bleak house(奈噌議型徨)-及269嫗
梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
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Bleak House 996
precaution察stooping on his knee for a moment察from mere force of
habit察so to adjust the key in the lock as that no one shall peep in
from the outer´side。
^Sir Leicester Dedlock察 Baronet察 I mentioned yesterday
evening察that I wanted but a very little to complete this case。 I have
now completed it察and collected proof against the person who did
this crime。 ̄
^Against the soldier拭院
^No察Sir Leicester Dedlock察not the soldier。 ̄
Sir Leicester looks astounded察 and inquires察 Is the man in
Mr Bucket tells him察after a pause察 It was a woman。 ̄
Sir Leicester leans back in his chair察 and breathlessly
ejaculates察 Good Heaven 院
^Now察 Sir Leicester Dedlock察 Baronet察院 Mr Bucket begins察
standing over him with one hand spread out on the library table察
and the forefinger of the other in impressive use察 it¨s my duty to
prepare you for a train of circumstances that may察and I go so far
as to say that will察 give you a shock。 But Sir Leicester Dedlock察
Baronet察 you are a gentleman察 and I know what a gentleman is察
and what a gentleman is capable of。 A gentleman can bear a
shock察 when it must come察boldly and steadily。 A gentleman can
make up his mind to stand up against almost any blow。 Why察take
yourself察 Sir Leicester Dedlock察 Baronet。 If there¨s a blow to be
inflicted on you察 you naturally think of your family。 You ask
yourself察 how would all them ancestors of yours察 away to Julius
Caesar!not to go beyond him at present!have borne that blow察
you remember scores of them that would have borne it well察and
you bear it well on their accounts察 and to maintain the family
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credit。 That¨s the way you argue察 and that¨s the way you act察Sir
Leicester Dedlock察Baronet。 ̄
Sir Leicester察 leaning back in his chair察 and grasping the
elbows察sits looking at him with a stony face。
^Now察 Sir Leicester Dedlock察院 proceeds Mr Bucket察 thus
preparing you察 let me beg of you not to trouble your mind for a
moment察as to anything having come to my knowledge。 I know so
much about so many characters察 high and low察 that a piece of
information more or less察 don¨t signify a straw。 I don¨t suppose
there¨s a move on the board that would surprise me察and as to this
or that move having taken place察why my knowing it is no odds at
all察 any possible move whatever provided it¨s in a wrong
direction being a probable move according to my experience。
Therefore察 what I say to you察 Sir Leicester Dedlock察 Baronet察 is察
don¨t you go and let yourself be put out of the way察because of my
knowing anything of your family affairs。 ̄
^I thank you for your preparation察院returns Sir Leicester察after
a silence察without moving hand察foot察or feature察 which I hope is
not necessary察though I give it credit for being well intended。 Be so
good as to go on。 Also! ̄ Sir Leicester seems to shrink in the
shadow of his figure!^also to take a seat察 if you have no
objection。 ̄
None at all。 Mr Bucket brings a chair察 and diminishes his
shadow。 ^Now察 Sir Leicester Dedlock察 Baronet察 with this short
preface I come to the point。 Lady Dedlock! ̄
Sir Leicester raises himself in his seat察 and stares at him
fiercely。 Mr Bucket brings the finger into play as an emollient。
^Lady Dedlock察you see察she¨s universally admired。 That¨s what
her Ladyship is察she¨s universally admired察院says Mr Bucket。
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^I would greatly prefer察 officer察院 Sir Leicester returns察 stiffly察
^my Lady¨s name being entirely omitted from this discussion。 ̄
^So would I察 Sir Leicester Dedlock Baronet察 but!it¨s
impossible。 ̄
Mr Bucket shakes his relentless head。
^Sir Leicester Dedlock察 Baronet察 it¨s altogether impossible。
What I have got to say察is about her Ladyship。 She is the pivot it all
turns on。 ̄
^Officer察院retorts Sir Leicester察with a fiery eye察and a quivering
lip察 you know your duty。 Do your duty察 but be careful not to
overstep it。 I would not suffer it。 I would not endure it。 You bring
my Lady¨s name into this communication upon your
responsibility!upon your responsibility。 My Lady¨s name is not a
name for common persons to trifle with 院
^Sir Leicester Dedlock察Baronet察I say what I must say察and no
more。 ̄
^I hope it may prove so。 Very well。 Go on。 Go on察sir 院
Glancing at the angry eyes which now avoid him察 and at the
angry figure trembling from head to foot察yet striving to be still察Mr
Bucket feels his way with his forefinger察 and in a low voice
^Sir Leicester Dedlock察Baronet察it becomes my duty to tell you
that the deceased Mr Tulkinghorn long entertained mistrusts and
suspicions of Lady Dedlock。 ̄
^If he had dared to breathe them to me察 sir!which he never
did!I would have killed him myself 院 exclaims Sir Leicester察
striking his hand upon the table。 But察in the very heat and fury of
the act察he stops察fixed by the knowing eyes of Mr Bucket察whose
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forefinger is slowly going察and who察with mingled confidence and
patience察shakes his head。
^Sir Leicester Dedlock察the deceased Mr Tulkinghorn was deep
and close察and what he fully had in his mind in the very beginning察
I can¨t quite take upon myself to say。 But I know from his lips察that
he long ago suspected Lady Dedlock of having discovered察
through the sight of some handwriting!in this very house察 and
when you yourself察 Sir Leicester Dedlock察 were present!the
existence察in great poverty察of a certain person察who had been her
lover before you courted her察 and who ought to have been her
husband察院 Mr Bucket stops察 and deliberately repeats察 ought to
have been her husband察not a doubt about it。 I know from his lips察
that when that person soon afterwards died察 he suspected Lady
Dedlock of visiting his wretched lodging察 and his wretcheder
grave察 alone and in secret。 I know from my own inquiries察 and
through my eyes and ears察that Lady Dedlock did make such visit察
in the dress of her own maid察 for the deceased Mr Tulkinghorn
employed me to reckon up her Ladyship!if you¨ll excuse my
making use of the term we commonly employ!and I reckoned her
up察so far察completely。 I confronted the m