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bleak house(奈噌議型徨)-及270嫗

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making use of the term we commonly employ!and I reckoned her 

up察so far察completely。 I confronted the maid察  in   the   chambers in 

Lincoln¨s Inn Fields察with a witness who had been Lady Dedlock¨s 

guide察and there couldn¨t be   the   shadow  of  a   doubt  that  she   had 

worn   the   young   woman¨s   dress察  unknown   to   her。   Sir   Leicester 

Dedlock察Baronet察I did endeavour to pave the way a little towards 

these     unpleasant      disclosures      yesterday察    by    saying    that   very 

strange things happened even in high families sometimes。 All this察

and more察has happened in your own family察and to and through 

your  own   Lady。   It¨s   my  belief  that  the   deceased   Mr  Tulkinghorn 

followed   up   these inquiries   to  the   hour  of  his   death察  and   that  he 

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and   Lady   Dedlock   even   had   bad   blood   between   them   upon   the 

matter察that very night。 Now察only you put that to  Lady  Dedlock察

Sir   Leicester   Dedlock察  Baronet察  and   ask   her   Ladyship   whether察

even   after   he   had   left   here察  she   didn¨t   go   down   to   his   chambers 

with the intention of saying something further to him察dressed in a 

loose black mantle with a deep fringe to it。 ̄ 

    Sir Leicester sits like a statute察gazing at the cruel finger that is 

probing the life´blood of his heart。 

    ^You put that to her Ladyship察Sir Leicester Dedlock察Baronet察

from me察Inspector Bucket of the Detective。   And  if  her  Ladyship 

makes any difficulty about admitting of it察you tell her that¨s it no 

use察  that   Inspector   Bucket   knows   it察  and   knows   that   she   passed 

the   soldier  as   you  called   him  though  he¨s   not  in   the   army  now察

and knows that she knows she passed him察on the staircase。 Now察

Sir Leicester Dedlock察Baronet察why do I relate all this拭院

    Sir Leicester察who has covered his face with his hands察uttering 

a single groan察requests him to pause for a moment。 By´and´by察he 

takes   his   hands   away察  and   so   preserves   his   dignity   and   outward 

calmness察  though  there   is   no more   colour   in   his   face   than   in   his 

white   hair察  that   Mr   Bucket   is   a   little   awed   by   him。   Something 

frozen and fixed is upon his manner察over and above its usual shell 

of haughtiness察and Mr Bucket soon detects an unusual slowness 

in his speech察with now and then a curious trouble   in beginning察

which      occasions     him    to  utter   inarticulate     sounds。     With    such 

sounds he now breaks silence察soon察however察controlling himself 

to say察that he does not comprehend why a gentleman so faithful 

and      zealous      as    the    late    Mr     Tulkinghorn        should      have 

communicated to him nothing of this painful察this distressing察this 

unlooked´for察this overwhelming察this incredible intelligence。 

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    ^Again察  Sir   Leicester   Dedlock察  Baronet察院  returns   Mr   Bucket察

^put it to her Ladyship to clear that up。 Put it to her Ladyship察if 

you   think   right察  from   Inspector   Bucket   of   the      Detective。    You¨ll 

find察  or   I¨m   much   mistaken察  that   the   deceased   Mr   Tulkinghorn 

had the intention of communicating the whole to you察as soon as 

he considered it ripe察and further察that he had given her Ladyship 

so to understand。 Why察he might  have   been   going  to  reveal   it  on 

the   very   morning   when   I   examined   the   body         You    don¨t   know 

what I¨m going to say and do察five minutes from this present time察

Sir Leicester Dedlock察Baronet察and supposing I was to be picked 

off now察you might wonder why I hadn¨t done it察don¨t you see拭院

    True。 Sir Leicester察avoiding with some trouble察those obtrusive 

sounds察    says察   True。 ̄    At   this  juncture察   a  considerable      noise   of 

voices is heard in the hall。 Mr Bucket察after listening察goes to the 

library´door察  softly  unlocks   and  opens   it察and   listens   again。   Then 

he   draws   in   his   head察  and   whispers察  hurriedly察  but   composedly察

^Sir Leicester Dedlock察Baronet察this unfortunate family affair has 

taken   air察  as   I   expected   it   might察  the   deceased   Mr   Tulkinghorn 

being cut down so sudden。 The chance to hush it察is to let in these 

people察  now   in   a   wrangle   with   your   footmen。   Would   you   mind 

sitting quiet!on the family account!while I reckon ¨em up拭And 

would you just throw in a nod察when I seem to ask you for it拭院

    Sir   Leicester   indistinctly   answers察   Officer。   The   best   you   can察

the   best   you   can 院  and   Mr   Bucket察  with   a   nod   and   a   sagacious 

crook of the forefinger察slips down into the hall察where the voices 

quickly die away。 He is not long in returning察a few paces ahead of 

Mercury察and a brother deity also powdered and in peach´blossom 

smalls察  who  bear  between   them a   chair  in   which  is   an   incapable 

old man。 Another man and two women come behind。 Directing the 

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pitching  of  the   chair察  in   an   affable   and   easy  manner察  Mr   Bucket 

dismisses   the   Mercuries察  and   locks   the   door   again。   Sir   Leicester 

looks on at this invasion of the sacred precincts with an icy stare。 

    ^Now察perhaps you may know me察ladies and gentlemen察院says 

Mr Bucket察in a confidential voice。 ^I am Inspector Bucket of the 

Detective察I am察and this察院producing the tip of his convenient little 

staff from his breast pocket察 is my authority。 Now察you wanted to 

see   Sir   Leicester   Dedlock察  Baronet。   Well   You   do   see   him察  and察

mind   you察  it   ain¨t   every   one   as   is   admitted   to   that   honour。   Your 

name察  old   gentleman察  is   Smallweed察  that¨s   what   your   name   is察  I 

know it well。 ̄ 

    ^Well察    and    you   never     heard     any   harm      of  it 院 cried    Mr 

Smallweed察in a shrill loud voice。 

    ^You  don¨t  happen   to know  why  they  killed   the   pig察  do   you拭院

retorts    Mr    Bucket察   with    a  steadfast    look察  but   without     loss  of 


    ^No 院

    ^Why察  they   killed   him察院  says   Mr   Bucket察       on   account   of   his 

having     so   much     cheek。   Don¨t    you   get   into   the  same     position察

because it isn¨t worthy of you。 You ain¨t in the habit of conversing 

with a deaf person察are you拭院

    ^Yes察院snarls Mr Smallweed察 my wife¨s deaf。 ̄ 

    ^That accounts for your pitching your voice so high。 But as she 

ain¨t here察just pitch it an octave or two lower察will you察and I¨ll not 

only   be    obliged    to   you察 but  it¨ll  do  you   more    credit察院  says   Mr 

Bucket。 ^This other gentleman is in the preaching line察I think拭院

    ^Name       of   Chadband察院       Mr    Smallweed        puts    in察 speaking 

henceforth in a much lower key。 

    ^Once   had   a   friend   and   brother   serjeant   of   the   same   name察院

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says Mr Bucket察offering his hand察 and consequently feel a liking 

for it。 Mrs Chadband察no doubt拭院

   ^And Mrs Snagsby察院Mr Smallweed 

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