bleak house(奈噌議型徨)-及268嫗
梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
^A few察my Lady。 ̄
This is merely in passing。 She scarcely makes a stop察 and
sweeps upstairs alone。 Mr Bucket察moving towards the staircase´
foot察watches her as she goes up the steps the old man came down
to his grave察 past murderous groups of statuary察 repeated with
their shadowy weapons on the wall察 past the printed bill察 which
she looks at going by察out of view。
^She¨s a lovely woman察 too察 she really is察院 says Mr Bucket察
coming back to Mercury。 ^Don¨t look quite healthy察though。 ̄
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Is not quite healthy察Mercury informs him。 Suffers much from
Really拭 That¨s a pity Walking察 Mr Bucket would recommend
for that。 Well察she tries walking察Mercury rejoins。 Walks sometimes
for two hours察when she has them bad。 By night察too。
^Are you sure you¨re quite so much as six foot three拭院asks Mr
Bucket察 begging your pardon for interrupting you a moment拭院
Not a doubt about it。
^You¨re so well put together that I shouldn¨t have thought it。
But the household troops察 though considered fine men察 are built
so straggling。!Walks by night察 does she拭 When it¨s moonlight察
O yes。 When it¨s moonlight Of course。 O察 of course
Conversational and acquiescent on both sides。
^I suppose you ain¨t in the habit of walking察yourself拭院says Mr
Bucket。 ^Not much time for it察I should say拭院
Besides which察Mercury don¨t like it。 Prefers carriage exercise。
^To be sure察院says Mr Bucket。 ^That makes a difference。 Now I
think of it察院 says Mr Bucket察 warming his hands察 and looking
pleasantly at the blaze察 she went out walking察 the very night of
this business。 ̄
^To be sure she did I let her into the garden over the way。 ̄
^And left her there。 Certainly you did。 I saw you doing it。 ̄
^I didn¨t see you察院says Mercury。
^I was rather in a hurry察院returns Mr Bucket察 for I was going to
visit a aunt of mine that lives at Chelsea!next door but two to the
old original Bun House!ninety year old the old lady is察 a single
woman察and got a little property。 Yes察I chanced to be passing at
the time。 Let¨s see。 What time might it be拭It wasn¨t ten。 ̄
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^Half´past nine。 ̄
^You¨re right。 So it was。 And if I don¨t deceive myself察my Lady
was muffled in a loose black mantle察with a deep fringe to it拭院
^Of course she was。 ̄
Of course she was。 Mr Bucket must return to a little work he
has to get on with upstairs察but he must shake hands with Mercury
in acknowledgment of his agreeable conversation察 and will he!
this is all he asks!will he察when he has a leisure half´hour察think
of bestowing it on that Royal Academy Sculptor察for the advantage
of both parties拭
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Chapter 54
Springing A Mine
efreshed by sleep察 Mr Bucket rises betimes in the
Rmorning察 and prepares for a field´day。 Smartened up by
the aid of a clean shirt and a wet hairbrush察 with which
instrument察 on occasions of ceremony察 he lubricates such thin
locks as remain to him after his life of severe study察Mr Bucket lays
in a breakfast of two mutton chops as a foundation to work upon察
together with tea察eggs察toast察and marmalade察on a corresponding
scale。 Having much enjoyed these strengthening matters察 and
having held subtle conference with his familiar demon察 he
confidently instructs Mercury ^just to mention quietly to Sir
Leicester Dedlock察Baronet察that whenever he¨s ready for me察I¨m
ready for him。 ̄ A gracious message being returned察 that Sir
Leicester will expedite his dressing and join Mr Bucket in the
library within ten minutes察Mr Bucket repairs to that apartment察
and stands before the fire察with his finger on his chin察 looking at
the blazing coals。
Thoughtful Mr Bucket is察as a man may be察with weighty work
to do察but composed察sure察 confident。 From the expression of his
face察 he might be a famous whist´player for a large stake!say a
hundred guineas certain!with the game in his hand察but with a
high reputation involved in his playing his hand out to the last
card察in a masterly way。 Not in the least anxious or disturbed is Mr
Bucket when Sir Leicester appears察but he eyes the baronet aside
as he comes slowly to his easy chair察with that observant gravity of
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yesterday察in which there might have been yesterday察but for the
audacity of the idea察a touch of compassion。
^I am sorry to have kept you waiting察 officer察 but I am rather
later than my usual hour this morning。 I am not well。 The
agitation察and the indignation from which I have recently suffered察
have been too much for me。 I am subject to!gout察院Sir Leicester
was going to say indisposition察and would have said it to anybody
else察 but Mr Bucket palpably knows all about it察 and recent
circumstances have brought it on。 ̄
As he takes his seat with some difficulty察 and with an air of
pain察 Mr Bucket draws a little nearer察 standing with one of his
large hands on the library table。
^I am not aware察 officer察院 Sir Leicester observes察 raising his
eyes to his face察 whether you wish us to be alone察 but that is
entirely as you please。 If you do察 well and good。 If not察 Miss
Dedlock would be interested! ̄
^Why察 Sir Leicester Dedlock察 Baronet察院 returns Mr Bucket察
with his head persuasively on one side察and his forefinger pendant
at one ear like an earring察 we can¨t be too private察just at present。
You will presently see that we can¨t be too private。 A lady察under
any circumstances察 and especially in Miss Dedlock¨s elevated
station of society察 can¨t but be agreeable to me察 but speaking
without a view to myself察I will take the liberty of assuring you that
I know we can¨t be too private。 ̄
^That is enough。 ̄
^So much so察 Sir Leicester Dedlock察 Baronet察院 Mr Bucket
resumes察 that I was on the point of asking your permission to
turn the key in the door。 ̄
^By all means。 ̄ Mr Bucket skilfully and softly takes that
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