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him dearly 院

    ^And you were so fully and so kindly occupied察excellent Dame 

Durden察院said Richard察 that how could we speak to you at such a 

time And besides察it was not a long´considered step。 We went out 

one morning and were married。 ̄ 

    ^And when it was done察Esther察院said my darling察 I was always 

thinking      how    to  tell  you察  and    what    to  do   for   the   best。  And 

sometimes I thought you ought to know it directly察and sometimes 

I   thought   you   ought   not   to   know   it   and   keep   it   from   my   cousin 

John察and I could not tell what to do察and I fretted very much。 ̄ 

    How     selfish   I  must    have   been察   not   to  have   thought     of  this 

before I don¨t know what I said now。 I was so sorry察and yet I was 

so  fond   of  them察and   so   glad   that   they   were   fond   of   me察  I   pitied 

them   so   much察  and   yet   I   felt   a   kind   of   pride   in   their   loving   one 

another。   I   never   had   experienced   such   painful   and   pleasurable 

emotion at one time察and in my own heart  I   did   not know  which 

predominated。 But I was not there to darken their way察I did not 

do that。 

    When   I   was   less   foolish   and   more   composed察  my   darling   took 

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her   wedding   ring   from   her   bosom察  and   kissed   it   and   put   it   on。 

Then   I   remembered   last   night察  and   told   Richard   that   ever   since 

her marriage she had worn it at night when there   was no  one   to 

see。 Then Ada blushingly asked me how did I know that察my dear拭

Then   I   told   Ada   how   I   had   seen   her   hand   concealed   under   her 

pillow察   and    had   little  thought   why察    my   dear。    Then     they   began 

telling me how it was察all over again察and I began to be sorry and 

glad   again察  and   foolish   again察  and   to   hide   my   plain   old   face   as 

much as I could察lest I should put them out of heart。 

    Thus   the   time   went   on察  until   it   became   necessary   for   me   to 

think of returning。 When that time arrived it was the worst of all察

for then my darling completely broke down。 She clung round my 

neck察calling me by every dear name she could think of察and saying 

what   should   she   do   without   me   Nor   was   Richard   much   better察

and as for me I should have been the worst of the three察if I  had 

not   severely   said   to   myself察     Now察   Esther察   if  you   do察 I¨ll   never 

speak to you again 院

    ^Why察I declare察院said I察 I never saw such a wife。 I don¨t think 

she   loves   her   husband   at   all。   Here察  Richard察  take   my   child察  for 

goodness¨ sake。 ̄ But I held her tight all the while察and could have 

wept over her I don¨t know how long。 

    ^I   give   this   dear  young couple notice察院  said   I察   that   I   am   only 

going   away   to   come   back   tomorrow察  and   that   I   shall   be   always 

coming backwards and forwards察until Symond¨s Inn is tired of the 

sight of me。 So I shall not say good´bye察Richard。 For what would 

be the use of that察you know察when I am coming back so soon 院

    I   had   given   my   darling   to   him   now察  and   I   meant   to   go察  but   I 

lingered for one more look of the precious face察which it seemed to 

rive my heart to turn from。 

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    So I said in a merry bustling manner that unless they gave me 

some   encouragement   to   come   back察  I   was   not   sure   that   I   could 

take    that   liberty察  upon    which     my    dear   girl  looked     up察  faintly 

smiling through her tears察and I folded her lovely face between my 

hands察and gave it one last kiss察and laughed察and ran away。 

    And when I got downstairs察O how I cried It almost seemed to 

me that I had lost my Ada for ever。 I was so  lonely  and so  blank 

without her察and it was so desolate to be going home with no hope 

of seeing her there察that I could get no comfort for a little while察as 

I walked up and down in a dim corner察sobbing and crying。 

    I   came   to   myself  by´and´by察  after   a   little   scolding察  and   took   a 

coach  home。   The   poor  boy   whom   I   had   found   at   St。   Albans   had 

reappeared        a   short   time  before察   and   was   lying   at  the   point    of 

death察    indeed察   was    then   dead察   though     I  did   not   know     it。  My 

Guardian had gone out to inquire about him察and did not return to 

dinner。   Being   quite   alone察  I   cried   a   little   again察  though察  on   the 

whole察I don¨t think I behaved so very察very ill。 

    It was only natural that I should not be quite accustomed to the 

loss of my  darling  yet。   Three   or  four  hours   were   not  a   long  time 

after   years。   But   my   mind   dwelt   so   much   upon   the   uncongenial 

scene     in  which     I  had   left  her察  and    I  pictured     it  as  such    an 

overshadowed stony´hearted one察and I so longed to be near her察

and taking some sort of care of her察that I determined to go back in 

the evening察only to look up at her windows。 

    It was foolish察I dare say察but it did not then seem at all so to me察

and   it   does   not   seem   quite   so   even   now。   I   took   Charley   into   my 

confidence察and we went out at dusk。 It was dark when we came to 

the    new    strange    home     of  my   dear    girl察 and   there   was    a  light 

behind the yellow blinds。 We walked past cautiously three or four 

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times察looking up察and narrowly  missed   encountering  Mr  Vholes察

who   came   out   of   his   office   while   we   were   there察  and   turned   his 

head to look up too察before going home。 The sight of his lank black 

figure察   and    the  lonesome      air  of  that   nook    in   the  dark察   were 

favourable to the state of my mind。 I thought of the youth and love 

and beauty of my dear girl察shut up in such an ill´assorted refuge察

almost as if it were a cruel place。 

    It   was   very   solitary   and   very   dull察  and   I   did   not   doubt   that   I 

might safely steal upstairs。 I left Charley below and went up with a 

light foot察not distressed by any glare from the feeble oil lanterns 

on the way。 I listened for a few moments察and in the musty rotting 

silence   of   the   house察  believed   that   I   could   hear   the   murmur   of 

their   young   voices。   I   put   my   lips   to   the   hearse´like   panel   of   the 

door察as a kiss for my dear察and came quietly down again察thinking 

that one of these days I would confess to the visit。 

    And it really did me good察for察though nobody but Charley and I 

knew anything about it察I somehow felt as if it had diminished the 

separation   between   Ada   and         me察  and   had   brought   us    together 

again for those moments。 I went back察not quite accustomed yet to 

the change察but all the better for that hovering about my darling。 

    My   Guardian   had   come   home察  and   was   standing   thoughtfully 

by the dark window。 When I went in察his face cleared and he came 

to his seat察but he caught the light upon my face as I took mine。 

    ^Little woman察院said he。 ^You have been crying。 ̄ 

    ^Why察yes察Guardian察院said I察 I am afraid I have   been a   little。 

Ada has been in such distress察and is so very sorry察

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