bleak house(奈噌議型徨)-及300嫗
梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
soothed察 and not alarmed。 The questions察 Mr Bucket said察 were
how she came by the letter察 what passed between her and the
person who gave her the letter察 and where the person went。
Holding my mind as steadily as I could to these points察I went into
the next room with them。 Mr Woodcourt would have remained
outside察but at my solicitation went in with us。
The poor girl was sitting on the floor where they had laid her
down。 They stood around her though at a little distance察that she
might have air。 She was not pretty察and looked weak and poor察but
she had a plaintive and a good face察though it was still a little wild。
I kneeled on the ground beside her察and put her poor head on my
shoulder察whereupon she drew her arm round my neck察and burst
into tears。
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^My poor girl察院said I察laying my face against her forehead察for
indeed I was crying too察and trembling察 it seems cruel to trouble
you now察but more depends on our knowing something about this
letter察than I could tell you in an hour。 ̄
She began piteously declaring that she didn¨t mean any harm察
she didn¨t mean any harm察Mrs Snagsby。
^We are all sure of that察院said I。 ^But pray tell me how you got
it。 ̄
^Yes察 dear lady察 I will察 and tell you true。 I¨ll tell true察 indeed察
Mrs Snagsby。 ̄
^I am sure of that察院said I。 ^And how was it拭院
^I had been out on an errand察 dear lady!long after it was
dark!quite late察 and when I came home察 I found a common´
looking person察all wet and muddy察looking up at our house。 When
she saw me coming in at the door察she called me back察and said did
I live here拭and I said yes察and she said she knew only one or two
places about here察but had lost her way察and couldn¨t find them。 O
what shall I do察what shall I do They won¨t believe me She didn¨t
say any harm to me察and I didn¨t say any harm to her察indeed察Mrs
Snagsby 院
It was necessary for her mistress to comfort her察which she did察
I must say察with a good deal of contribution察before she could be
got beyond this。
^She could not find those places察院said I。
^No 院cried the girl察shaking her head。 ^No Couldn¨t find them。
And she was so faint察 and lame察 and miserable察 O so wretched
that if you had seen her察Mr Snagsby察you¨d have given her half´a´
crown察I know 院
^Well察 Guster察 my girl察院 said he察 at first not knowing what to
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say。 ^I hope I should。 ̄
^And yet she was so well spoken察院said the girl察 looking at me
with wide´open eyes察 that it made a person¨s heart bleed。 And so
she said to me察did I know the way to the burying´ground拭And I
asked her which burying´ground拭And she said the poor burying´
ground。 And I told her I had been a poor child myself察and it was
according to parishes。 But she said she meant a poor burying´
ground not very far from here察where there was an archway察and a
step察and an iron gate。 ̄
As I watched her face察and soothed her to go on察I saw that Mr
Bucket received this with a look which I could not separate from
one of alarm。
^O dear察dear 院cried the girl察 pressing her hair back with her
hands察 what shall I do察what shall I do She meant the burying´
ground where the man was buried that took the sleeping stuff!
that you came home and told us of察Mr Snagsby!that frightened
me so察Mrs Snagsby。 O I am frightened again。 Hold me 院
^You are so much better now察院 said I。 ^Pray察 pray tell me
more。 ̄
^Yes I will察yes I will But don¨t be angry with me察that¨s a dear
lady察because I have been so ill。 ̄
Angry with her察poor soul
^There察now I will察now I will。 So she said察could I tell her how
to find it察and I said yes察and I told her察and she looked at me with
eyes like almost as if she was blind察and herself all waving back。
And so she took out the letter察and showed it me察and said if she
was to put that in the post´office察it would be rubbed out and not
minded and never sent察and would I take it from her察and send it察
and the messenger would be paid at the house拭And so I said yes察
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if it was no harm察and she said no!no harm。 And so I took it from
her察and she said she had nothing to give me察and I said I was poor
myself and consequently wanted nothing。 And so she said God
bless you and went。 ̄
^And did she go!拭院
^Yes察院cried the girl察anticipating the inquiry察 yes she went the
way I had shown her。 Then I came in察 and Mrs Snagsby came
behind me from somewhere察 and laid hold of me察 and I was
frightened。 ̄
Mr Woodcourt took her kindly from me。 Mr Bucket wrapped
me up察 and immediately we were in the street。 Mr Woodcourt
hesitated察but I said察 Don¨t leave me now 院and Mr Bucket added察
^You¨ll be better with us察we may want you察don¨t lose time 院
I have the most confused impressions of that walk。 I recollect
that it was neither night nor day察that morning was dawning察but
the street lamps were not yet put out察 that the sleet was still
falling察and that all the ways were deep with it。 I recollect a few
chilled people passing in the streets。 I recollect the wet housetops察
the clogged and bursting gutters and water´spouts察the mounds of
blackened ice and snow over which we passed察the narrowness of
the courts by which we went。 At the same time I remember that
the poor girl seemed to be yet telling her story audibly and plainly
in my hearing察 that I could feel her resting on my arm察 that the
stained house fronts put on human shapes and looked at me察that
great water gates seemed to be opening and closing in my head察or
in the air察and that the unreal things were more substantial than
the real。
At last we stood under a dark and miserable covered way察
where one lamp was burning over an iron gate察 and where the
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morning faintly struggled in。 The gate was closed。 Beyond it察was a
burial´ground!a dreadful spot in which the night was very slowly
stirring察but where I could dimly see heaps of dishonoured graves
and stones察hemmed in by filthy houses察with a few dull lights in
their windows察and on whose walls a thick humidity broke out like
a disease。 On the step at the gate察 drenched in the fearful wet of
such a place察which oozed and splashed down everywhere察I saw察
with a cry of pity and horror察a woman lying!Jenny察the mother of
the dead child。
I ran forward察 but they stopped me察 and Mr Woodcourt
entreated me with the greatest earnestness察 even with tears察
before I went up to the figure察to listen for an