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bleak house(奈噌議型徨)-及274嫗

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梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何

Ladyship   Eh察  my   faith察  a   pretty   Ladyship   Why察  I   r´r´r´ruin   my 

character by remaining with a Ladyship so infame 院

    ^Upon my  soul   I  wonder at  you 院  Mr  Bucket  remonstrates。   ^I 

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thought the French were a polite nation察I did察really。 Yet to hear a 

female going on like that察before Sir Leicester Dedlock察Baronet 院

    ^He   is   a   poor   abused 院  cries   Mademoiselle。   ^I   spit   upon   his 

house察upon his name察upon his imbecility察院all of which she makes 

the carpet represent。 ^Oh察that he is a great man O yes察superb O 

heaven Bah 院

    ^Well察    Sir   Leicester     Dedlock察院     proceeds      Mr    Bucket察     this 

intemperate   foreigner  also   angrily   took   it   into   her   head   that   she 

had     established     a   claim    upon    Mr    Tulkinghorn察      deceased察     by 

attending  on   the   occasion   I   told   you   of察  at   his   chambers察  though 

she was liberally paid for her time and trouble。 ̄ 

    ^Lie 院cries Mademoiselle。 ^I ref´use his money altogezzer。 ̄ 

    ─If    you    will     Parlay察     you     know察院      says    Mr      Bucket察

parenthetically察 you must take the consequences。 Now察whether 

she became my lodger察Sir Leicester Dedlock察with any deliberate 

intention      then   of  doing    this  deed    and    blinding    me察   I  give   no 

opinion on察but she lived in my house察in that capacity察at the time 

that   she   was   hovering   about   the   chambers   of   the   deceased   Mr 

Tulkinghorn   with   a   view   to   a   wrangle察  and   likewise   persecuting 

and half frightening the life out of an unfortunate stationer。 ̄ 

    ^Lie 院cries Mademoiselle。 ^All lie 院

    ^The   murder   was   committed察  Sir   Leicester   Dedlock察  Baronet察

and   you   know   under   what   circumstances。   Now察  I   beg   of   you   to 

follow me close with your attention for a minute or two。 I was sent 

for察and the case was entrusted to me。 I examined the place察and 

the    body察  and    the  papers察  and     everything。     From     information      I 

received      from   a  clerk   in   the  same     house    I  took   George     into 

custody察  as   having  been   seen   hanging   about   there察  on   the   night察

and   at   very   nigh   the   time察  of   the   murder察  also察  as   having   been 

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overheard in high words with the deceased on former occasions! 

even threatening him察as the witness made out。 If you ask me察Sir 

Leicester Dedlock察whether from the first I believed George to be 

the    murderer察      I  tell   you    candidly     No察   but    he   might     be察

notwithstanding察and there was enough against him to make it my 

duty to take him察and get him kept under remand。 Now察observe 院

   As   Mr   Bucket   bends   forward   in   some   excitement!for   him! 

and inaugurates what he is going to say with  one   ghostly beat  of 

his   forefinger   in   the   air察  Mademoiselle   Hortense   fixes   her   black 

eyes upon him with a dark frown察and sets her dry lips closely and 

firmly together。 

    ^I   went   home察  Sir   Leicester   Dedlock察  Baronet察  at   night察  and 

found this young woman having supper with my wife察Mrs Bucket。 

She  had made   a mighty  show  of   being   fond   of   Mrs   Bucket   from 

her   first   offering   herself   as   our   lodger察  but   that   night   she   made 

more     than    ever!in     fact   overdid    it。  Likewise    she   overdid     her 

respect察and all that察for the lamented memory of the deceased Mr 

Tulkinghorn。       By   the   living   Lord    it  flashed   upon    me察  as   I  sat 

opposite to her at the table and saw her with a knife in her hand察

that she had done it 院

    Mademoiselle is hardly audible察in straining  through  her  teeth 

and lips the words ^You are a Devil。 ̄ 

    ^Now where察院pursues Mr Bucket察had she been on the night of 

the murder拭She had been to the theayter。 She really was there察I 

have since found察both before the deed and after it。 I knew I had 

an   artful   customer   to   deal    with察  and   that   proof   would    be  very 

difficult察and I laid a trap for her!such a trap as I never laid yet察

and   such   a   venture   as   I   never   made   yet。   I   worked   it   out   in   my 

mind while I was talking to her at supper。 When I went upstairs to 

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bed察our house being small and this young woman¨s ears sharp察I 

stuffed the sheet into Mrs Bucket¨s mouth that she shouldn¨t say a 

word   of   surprise察  and   told   her   all   about   it。!My   dear察  don¨t   you 

give your mind to that again察or  I shall link   your  feet  together  at 

the ankles。 ̄ Mr Bucket察breaking off察has made a noiseless descent 

upon Mademoiselle察and laid his heavy hand upon her shoulder。 

    ^What is the matter with you now拭院she asks him。 

    ^Don¨t     you    think    any    more察院    returns     Mr    Bucket察    with 

admonitory   finger察   of   throwing   yourself   out   of   window。   That¨s 

what¨s the matter with me。 Come Just take my arm。 You needn¨t 

get   up察  I¨ll   sit   down   by   you。   Now察  take   my   arm察  will   you。   I¨m   a 

married man察you know察you¨re acquainted with my wife。 Just take 

my arm。 ̄ 

   Vainly   endeavouring   to   moisten   those   dry   lips察  with   a   painful 

sound察she struggles with herself and complies。 

    ^Now we¨re all right again。 Sir Leicester Dedlock察Baronet察this 

case could never have been the case it is察but for Mrs Bucket察who 

is a woman in fifty thousand!in a hundred and fifty thousand To 

throw this young woman off her guard察I have never set foot in our 

house   since察  though   I¨ve   communicated   with   Mrs   Bucket察  in   the 

baker¨s loaves and in the milk察as often as required。 My whispered 

words to Mrs Bucket察when she had the sheet in her mouth were察

`My dear察can you throw her off continually with natural accounts 

of my suspicions   against  George察  and   this察 and   that察and   t¨other拭

Can you do without rest察and keep watch upon her night and day拭

Can     you   undertake      to  say察 She    shall  do   nothing     without    my 

knowledge察  she   shall   be   my   prisoner   without   suspecting   it察  she 

shall no more escape from me than from death察and her life shall 

be my life察and her soul my soul察till I have got her察if she did this 

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murder拭   Mrs   Bucket  says   to  me察as   well   as   she   could   speak察  on 

account  of  the   sheet察   Bucket察  I   can    And   she   has   acted   up   to   it 

glorious 院

    ^Lies 院Mademoiselle interposes。 ^All lies察my friend 院

    ^Sir Leicester Dedlock察Baronet察how did my calculations come 

out    under     these   circumstances拭       When     I  calculated     that   this 

impetuous young woman would overdo it in new directions察was I 

wrong or right拭I was right。 What does she try to do拭Don¨t let it 

give you a turn拭To throw the murder on her Ladyship。 ̄ 

    Sir Leicester rises from his chair察and staggers down again。 

    ^And     she   got  encouragement   in        it  from  he

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