bleak house(奈噌議型徨)-及294嫗
梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
you accept of my arms to raise you up。 You would lie easier察Sir
Leicester察if you would allow me to move you。 ̄
Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics
´ Page 1088´
Bleak House 1088
^If you please察George Rouncewell察if you will be so good。 ̄
The trooper takes him in his arms like a child察 lightly raises
him察 and turns him with his face more towards the window。
^Thank you。 You have your mother¨s gentleness察院 returns Sir
Leicester察 and your own strength。 Thank you。 ̄
He signs to him with his hand not to go away。 George quietly
remains at the bedside察waiting to be spoken to。
^Why did you wish for secrecy拭院 It takes Sir Leicester some
time to ask this。
^Truly I am not much to boast of察Sir Leicester察and I!I should
still察Sir Leicester察if you was not so indisposed!which I hope you
will not be long!I should still hope for the favour of being allowed
to remain unknown in general。 That involves explanations not
very hard to be guessed at察not very well timed here察and not very
creditable to myself。 However opinions may differ on a variety of
subjects察 I should think it would be universally agreed察 Sir
Leicester察that I am not much to boast of。 ̄
^You have been a soldier察院 observes Sir Leicester察 and a
faithful one。 ̄
George makes his military bow。 ^As far as that goes察 Sir
Leicester察 I have done my duty under discipline察 and it was the
least I could do。 ̄
^You find me察院 says Sir Leicester察 whose eyes are much
attracted towards him察 far from well察George Rouncewell。 ̄
^I am very sorry both to hear it and to see it察Sir Leicester。 ̄
^I am sure you are。 No。 In addition to my older malady察I have
had a sudden and bad attack。 Something that deadens! ̄ making
an endeavour to pass one hand down one side察 and confuses! ̄
touching his lips。
Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics
´ Page 1089´
Bleak House 1089
George察 with a look of assent and sympathy察 makes another
bow。 The different times when they were both young men the
trooper much the younger of the two察and looked at one another
down at Chesney Wold察arise before them both and soften both。
Sir Leicester察evidently with a great determination to say察in his
own manner察something that is on his mind before relapsing into
silence察 tries to raise himself among his pillows a little more。
George observant of the action察 takes him in his arms again and
places him as he desires to be。 ^Thank you察 George。 You are
another self to me。 You have often carried my spare gun at
Chesney Wold察 George。 You are familiar to me in these strange
circumstances察very familiar。 ̄ He has put Sir Leicester¨s sounder
arm over his shoulder in lifting him up察and Sir Leicester is slow in
drawing it away again察as he says these words。
^I was about to add察院he presently goes on察 I was about to add察
respecting this attack察that it was unfortunately simultaneous with
a slight misunderstanding between my Lady and myself。 I do not
mean that there was any difference between us for there has been
none察 but that there was a misunderstanding of certain
circumstances important only to ourselves察which deprives me察for
a little while察of my Lady¨s society。 She has found it necessary to
make a journey察I trust will shortly return。 Volumnia察do I make
myself intelligible拭The words are not quite under my command察
in the manner of pronouncing them。 ̄
Volumnia understands him perfectly察 and in truth he delivers
himself with far greater plainness than could have been supposed
possible a minute ago。 The effort by which he does so察is written in
the anxious and labouring expression of his face。 Nothing but the
strength of his purpose enables him to make it。
Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics
´ Page 1090´
Bleak House 1090
^Therefore察Volumnia察I desire to say in your presence!and in
the presence of my old retainer and friend察 Mrs Rouncewell察
whose truth and fidelity no one can question!and in the presence
of her son George察who comes back like a familiar recollection of
my youth in the home of my ancestors at Chesney Wold!in case I
should relapse察in case I should not recover察in case I should lose
both my speech and the power of writing察though I hope for better
things! ̄ The old housekeeper weeping silently察Volumnia in the
greatest agitation察 with the freshest bloom on her cheeks察 the
trooper with his arms folded and his head a little bent察respectfully
^Therefore I desire to say察 and to call you all to witness!
beginning察Volumnia察with yourself察most solemnly!that I am on
unaltered terms with Lady Dedlock。 That I assert no cause
whatever of complaint against her。 That I have ever had the
strongest affection for her察and that I retain it undiminished。 Say
this to herself察and to every one。 If you ever say less than this察you
will be guilty of deliberate falsehood to me。 ̄
Volumnia tremblingly protests that she will observe his
injunctions to the letter。
^My Lady is too high in position察 too handsome察 too
accomplished察too superior in most respects to the best of those by
whom she is surrounded察not to have her enemies and traducers察I
dare say。 Let it be known to them察as I make it known to you察that
being of sound mind察 memory察 and understanding察 I revoke no
disposition I have made in her favour。 I abridge nothing I have
ever bestowed upon her。 I am on unaltered terms with her察and I
recall!having the full power to do it if I were so disposed察as you
see!no act I have done for her advantage and happiness。 ̄
Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics
´ Page 1091´
Bleak House 1091
His formal array of words might have at any other time察 as it
has often had察 something ludicrous in it察 but at this time察 it is
serious and affecting。 His noble earnestness察 his fidelity察 his
gallant shielding of her察his generous conquest of his own wrong
and his own pride for her sake察are simply honourable察manly察and
true。 Nothing less worthy can be seen through the lustre of such
qualities in the commonest mechanic察nothing less worthy can be
seen in the best´born gentleman。 In such a light both aspire alike察
both rise alike察both children of the dust shine equally。
Overpowered by his exertions察 he lays his head back on his
pillows察and closes his eyes察for not more than a minute察when he
again resumes his watching of the weather察 and his attention to
the muffled sounds。 In the rendering of those little services察and in
the manner of their acceptance察the trooper has become installed
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