 ̄ 

    ^Some other prospect has opened to him察perhaps拭院said I。 

    ^Why!yes!perhaps察院            returned     my   Guardian察    beginning     his 

answer in a very deliberate manner。 ^About half a year hence   or 

so察there is a medical attendant for the poor to be appointed at a 

certain     place    in  Yorkshire。     It  is  a  thriving    place察  pleasantly 

situated察  streams   and   streets察  town   and   country察  mill   and   moor察

and seems to present an opening for such a man。 I mean察  a  man 

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whose       hopes     and    aims     may     sometimes       lie   as   most     men¨s 

sometimes do察I dare say  above   the   ordinary  level察  but  to  whom 

the ordinary level will be high enough after all察if it should prove to 

be   a   way  of   usefulness   and   good   service   leading   to   no   other。   All 

generous   spirits   are   ambitious察  I   suppose察  but   the   ambition   that 

calmly trusts itself to such a road察instead of spasmodically trying 

to fly over it察is of the kind I care for。 It is Woodcourt¨s kind。 ̄ 

    ^And will he get this appointment拭院I asked。 

    ^Why察     little  woman察院      returned      my    Guardian察     smiling察     not 

being     an   oracle察   I  cannot    confidently      say察  but   I  think    so。  His 

reputation   stands   very  high察  there   were   people   from   that   part   of 

the   country   in   the   shipwreck察  and察  strange   to   say察  I   believe   the 

best man has the best chance。 You must not suppose it to be a fine 

endowment。   It   is   a   very察  very   commonplace   affair察  my   dear察  an 

appointment to a great amount of work and a small amount of pay察

but better things will gather about it察it may be fairly hoped。 ̄ 

    ^The poor of that place will have reason to bless the choice察if it 

falls on Mr Woodcourt察Guardian。 ̄ 

    ^You are right察little woman察that I am sure they will。 ̄ 

    We   said   no   more   about   it察  nor   did   he   say   a   word   about   the 

future of Bleak House。 But it was the first time I had taken my seat 

at   his   side   in   my   mourning   dress察     and    that   accounted      for   it察 I 


    I   now   began   to   visit   my   dear   girl   every   day察  in   the   dull   dark 

corner      where    she    lived。   The   morning       was   my    usual    time察  but 

whenever I found I had an hour or so to spare察I put on my bonnet 

and bustled off to Chancery Lane。 They were both so glad to see 

me   at   all   hour   and   used   to   brighten   up   so   when   they   heard   me 

opening   the   door   and   coming   in   being   quite   at   home察  I   never 

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knocked察that I had no fear of becoming troublesome just yet。 

    On these occasions I frequently found Richard absent。 At other 

times he would be writing察or reading papers in the Cause察at that 

table   of  his察  so covered   with   papers察  which   was   never   disturbed。 

Sometimes   I   would   come   upon   him察  lingering   at   the   door   of   Mr 


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