bleak house(奈噌議型徨)-及297嫗
梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
and discussing it察 during the whole journey。 What was to ensue
when we found her察and what could compensate us for this loss of
time察 were questions also that I could not possibly dismiss察 my
mind was quite tortured by long dwelling on such reflections察
when we stopped。
We stopped in a high´street察where there was a coach´stand。 My
companion paid our two drivers察who were as completely covered
with splashes as if they had been dragged along the roads like the
carriage itself察and giving them some brief direction where to take
it察lifted me out of it察and into a hackney´coach he had chosen from
the rest。
^Why察my dear察院he said察as he did this。 ^How wet you are 院
I had not been conscious of it。 But the melted snow had found
its way into the carriage察 and I had got out two or three times
when a fallen horse was plunging and had to be got up察and the
wet had penetrated my dress。 I assured him it was no matter察but
the driver察 who knew him察 would not be dissuaded by me from
running down the street to his stable察 whence he brought an
armful of clean dry straw。 They shook it out and strewed it well
about me察and I found it warm and comfortable。
^Now察 my dear察院 said Mr Bucket察 with his head in at the
window after I was shut up。 ^We¨re going to mark this person
down。 It may take a little time察 but you don¨t mind that。 You¨re
pretty sure that I¨ve got a motive。 Ain¨t you拭院
I little thought what it was!little thought in how short a time I
should understand it better察 but I assured him that I had
confidence in him。
^So you may have察my dear察院he returned。 ^And I tell you what
If you only repose half as much confidence in me as I repose in
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Bleak House 1100
you察after what I¨ve experienced of you察that¨ll do。 Lord you¨re no
trouble at all。 I never see a young woman in any station of
society!and I¨ve seen many elevated ones too!conduct herself
like you have conducted yourself察since you was called out of your
bed。 You¨re a pattern察 you know察 that¨s what you are察院 said Mr
Bucket warmly察 you¨re a pattern。 ̄
I told him I was very glad察 as indeed I was察 to have been no
hindrance to him察and that I hoped I should be none now。
^My dear察院he returned察 when a young lady is as mild as she¨s
game察and as game as she¨s mild察that¨s all I ask察and more than I
expect。 She then becomes a Queen察and that¨s about what you are
yourself。 ̄
With these encouraging words!they really were encouraging
to me under those lonely and anxious circumstances!he got upon
the box察and we once more drove away。 Where we drove察I neither
knew then察nor have ever known since察but we appeared to seek
out the narrowest and worst streets in London。 Whenever I saw
him directing the driver察I was prepared for our descending into a
deeper complication of such streets察and we never failed to do so。
Sometimes we emerged upon a wider thoroughfare察or came to
a larger building than the generality察 well lighted。 Then we
stopped at offices like those we had visited when we began our
journey察and I saw him in consultation with others。 Sometimes he
would get down by an archway察 or at a street corner察 and
mysteriously show the light of his little lantern。 This would attract
similar lights from various dark quarters察like so many insects察and
a fresh consultation would be held。 By degrees we appeared to
contract our search within narrower and easier limits。 Single
police officers on duty could now tell Mr Bucket what he wanted
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Bleak House 1101
to know察 and point to him where to go。 At last we stopped for a
rather long conversation between him and one of these men察
which I supposed to be satisfactory from his manner of nodding
from time to time。 When it was finished he came to me察 looking
very busy and very attentive。
^Now察Miss Summerson察院he said to me察 you won¨t be alarmed
whatever comes off察I know。 It¨s not necessary for me to give you
any further caution察 than to tell you that we have marked this
person down察and that you may be of use to me before I know it
myself。 I don¨t like to ask such a thing察 my dear察 but would you
walk a little way拭院
Of course I got out directly察and took his arm。
^It ain¨t so easy to keep your feet察院 said Mr Bucket察 but take
time。 ̄
Although I looked about me confusedly and hurriedly察 as we
crossed a street察I thought I knew the place。
^Are we in Holborn拭院I asked him。
^Yes察院said Mr Bucket。 ^Do you know this turning拭院
^It looks like Chancery Lane。 ̄
^And was christened so察my dear察院said Mr Bucket。
We turned down it察and as we went察shuffling through the sleet察
I heard the clock strike half´past five。 We passed on in silence察and
as quickly as we could with such a foothold察 when some one
coming towards us on the narrow pavement察wrapped in a cloak察
stopped and stood aside to give me room。 In the same moment I
heard an exclamation of wonder察 and my own name察 from Mr
Woodcourt。 I knew his voice very well。
It was so unexpected察 and so!I don¨t know what to call it察
whether pleasant or painful!to come upon it after my feverish
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Bleak House 1102
wandering journey察and in the midst of the night察that I could not
keep back the tears from my eyes。 It was like hearing his voice in a
strange country。
^My dear Miss Summerson察that you should be out at this hour察
and in such weather 院 He had heard from my Guardian of my
having been called away on some uncommon business察and said so
to dispense with any explanation。 I told him that we had but just
left a coach察and were going!but then I was obliged to look at my
^Why察you see察Mr Woodcourt察院he had caught the name from
me察 we are a´going at present into the next street。!Inspector
Bucket。 ̄
Mr Woodcourt察disregarding my remonstrances察 had hurriedly
taken off his cloak察 and was putting it about me。 ^That¨s a good
move察too察院said Mr Bucket察assisting察 a very good move。 ̄
^May I go with you拭院said Mr Woodcourt。 I don¨t know whether
to me or my companion。
^Why察 lord 院 exclaimed Mr Bucket察 taking the answer on
himself。 ^Of course you may。 ̄
It was all said in a moment察 and they took me between them察
wrapped in a cloak。
^I have just left Richard察院 said Mr Woodcourt。 ^I have been
sitting with him since ten o¨clock