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bleak house(奈噌議型徨)-及249嫗

弌傍 bleak house(奈噌議型徨) 忖方 耽匈4000忖

梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何

smiling     and   dry察  pipes察  tobacco察   and    something     to   drink察  are 

placed   upon   the   table察  and   the   old   girl   enjoys   the   first   peace   of 

mind she ever knows on the day of this delightful entertainment。 

    When Mr Bagnet takes his usual seat察the hands of the clock are 

very near to half´past four察as they mark it accurately察Mr Bagnet 

announces察 George Military time。 ̄ 

    It is George察and he has hearty congratulations for the old girl 

whom he kisses on the great occasion察and for the children察and 

for Mr Bagnet。 ^Happy returns to all 院says Mr George。 

    ^But察   George察   old   man拭院    cries  Mrs    Bagnet察   looking    at  him 

curiously。 ^What¨s come to you拭院

    ^Come to me拭院

    ^Ah you are so white察George!for you!and look so shocked。 

Now察don¨t he察Lignum拭院

    ^George察院says Mr Bagnet察 tell the old girl。 What¨s the matter。 ̄ 

    ^I   didn¨t   know   I   looked   white察院  says   the   trooper察  passing   his 

hand over his brow察 and I didn¨t know I looked shocked察and I¨m 

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sorry I do。 But the truth is察that boy who was taken in at my place 

died yesterday afternoon察and it has rather knocked me over。 ̄ 

    ^Poor  creetur 院  says   Mrs   Bagnet察  with   a   mother¨s   pity。   ^Is   he 

gone拭Dear察dear 院

    ^I didn¨t mean to say anything about it察for it¨s not birthday talk察

but you have got it out of me察you see察before I sit down。 I should 

have   roused   up   in   a   minute察院  says   the   trooper察  making   himself 

speak more gaily察 but you¨re so quick察Mrs Bagnet。 ̄ 

    ^You¨re   right。   The   old   girl察院  says   Mr   Bagnet。   ^Is   as   quick。   As 

powder。 ̄ 

    ^And what¨s more察she¨s the subject of the day察and we¨ll stick to 

her察院  cries   Mr   George。   ^See   here察  I   have   brought   a   little   brooch 

along   with   me。   It¨s   a   poor   thing察  you   know察  but   it¨s   a   keepsake。 

That¨s all the good it is察Mrs Bagnet。 ̄ 

    Mr     George     produces       his   present察   which      is  greeted     with 

admiring leapings and clappings by the young family察and with a 

species   of   reverential   admiration   by   Mr   Bagnet。   ^Old   girl察院  says 

Mr Bagnet。 ^Tell him my opinion of it。 ̄ 

    ^Why察  it¨s   a   wonder察  George 院  Mrs   Bagnet   exclaims。   ^It¨s   the 

beautifullest thing that ever was seen 院

    ^Good 院says Mr Bagnet。 ^My opinion。 ̄ 

    ^It¨s so pretty察George察院cries Mrs Bagnet察turning it on all sides察

and   holding   it   out   at   arm¨s   length察   that   it   seems   too   choice   for 

me。 ̄ 

    ^Bad 院says Mr Bagnet。 ^Not my opinion。 ̄ 

    ^But   whatever   it   is察  a   hundred   thousand   thanks察  old   fellow察院

says Mrs Bagnet察her eyes sparkling with pleasure察and her hand 

stretched   out   to   him察   and   though   I   have   been   a   cross´grained 

soldier¨s wife to you sometimes察George察we are as strong friends察I 

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am   sure察  in   reality察  as   ever   can   be。   Now   you   shall   fasten   it   on 

yourself察for good luck察if you will察George。 ̄ 

    The children close up to see it done察and Mr Bagnet looks over 

young Woolwich¨s head to see it done察with an interest so maturely 

wooden察  yet   so   pleasantly  childish察  that   Mrs   Bagnet   cannot   help 

laughing in her airy way察and saying察 O察Lignum察Lignum察what a 

precious   old   chap   you   are 院  But   the   trooper   fails   to   fasten   the 

brooch。 His hand shakes察he is nervous察and it falls off。 ^Would any 

one   believe   this拭院  says   he察  catching   it   as   it   drops察  and   looking 

round。 ^I am so out of sorts that I bungle at an easy job like this 院

    Mrs Bagnet concludes that for such a case there is no remedy 

like a pipe察and fastening the brooch herself in a twinkling察causes 

the trooper to be inducted into his usual snug place察and the pipes 

to be got into action。 ^If that don¨t bring you round察George察院says 

she察   just   throw   your   eye   across   here   at   your   present   now   and 

then察and the two together must do it。 ̄ 

    ^You ought to do it of yourself察院George answers察 I know that 

very well察Mrs Bagnet。 I¨ll tell you how察one way and another察the 

blues   have   got   to   be   too   many   for   me。   Here   was   this   poor   lad。 

¨Twas dull work to see him dying as he did察and not be able to help 

him。 ̄ 

    ^What do you mean察George拭You did help him。 You took him 

under your roof。 ̄ 

    ^I helped him so far察but that¨s little。 I mean察Mrs Bagnet察there 

he was察dying without ever having been taught much more than to 

know his right hand from his left。 And he was too far gone to  be 

helped out of that。 ̄ 

    ^Ah察poor creetur 院says Mrs Bagnet。 

    ^Then察院says the trooper察not yet lighting his pipe察and passing 

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his heavy hand over his hair察 that brought up Gridley in a man¨s 

mind。 His was a bad case too察in a different way。 Then the two got 

mixed up in a man¨s mind with a flinty old rascal   who  had   to  do 

with   both。   And   to   think   of   that   rusty   carbine察  stock   and   barrel察

standing      up    on   end    in   his   corner察   hard察   indifferent察    taking 

everything so evenly!it made flesh and blood tingle察I   do assure 

you。 ̄ 

    ^My advice to you察院returns Mrs Bagnet察 is to light your pipe察

and tingle that way。 It¨s wholesomer and comfortabler察and better 

for the health altogether。 ̄ 

    ^You¨re right察院says the trooper察 and I¨ll do it 院

    So察   he   does   it此 though    still  with    an   indignant     gravity    that 

impresses the young Bagnets察and even causes Mr Bagnet to defer 

the   ceremony   of   drinking   Mrs   Bagnet¨s   health察  always   given   by 

himself察  on   these   occasions察  in   a   speech   of   exemplary   terseness。 

But the young ladies having composed what  Mr  Bagnet  is   in   the 

habit   of   calling   ^the   mixtur察院  and   George¨s   pipe   being   now   in   a 

glow察Mr Bagnet considers it his duty to proceed to the toast of the 

evening。   He   addresses   the   assembled   company   in   the   following 


    ^George。 Woolwich。 Quebec。 Malta。 This is her birthday。 Take a 

day¨s   march。   And   you   won¨t   find   such   another。   Here¨s   towards 

her 院

    The    toast   having     been    drunk    with   enthusiasm察      Mrs    Bagnet 

returns   thanks   in   a   neat   address   of   corresponding   brevity。   This 

model   composition   is   limited        to   the  three   words    ^And     wishing 

yours 院  which  the   old   girl   follows   up   with  a nod   at   everybody   in 

succession察  and   a      well´regulated      swig   of  the   mixture。    This   she 

again      follows    up察   on   the    present     occasion察    by    the   wholly 

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unexpected exclamation察 Here¨s a man 院

    Here is a man察much to the astonishment of the little company察

looking  in at  the   parlour  door。   He   is   a   sharp´eyed   man!a   quick 

keen man!and  he   takes   i

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