bleak house(奈噌議型徨)-及251嫗
梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
sharp with the burden察 Brit Ish Gra´a´anadeers 院 In short察 he
shows so much musical taste察 that Mr Bagnet actually takes his
pipe from his lips to express his conviction that he is a singer。 Mr
Bucket receives the harmonious impeachment so modestly此
confessing how that he did once chaunt a little察for the expression
of the feelings of his own bosom察and with no presumptuous idea
of entertaining his friends此 that he is asked to sing。 Not to be
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behindhand in the sociality of the evening察he complies察and gives
them ^Believe me if all those endearing young charms。 ̄ This
ballad察he informs Mrs Bagnet察he considers to have been his most
powerful ally in moving the heart of Mrs Bucket when a maiden察
and inducing her to approach the altar!Mr Bucket¨s own words
are察to come up to the scratch。
This sparkling stranger is such a new and agreeable feature in
the evening察 that Mr George察 who testified no great emotions of
pleasure on his entrance察begins察in spite of himself察 to be rather
proud of him。 He is so friendly察is a man of so many resources察and
so easy to get on with察 that it is something to have made him
known there。 Mr Bagnet becomes察after another pipe察so sensible
of the value of his acquaintance察that he solicits the honour of his
company on the old girl¨s next birthday。 If anything can more
closely cement and consolidate the esteem which Mr Bucket has
formed for the family察 it is the discovery of the nature of the
occasion。 He drinks to Mrs Bagnet with a warmth approaching to
rapture察 engages himself for that day twelvemonth more than
thankfully察 makes a memorandum of the day in a large black
pocket´book with a girdle to it察 and breathes a hope that Mrs
Bucket and Mrs Bagnet may before then become察 in a manner察
sisters。 As he says himself察what is public life without private ties拭
He is in his humble way a public man察but it is not in that sphere
that he finds happiness。 No察it must be sought within the confines
of domestic bliss。
It is natural察 under these circumstances察 that he察 in his turn察
should remember the friend to whom he is indebted for so
promising an acquaintance。 And he does。 He keeps very close to
him。 Whatever the subject of the conversation察he keeps a tender
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eye upon him。 He waits to walk home with him。 He is interested in
his very boots察and observes even them attentively察as Mr George
sits smoking cross´legged in the chimney corner。
At length察Mr George rises to depart。 At the same moment Mr
Bucket察 with the secret sympathy of friendship察 also rises。 He
dotes upon the children to the last察 and remembers the
commission he has undertaken for an absent friend。
^Respecting that second´hand wiolinceller察 governor!could
you recommend me such a thing拭院
^Scores察院says Mr Bagnet。
^I am obliged to you察院returns Mr Bucket察squeezing his hand。
^You¨re a friend in need。 A good tone察 mind you My friend is a
regular dab at it。 Ecod察he saws away at Mo´zart and Handel察and
the rest of the big´wigs察 like a thorough workman。 And you
needn¨t察院says Mr Bucket察in a considerate and private voice察 you
needn¨t commit yourself to too low a figure察governor。 I don¨t want
to pay too large a price for my friend察but I want you to have your
proper percentage察and be remunerated for your loss of time。 That
is but fair。 Every man must live察and ought to it。 ̄
Mr Bagnet shakes his head at the old girl察to the effect that they
have found a jewel of price。
^Suppose I was to give you a look in察 say at half´arter ten
tomorrow morning。 Perhaps you could name the figures of a few
wiolincellers of a good tone拭院says Mr Bucket。
Nothing easier。 Mr and Mrs Bagnet both engage to have the
requisite information ready察 and even hint to each other at the
practicability of having a small stock collected there for approval。
^Thank you察院says Mr Bucket察 thank you。 Good night察ma¨am。
Good night察governor。 Good night察darlings。 I am much obliged to
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you for one of the pleasantest evenings I ever spent in my life。 ̄
They察on the contrary察are much obliged to him for the pleasure
he has given them in his company察 and so they part with many
expressions of good´will on both sides。 ^Now察 George察 old boy察院
says Mr Bucket察taking his arm at the shop door察 come along。¨^ As
they go down the little street察and the Bagnets pause for a minute
looking after them察 Mrs Bagnet remarks to the worthy Lignum
that Mr Bucket ^almost clings to George like察 and seems to be
really fond of him。 ̄
The neighbouring streets being narrow and ill paved察 it is a
little inconvenient to walk there two abreast and arm in arm。 Mr
George therefore soon proposes to walk singly。 But Mr Bucket察
who cannot make up his mind to relinquish his friendly hold察
replies。 ^Wait half a minute察George。 I should wish to speak to you
first。 ̄ Immediately afterwards察 he twists him into a public´house
and into a parlour察 where he confronts him察 and claps his own
back against the door。
^Now察George察院says Mr Bucket。 ^Duty is duty察and friendship
is friendship。 I never want the two to clash察if I can help it。 I have
endeavoured to make things pleasant tonight察and I put it to you
whether I have done it or not。 You must consider yourself in
custody察George。 ̄
^Custody拭What for拭院returns the trooper察thunderstruck。
^Now察George察院says Mr Bucket察 urging a sensible view of the
case upon him with his fat forefinger察 duty察 as you know very
well察 is one thing察 and conversation is another。 It¨s my duty to
inform you that any observations you may make will be liable to be
used against you。 Therefore察George察be careful what you say。 You
don¨t happen to have heard of a murder 院
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^Murder 院
^Now察 George察院 says Mr Bucket察 keeping his forefinger in an
impressive state of action察 bear in mind what I¨ve said to you。 I
ask you nothing。 You¨ve been in low spirits this afternoon。 I say察
you don¨t happen to have heard of a murder。 ̄
^No。 Where has there been a murder拭院
^Now察 George察院 says Mr Bucket察 don¨t you go and commit
yourself。 I¨m a´going to tell you what I want you for。 There has
been a