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bleak house(奈噌議型徨)-及26嫗

弌傍 bleak house(奈噌議型徨) 忖方 耽匈4000忖

梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何

up and down steps out of one room into another察and   where  you 

come   upon  more   rooms   when   you   think   you   have   seen   all   there 

are察  and   where   there   is   a   bountiful   provision   of   little   halls   and 

passages察     and     where     you    find   still  older察   cottage´rooms       in 

unexpected        places察   with    lattice   windows       and    green     growth 

pressing through them。 Mine察which we entered first察  was   of  this 

kind察with an up´and´down roof察that had more corners in it than I 

ever counted afterwards察and a chimney there was a wood´fire on 

the hearth paved all around with pure white tiles察in every one of 

which a bright miniature of the fire was blazing。 Out of this room察

you    went    down     two   steps    into   a  charming      little  sitting´room察

looking  down   upon   a  flower´garden察  which  room   was   henceforth 

to belong to Ada and me。 Out of this you went up three steps察into 

Ada¨s   bedroom察  which   had   a   fine   broad   window察  commanding   a 

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                                  Bleak House                                     97 

beautiful      view   we    saw    a   great   expanse      of  darkness      lying 

underneath the stars察to which there was a hollow window´seat察in 

which察with a spring´lock察three dear Adas might have been lost at 

once。 Out of this room察you passed into a little gallery察with which 

the other best rooms only two communicated察and so察by a little 

staircase   of   shallow   steps察  with   a   number   of   corner   stairs   in   it察

considering its length察down into the hall。 But if察instead of going 

out at Ada¨s door察you came back into my room察and went out  at 

the door by which you had entered it察and turned up a few crooked 

steps that branched off in an unexpected manner from the stairs察

you   lost   yourself   in   passages察  with   mangles   in   them察  and   three´ 

cornered tables察and a Native´Hindoo chair察which was also a sofa察

a   box察  and    a  bedstead察   and    looked    in  every   form察   something 

between a bamboo skeleton and a great bird´cage察  and   had been 

brought from India nobody knew by whom or when。 From these察

you came on Richard¨s room察which was part library察part sitting´ 

room察part bedroom察and seemed indeed a comfortable compound 

of many rooms。 Out of that察you went straight察with a little interval 

of passage察to the plain room where Mr Jarndyce slept察all the year 

round察with his window open察his bedstead without any furniture 

standing in the middle of the floor for more air察and his cold´bath 

gaping for him in a smaller room adjoining。 Out of that察you came 

into another passage察where there were backstairs察and where you 

could hear the horses being rubbed down察outside the stable察and 

being   told   to   Hold   up察  and   Get   over察  as   they   slipped   about   very 

much   on   the   uneven   stones。   Or   you   might察  if   you   came   out   at 

another door every room had at least two doors察go straight down 

to   the   hall   again    by  half´a´dozen      steps   and    a  low    archway察

wondering how you got back there察or had ever got out of it。 

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                                    Bleak House                                      98 

    The   furniture察  old´fashioned   rather   than         old察  like  the  house察

was as pleasantly irregular。 Ada¨s sleeping´room was all flowers! 

in chintz and paper察in velvet察in needlework察in the brocade of two 

stiff courtly chairs察which stood察each attended by a little page of a 

stool for greater state察on either side of the fireplace。 Our sitting´ 

room   was      green察  and    had察  framed     and   glazed察  upon     the   walls察

numbers of surprising and surprised birds察staring out of pictures 

at   a   real   trout   in   a   case察  as   brown   and   shining   as   if   it   had   been 

served with gravy察at the death of Captain Cook察and at the whole 

process of preparing tea in China察as depicted by Chinese artists。 

In my room there were oval engravings of the months!ladies hay´ 

making察  in   short   waists察  and   large   hats   tied   under   the   chin察  for 

June!smooth´legged             noblemen察     pointing察   with    cocked    hats察  to 

village´steeples察      for  October。     Half´length      portraits察  in   crayons察

abounded   all      through   the     house察   but   were    so  dispersed     that   I 

found the brother of a youthful officer of mine in the china´closet察

and the grey old age of my pretty young bride察with a flower in her 

bodice察in the breakfast room。 As substitutes察I had four angels察of 

Queen Anne¨s reign察taking a complacent gentleman to heaven察in 

festoons察  with   some   difficulty察  and   a   composition   in   needlework察

representing   fruit察  a   kettle察  and   an   alphabet。   All   the   moveables察

from   the   wardrobes   to   the   chairs   and   tables察  hangings察  glasses察

even   to  the   pincushions  and   scent´bottles  on   the   dressing´tables察

displayed   the   same   quaint   variety。   They   agreed   in   nothing   but 

their perfect neatness察their display of the whitest linen察and their 

storing´up察wheresoever the existence of a drawer察small or large察

rendered       it  possible察    of  quantities     of   rose´leaves     and    sweet 

lavender。   Such察  with   its   illuminated   windows察  softened   here   and 

there by shadows of curtains察shining out upon the starlight night察

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                                    Bleak House                                      99 

with its light察and warmth察and comfort察with its hospitable jingle察

at   a  distance察    of  preparations      for  dinner察    with   the   face   of  its 

generous   master   brightening   everything   we   saw察  and   just   wind 

enough without to sound a low accompaniment  to  everything  we 

heard察were our first impressions of Bleak House。 

    ^I am glad you like it察院said Mr Jarndyce察when he had brought 

us   round   again   to   Ada¨s   sitting´room。   ^It   makes   no   pretensions察

but it is a comfortable little place察I hope察and will be more so with 

such bright young looks in it。 You have barely half an hour before 

dinner。 There¨s no one here but the finest creature upon earth!a 

child。 ̄ 

    ^More children察Esther 院said Ada。 

    ^I   don¨t   mean   literally   a   child察院  pursued   Mr   Jarndyce察   not   a 

child in years。 He is grown up!he is at least as old as I am!but in 

simplicity察    and   freshness察    and   enthusiasm察      and   a  fine   guileless 

inaptitude for all worldly affairs察he is a perfect child。 ̄ 

    We felt that he must be very interesting。 

    ^He   knows   Mrs   Jellyby察院  said   Mr   Jarndyce。   ^He   is   a   musical 

man察  an   Amateur察  but   might   have   been   a   Professional。   He   is   an 

Artist察too察an Amateur察but might have been a Professional。 He is 

a   man   of   attainments   and   of   captivating   manners。   He   has   been 

unfortunate   in   his   affairs察  and   unfortunate   in   his   pursuits察  and 

unfortunate in his family察but he don¨t care!he¨s a child 院

    ^Did you imply that he has children of his own察sir拭院inquired 


    ^Yes。   Rick  Half´a´dozen。   More  Near  a   dozen察  I   should   think。 

But   he   has   never   looked   after   them。   How   could   he拭  He   wanted 

somebody   to   look   after  him。   He   is   a   child察  you   know 院  said   Mr 


Charles Dickens                               

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