bleak house(奈噌議型徨)-及247嫗
梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
indeed察 to bring him out of his shell。 Nothing is heard of him察
nothing is seen of him。 What power of cannon might it take to
shake that rusty old man out of his immoveable composure拭
For many years察the persistent Roman has been pointing with
no particular meaning from that ceiling。 It is not likely that he has
any new meaning in him tonight。 Once pointing察always pointing!
like any Roman察or even Briton察with a single idea。 There he is察no
doubt察 in his impossible attitude察 pointing察 unavailingly察 all night
long。 Moonlight察 darkness察 dawn察 sunrise察 day。 There he is still察
eagerly pointing察and no one minds him。
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But察 a little after the coming of the day察 come people to clean
the rooms察And either the Roman has some new meaning in him察
not expressed before察 or the foremost of them goes wild察 for察
looking up at his outstretched hand察and looking down at what is
below it察that person shrieks and flies。 The others察looking in as the
first one looked察 shriek and fly too察 and there is an alarm in the
What does it mean拭 No light is admitted into the darkened
chamber察 and people unaccustomed to it察 enter察 and treading
softly察 but heavily察 carry a weight into the bedroom察 and lay it
down。 There is whispering and wondering all day察strict search of
every corner察 careful tracing of steps察 and careful noting of the
disposition of every article of furniture。 All eyes look up at the
Roman察 and all voices murmur察 If he could only tell what he
saw 院
He is pointing at a table察with a bottle nearly full of wine and a
glass upon it察and two candles that were blown out suddenly察soon
after being lighted。 He is pointing at an empty chair察and at a stain
upon the ground before it that might be almost covered with a
hand。 These objects lie directly within his range。 An excited
imagination might suppose that there was something in them so
terrific察 as to drive the rest of the composition察 not only the
attendant big´legged boys察but the clouds and flowers and pillars
too!in short察 the very body and soul of Allegory察 and all the
brains it has!stark mad。 It happens surely察 that every one who
comes into the darkened room and looks at these things察looks up
at the Roman察and that he is invested in all eyes with mystery and
awe察as if he were a paralysed dumb witness。
So察 it shall happen surely察 through many years to come察 that
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ghostly stories shall be told of the stain upon the floor察so easy to
be covered察 so hard to be got out察 and that the Roman察 pointing
from the ceiling察shall point察so long as dust and damp and spiders
spare him察 with far greater significance than he ever had in Mr
Tulkinghorn¨s time察 and with a deadly meaning。 For察 Mr
Tulkinghorn¨s time is over for evermore察and the Roman pointed
at the murderous hand uplifted against his life察 and pointed
helplessly at him察from night to morning察lying face downward on
the floor察shot through the heart。
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Chapter 49
Dutiful Friendship
great annual occasion has come round in the
Aestablishment of Mr Joseph Bagnet察 otherwise Lignum
Vitae察 ex´artilleryman and present bassoon´player。 An
occasion of feasting and festival。 The celebration of a birthday in
the family。
It is not Mr Bagnet¨s birthday。 Mr Bagnet merely distinguishes
that epoch in the musical instrument business察 by kissing the
children with an extra smack before breakfast察 smoking an
additional pipe after dinner察and wondering towards evening what
his poor old mother is thinking about it察a subject of infinite
speculation察and rendered so by his mother having departed this
life twenty years。 Some men rarely revert to their father察but seem察
in the bank´books of their remembrance察 to have transferred all
the stock of filial affection into their mother¨s name。 Mr Bagnet is
one of these。 Perhaps his excited appreciation of the merits of the
old girl察 causes him usually to make the noun´substantive察
Goodness察of the feminine gender。
It is not the birthday of one of the three children。 Those
occasions are kept with some marks of distinction察but they rarely
overleap the bounds of happy returns and a pudding。 On young
Woolwich¨s last birthday察Mr Bagnet certainly did察after observing
upon his growth and general advancement察proceed察in a moment
of profound reflection on the changes wrought by time察to examine
him in the catechism察 accomplishing with extreme accuracy the
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questions number one and two察What is your name拭and who gave
you that name拭 but there failing in the exact precision of his
memory察and substituting for number three察the question And how
do you like that name拭 which he propounded with a sense of its
importance察in itself so edifying and improving察as to give it quite
an orthodox air。 This察however察was a specialty on that particular
birthday察and not a generic solemnity。
It is the old girl¨s birthday察and that is the greatest holiday and
reddest´letter day in Mr Bagnet¨s calendar。 The auspicious event
is always commemorated according to certain forms察 settled and
prescribed by Mr Bagnet some years since。 Mr Bagnet being
deeply convinced that to have a pair of fowls for dinner is to attain
the highest pitch of imperial luxury察invariably goes forth himself
very early in the morning of this day to buy a pair察 he is察 as
invariably taken in by the vendor察and installed in the possession
of the oldest inhabitants of any coop in Europe。 Returning with
these triumphs of toughness tied up in a clean blue and white
cotton handkerchief essential to the arrangements察he in a casual
manner invites Mrs Bagnet to declare at breakfast what she would
like for dinner。 Mrs Bagnet察by a coincidence never known to fail察
replying Fowls察 Mr Bagnet instantly produces his bundle from a
place of concealment察 amidst general amazement and rejoicing。
He further requires that the old girl shall do nothing all day long察
but sit in her very best gown察 and be served by himself and the
young people。 As he is not illustrious for his cookery察