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was   changed察  but   something   in   the   familiar   beauty   of   her   face 

looked     different    to  me。    My   Guardian¨s      old   hopes    of  her   and 

Richard arose sorrowfully in my mind察and I said to myself察   she 

has been anxious about him察院and I wondered how that love would 


    When I had   come   home   from   Caddy¨s   while  she   was ill察  I   had 

often found Ada at work察and she had always put her work away察

and I had never known what it was。 Some of it now lay in a drawer 

near her察which was not quite closed。 I did   not  open   the   drawer察

but   I   still   rather   wondered   what   the   work   could   be察  for   it   was 

evidently nothing for herself。 

   And I noticed as I kissed my dear察that she   lay  with  one   hand 

under her pillow so that it was hidden。 

    How   much   less   amiable   I   must   have   been   than   they   thought 

me。    How     much     less  amiable     than   I  thought     myself察  to  be   so 

preoccupied   with   my   own   cheerfulness   and           contentment察     as  to 

think that it only rested with me to put my dear girl right察and set 

her mind at peace 

    But I lay down察self´deceived察in   that belief。   And I   awoke  in  it 

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next day察to find that there was still the same shade between   me 

and my darling。 

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                                Chapter 51 


             hen   Mr   Woodcourt   arrived   in   London察  he   went察  that 

Wvery same day察to Mr Vholes¨s in Symond¨s Inn。 For he 

             never once察from the moment when I entreated him to 

be   a   friend   to   Richard察  neglected   or   forgot   his   promise。   He   had 

told me that he accepted the charge as a sacred trust察and he was 

ever true to it in that spirit。 

   He found Mr Vholes in his office察and informed Mr Vholes of his 

agreement   with   Richard察  that   he   should   call   there   to   learn   his 


    ^Just so察sir察院said Mr Vholes。 ^Mr C¨s address is not a hundred 

miles from here察sir察Mr C¨s address is not  a   hundred miles   from 

here。 Would you take a seat察sir。 ̄ 

   Mr Woodcourt thanked Mr Vholes察but he had no business with 

him beyond what he had mentioned。 

    ^Just so察sir。 I believe察sir察院said Mr Vholes察still quietly insisting 

on   the   seat   by   not   giving   the   address察   that   you   have   influence 

with Mr C。 Indeed I am aware that you have。 ̄ 

    ^I was not aware of it myself察院returned Mr Woodcourt察 but I 

suppose you know best。 ̄ 

    ^Sir察院  rejoined   Mr   Vholes察  self´contained察  as   usual察  voice   and 

all察 it is a part of my professional duty to know best。 It is a part of 

my professional duty察to study and to understand a gentleman who 

confides his interests to me。 In my professional duty I shall not be 

wanting察    sir察 if  I  know  it。  I  may察 with   the   best  intentions察   be 

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wanting in it without knowing it察but not if I know it察sir。 ̄ 

    Mr Woodcourt again mentioned the address。 

    ^Give    me    leave察 sir察院 said   Mr   Vholes。    ^Bear    with   me   for  a 

moment。 Sir察Mr C is playing for a considerable stake察and cannot 

play without!need I say what拭院

    ^Money察I presume拭院

    ^Sir察院said Mr Vholes察 to be honest with you honesty being my 

golden rule察whether I gain by it or lose察and I find that I generally 

lose察  money   is   the   word。   Now察  sir察  upon   the   chances   of   Mr   C¨s 

game I express to you no  opinion察no   opinion。   It  might  be  highly 

impolitic in Mr C察after playing so long and so high察to leave off察it 

might   be    the   reverse。   I  say   nothing。   No察  sir察院 said  Mr    Vholes察

bringing his hand flat down upon his desk察in a positive manner察

^nothing。 ̄ 

    ^You seem to forget察院returned Mr Woodcourt察 that I ask you 

to say nothing察and have no interest in anything you say。 ̄ 

    ^Pardon      me察  sir拭院 retorted    Mr   Vholes察    you    do  yourself    an 

injustice。 No察sir Pardon me You shall not!shall not in my office察

if   I  know    it!do    yourself    an   injustice。   You    are   interested    in 

anything察  and   in   everything察  that   relates   to   your   friend。   I   know 

human nature much better察sir察than to admit for an instant that a 

gentleman       of  your    appearance       is  not  interested     in  whatever 

concerns his friend。 ̄ 

    ^Well察院replied Mr Woodcourt察 that may be。 I am particularly 

interested in his address。 ̄ 

    ─The number察sir察隠 said Mr Vholes察parenthetically察 娃I believe 

I have already mentioned。 If Mr C is to continue   to  play  for  this 

considerable       stake察  sir察 he  must    have    funds。   Understand       me 

There   are   funds   in   hand   at   present。   I   ask   for   nothing察  there   are 

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funds   in    hand。    But察  for   the  onward     play察  more    funds    must   be 

provided察     unless    Mr   C   is  to  throw    away    what    he   has   already 

ventured!which is wholly and solely a point for his consideration。 

This察  sir察  I   take   the   opportunity   of   stating   openly   to   you察  as   the 

friend of Mr C。 Without funds察I shall always be happy to appear 

and act for Mr C察to the extent of all such costs as are   safe   to be 

allowed out of the estate此not beyond that。 I could not go beyond 

that察  sir察  without   wronging   some        one。   I  must   either   wrong   my 

three dear girls察or my venerable father察who is entirely dependent 

on   me!in   the   Vale   of   Taunton察  or   some   one。   Whereas察  sir察  my 

resolution   is   call it  weakness   or   folly   if   you   please   to   wrong   no 

one。 ̄ 

    Mr Woodcourt rather sternly rejoined that he was glad to hear 


    ^I wish察sir察院said Mr Vholes察 to leave a good name behind me。 

Therefore察I take every opportunity of openly stating to a friend of 

Mr   C察  how   Mr   C    is  situated。   As   to   myself察  sir察 the  labourer   is 

worthy of his hire。 If I undertake to put my shoulder to the wheel察

I do it察and I earn what I get。 I am here for that purpose。 My name 

is painted on the door outside察with that object。 ̄ 

    ^And Mr Carstone¨s address察Mr Vholes拭院

    ^Sir察院   returned      Mr    Vholes察     as   I  believe     I  have    already 

mentioned察it is next door。 On the second story you will find Mr C¨s 

apartments。 Mr C desires to be near his professional adviser察and I 

am far from objecting察for I court inquiry。 ̄ 

    Upon     this察 Mr    Woodcourt       wished    Mr    Vholes    good    day察  and 

went   in   search   of   Richard察  the   change   in   whose   appearance   he 

began to understand now but too well。 

    He found him in a dull room察fadedly furnished察much as I had 

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found him in his barrack´room but a little while before察except that 

he was not 

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