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bleak house(奈噌議型徨)-及283嫗

弌傍 bleak house(奈噌議型徨) 忖方 耽匈4000忖

梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何

shall    not   be  seen察  and   lies  moaning。      He   passes    into  a  kind   of 

relapse察or into a swoon察and it is an hour before he opens his eyes察

reclining     on   his   faithful   and   attached     old   servant¨s    arm。    The 

doctors     know   that   he    is   best   with   her察 and察  when   not   actively 

engaged about him察stand aloof。 

    The slate comes into requisition again察but the word   he   wants 

to   write察  he  cannot   remember。        His   anxiety察   his  eagerness察    and 

affliction察at this pass察are pitiable to behold。 It seems as if he must 

go mad察in the necessity he feels for haste察and the inability under 

which he labours of expressing to do what察or to fetch whom。 He 

has   written   the   letter   B察  and   there   stopped。   Of   a   sudden察  in   the 

height   of   his   misery察  he   puts   Mr   before   it。   The   old   housekeeper 

suggests Bucket。 Thank Heaven That¨s his meaning。 

    Mr Bucket is found to be downstairs察by appointment。 Shall he 

come up拭

    There is no possibility of misconstruing Sir Leicester¨s burning 

wish to see him察or the desire he signifies to have the room cleared 

of   every   one   but   the   housekeeper。   It   is   speedily   done察    and   Mr 

Bucket appears。 Of all men upon earth察Sir Leicester seems fallen 

from his high estate to place his sole trust and reliance upon this 


    ^Sir Leicester Dedlock察Baronet察I¨m sorry to see you like this。 I 

hope  you¨ll   cheer  up。 I¨m sure  you  will察  on   account   of   the   family 

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credit。 ̄ 

    Sir Leicester puts   her letter  in   his   hand察  and  looks   intently  in 

his   face   while    he   reads   it。  A  new    intelligence     comes    into   Mr 

Bucket¨s   eye察  as   he   reads   on察  with   one   hook   of   his   finger察  while 

that    eye   is  still  glancing     over    the   words察   he   indicates察     Sir 

Leicester Dedlock察Baronet察I understand you。 ̄ 

    Sir  Leicester  writes   upon  the   slate。   ^Full   forgiveness。   Find! ̄ 

Mr Bucket stops his hand。 

    ^Sir   Leicester   Dedlock察  Baronet察  I¨ll   find   her。   But   my   search 

after her must be begun out of hand。 Not a minute must be lost。 ̄ 

    With     the   quickness       of  thought      he   follows     Sir   Leicester 

Dedlock¨s look towards a little box upon a table。 

    ^Bring it here察Sir Leicester Dedlock察Baronet拭Certainly。 Open 

it with  one   of   these   here   keys拭 Certainly。   The   littlest key拭To  be 

sure。 Take the notes out拭So I will。 Count ¨em拭That¨s soon done。 

Twenty   and       thirty¨s  fifty察 and   twenty¨s    seventy察   and    fifty¨s  one 

twenty察and forty¨s one sixty。 Take ¨em for expenses拭That I¨ll do察

and render an account of course。 Don¨t spare money拭No察I won¨t。 ̄ 

    The velocity and certainty of Mr Bucket¨s interpretation on all 

these   heads   is   little  short   of  miraculous。      Mrs   Rouncewell察     who 

holds the light察is giddy with the swiftness of his eyes and hands察

as he starts up察furnished for his journey。 

    ^You¨re George¨s mother察old lady察that¨s about what you are察I 

believe拭院     says   Mr   Bucket察   aside察  with   his   hat  already    on察  and 

buttoning his coat。 

    ^Yes察sir察I am his distressed mother。 ̄ 

    ^So I thought察according to what he mentioned to me just now。 

Well察  then察  I¨ll   tell   you   something。   You   needn¨t   be   distressed   no 

more。 Your son¨s all right。 Now don¨t you begin a´crying察because 

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what   you¨ve   got   to   do   is   to   take   care   of   Sir   Leicester   Dedlock察

Baronet察and you won¨t do that by crying。 As to your son察he¨s all 

right察I tell you察and   he   sends   his loving  duty察  and  hoping  you¨re 

the   same。   He¨s   discharged   honourable察  that¨s   about   what  he   is察

with no more imputation on his character than there is on yours察

and yours is a tidy one察I¨ll bet a pound。 You may  trust  me察  for  I 

took your son。 He conducted himself in a game way察too察  on   that 

occasion察  and   he¨s   a   fine´made   man察  and   you¨re   a   fine´made   old 

lady察  and   you¨re   a   mother   and   son察  the   pair   of   you察  as   might   be 

showed   for  models   in   a caravan。 Sir  Leicester  Dedlock察  Baronet察

what you¨ve trusted to me察I¨ll go through with。 Don¨t you be afraid 

of my turning out of my way察right or left察or taking a sleep察or a 

wash察  or   a   shave察  till   I   have   found   what   I   go   in   search   of。   Say 

everything   as   is   kind   and   forgiving   on   your   part拭  Sir   Leicester 

Dedlock察Baronet察I will。 And I wish you  better察  and  these   family 

affairs smoothed over!as察Lord many other family affairs equally 

has been察and equally will be察to the end of time。 ̄ 

    With this peroration察Mr Bucket察buttoned up察goes quietly out察

looking steadily before him as if he were already piercing the night 

in quest of the fugitive。 

    His   first  step   is   to   take   himself   to   Lady   Dedlock¨s   rooms察  and 

look   all   over   them   for   any   trifling   indication   that   may   help   him。 

The rooms are in darkness now察and to see Mr Bucket with a wax´ 

light   in   his   hand察  holding   it   above   his   head察  and   taking   a   sharp 

mental      inventory      of  the   many      delicate    objects    so   curiously     at 

variance   with   himself察  would   be   to   see   a        sight察which   nobody 

does see察as he is particular to lock himself in。 

    ^A spicy boudoir this察院says Mr Bucket察who feels in a manner 

furbished   up   in   his   French   by   the   blow   of   the   morning。   ^Must 

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have cost a sight of money。 Rum articles to cut away from察these察

she must have been hard put to it 院

    Opening  and   shutting   table´drawers察  and   looking   into   caskets 

and     jewel´cases察    he   sees   the   reflection    of  himself    in   various 

mirrors察and moralises thereon。 

    ^One might suppose I was a moving in the fashionable circles察

and getting myself up for Almack¨s察院says Mr Bucket。 ^I begin to 

think I must be a swell in the Guards察without knowing it。 ̄ 

    Ever   looking   about察  he   has   opened   a   dainty   little   chest   in   an 

inner  drawer。   His  great  hand察  turning  over  some   gloves   which  it 

can scarcely feel察they are so light and soft within it察comes upon a 

white handkerchief。 

    ^Hum Let¨s have a look at you察院says Mr Bucket察putting down 

the light。 ^What should you be kept by  yourself  for拭 What¨s your 

motive拭  Are      you   her   Ladyship¨s     property察   or   somebody   else¨s拭

You¨ve got a mark upon you察somewheres or another察I suppose拭院

    He finds it as he speaks察 Esther Summerson。 ̄ 

    ^Oh 院    says   Mr   Bucket察    pausing     with   his  finger    at  his  ear。 

^Come察I¨ll take you。 ̄ 

    He completes his observations as quietly and carefully as he has 

carried   them   on察  leaves   everything   else   precisely   as   he   found   it察

glides   away   after   some   five   minutes   in   all察  and   passes   into   the 

street。 With a glance upward at the dimly lighted windows of Sir 

Leicester¨s room察he sets off察full swing察to the nearest coach

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