bleak house(奈噌議型徨)-及290嫗
梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
box again with his watchful察 steady face察 and his business´like
^Get on察my lad 院
When we were changing horses the next time察he came from the
stable yard察 and with the wet snow encrusted upon him察 and
dropping off him!plashing and crashing through it to his wet
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knees察 as he had been doing frequently since we left Saint
Albans!and spoke to me at the carriage side。
^Keep up your spirits。 It¨s certainly true that she came on here察
Miss Summerson。 There¨s not a doubt of the dress by this time察
and the dress has been seen here。 ̄
^Still on foot拭院said I。
^Still on foot。 I think the gentleman you mentioned must be the
point she¨s aiming at察and yet I don¨t like his living down in her
own part of the country察neither。 ̄
^I know so little察院said I。 ^There may be some one else nearer
here察of whom I never heard。 ̄
^That¨s true。 But whatever you do察 don¨t you fall a crying察my
dear察and don¨t you worry yourself no more than you can help。 Get
on察my lad 院
The sleet fell all that day unceasingly察 a thick mist came on
early察and it never rose or lightened for a moment。 Such roads I
had never seen。 I sometimes feared we had missed the way and
got into the ploughed grounds察or the marshes。 If I ever thought of
the time I had been out察it presented itself as an indefinite period
of great duration察 and I seemed察in a strange way察 never to have
been free from the anxiety under which I then laboured。
As we advanced察I began to feel misgivings that my companion
lost confidence。 He was the same as before with all the roadside
people察but he looked graver when he sat by himself on the box。 I
saw his finger uneasily going across and across his mouth察during
the whole of one long weary stage。 I overheard that he began to
ask the drivers of coaches and other vehicles coming towards us察
what passengers they had seen in other coaches and vehicles that
were in advance。 Their replies did not encourage him。 He always
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gave me a reassuring beck of his finger察and lift of his eyelid as he
got upon the box again察but he seemed perplexed now察 when he
said察 Get on察my lad 院
At last察when we were changing察he told me that he had lost the
track of the dress so long that he began to be surprised。 It was
nothing察he said察to lose such a track for one while察and to take it
up for another while察and so on察but it had disappeared here in an
unaccountable manner察and we had not come upon it since。 This
corroborated the apprehensions I had formed察 when he began to
look at direction´posts察and to leave the carriage at cross roads for
a quarter of an hour at a time察while he explored them。 But察I was
not to be downhearted察he told me察for it was as likely as not that
the next stage might set us right again。
The next stage察however察ended as that one ended察we had no
new clue。 There was a spacious inn here察 solitary察 but a
comfortable substantial building察and as we drove in under a large
gateway before I knew it察 where a landlady and her pretty
daughters came to the carriage door察entreating me to alight and
refresh myself while the horses were making ready察 I thought it
would be uncharitable to refuse。 They took me upstairs to a warm
room察and left me there。
It was at the corner of the house察I remember察looking two ways。
On one side察to a stable´yard open to a by´road察where the ostlers
were unharnessing the splashed and tired horses from the muddy
carriage察and beyond that to the by´road itself察 across which the
sign was heavily swinging察 on the other side察 to a wood of dark
pine´trees。 Their branches were incumbered with snow察 and it
silently dropped off in wet heaps while I stood at the window。
Night was setting in察 and its bleakness was enhanced by the
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contrast of the pictured fire glowing and gleaming in the window´
pane。 As I looked among the stems of the trees察and followed the
discoloured marks in the snow where the thaw was sinking into it
and undermining it察I thought of the motherly face brightly set off
by daughters that had just now welcomed me察and of my mother
lying down in such a wood to die。
I was frightened when I found them all about me察 but I
remembered that before I fainted I tried very hard not to do it察and
that was some little comfort。 They cushioned me up察 on a large
sofa by the fire察and then the comely landlady told me that I must
travel no further tonight察but must go to bed。 But this put me into
such a tremble lest they should detain me there察 that she soon
recalled her words察and compromised for a rest of half´an´hour。
A good endearing creature she was。 She察and her three fair girls
all so busy about me。 I was to take hot soup and broiled fowl察while
Mr Bucket dried himself and dined elsewhere察but I could not do it
when a snug round table was presently spread by the fireside察
though I was very unwilling to disappoint them。 However察I could
take some toast and some hot negus察and as I really enjoyed that
refreshment察it made some recompense。
Punctual to the time察at the half´hour¨s end the carriage came
rumbling under the gateway察 and they took me down察 warmed察
refreshed察comforted by kindness察and safe I assured them not to
faint any more。 After I had got in and had taken a grateful leave of
them all察the youngest daughter!a blooming girl of nineteen察who
was to be the first married察 they had told me!got upon the
carriage step察 reached in察 and kissed me。 I have never seen her察
from that hour察but I think of her to this hour as my friend。
The transparent windows with the fire and light察 looking so
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bright and warm from the cold darkness out of doors察 were soon
gone察 and again we were crushing and churning the loose snow。
We went on with toil enough察but the dismal roads were not much
worse than they had been察and the stage was only nine miles。 My
companion smoking on the box!I had thought at the last inn of
begging him to do so察when I saw him standing at a great fire in a
comfortable cloud of tobacco!was as vigilant as ever察 and as
quickly down and up again察when we came to any human abode or
any human creature。 He had lighted his little dark lantern察which
seemed to be a favourite with him察 for we had lamps to the
carriage察and every now and then he turned it upon me察to see that
I was