bleak house(奈噌議型徨)-及246嫗
梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
slight and curious察and he withdraws。 Clear of the room he looks
at his watch察but is inclined to doubt it by a minute or thereabouts。
There is a splendid clock upon the staircase察famous察as splendid
clocks not often are察 for its accuracy。 ^And what do you say拭 Mr
Tulkinghorn inquires察referring to it。 ^What do you say拭院
If it said now察 Don¨t go home 院What a famous clock察hereafter察
if it said tonight of all the nights that it has counted off察to this old
man of all the young and old men who have ever stood before it察
^Don¨t go home 院With its sharp clear bell it strikes three´quarters
after seven察 and ticks on again。 ^Why察 you are worse than I
thought you察院 says Mr Tulkinghorn察 muttering reproof to his
watch。 ^Two minutes wrong拭At this rate you won¨t last my time。 ̄
What a watch to return good for evil察if it ticked in answer ^Don¨t
go home 院
He passes out into the streets察 and walks on察 with his hands
behind him察under the shadow of the lofty houses察many of whose
mysteries察difficulties察mortgages察 delicate affairs of all kinds察 are
treasured up within his old black satin waistcoat。 He is in the
confidence of the very bricks and mortar。 The high chimney´
stacks telegraphed family secrets to him。 Yet there is not a voice in
a mile of them to whisper ^Don¨t go home 院
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Through the stir and motion of the commoner streets察through
the roar and jar of many vehicles察many feet察many voices察with the
blazing shop´lights lighting him on察the west wind blowing him on察
and the crowd pressing him on察 he is pitilessly urged upon his
way察 and nothing meets him察 murmuring ^Don¨t go home 院
Arrived at last in his dull room察to light his candles察and look round
and up察and see the Roman pointing from the ceiling察there is no
new significance in the Roman¨s hand tonight察or in the flutter of
the attendant groups to give him the late warning察 Don¨t come
here 院
It is a moonlight night察but the moon察being past the full察is only
now rising over the great wilderness of London。 The stars are
shining as they shone above the turret´leads at Chesney Wold。
This woman察as he has of late been so accustomed to call her察looks
out upon them。 Her soul is turbulent within her察 she is sick at
heart and restless。 The large rooms are too cramped and close。
She cannot endure their restraint察 and will walk alone in a
neighbouring garden。
Too capricious and imperious in all she does察to be the cause of
much surprise in those about her as to anything she does察 this
woman察 loosely muffled察 goes out into the moonlight。 Mercury
attends with the key。 Having opened the garden gate察he delivers
the key into his Lady¨s hand at her request察 and is bidden to go
back。 She will walk there some time察to ease her aching head。 She
may be an hour察 she may be more。 She needs no further escort。
The gate shuts upon its spring with a clash察 and察 he leaves her
passing on into the dark shade of some trees。
A fine night察and a bright large moon察and multitudes of stars。
Mr Tulkinghorn察 in repairing to his cellar察 and in opening and
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shutting those resounding doors察 has to cross a little prison´like
yard。 He looks up casually察 thinking what a fine night察 what a
bright large moon察what multitudes of stars A quiet night察too。
A very quiet night。 When the moon shines very brilliantly察 a
solitude and stillness seem to proceed from her察 that influence
even crowded places full of life。 Not only is it a still night on dusty
high roads and on hill´summits察whence a wide expanse of country
may be seen in repose察quieter and quieter as it spreads away into
a fringe of trees against the sky察 with the grey ghost of a bloom
upon them察not only is it a still night in gardens and in woods察and
on the river where the water´meadows are fresh and green察 and
the stream sparkles on among pleasant islands察murmuring weirs察
and whispering rushes察 not only does the stillness attend it as it
flows where houses cluster thick察 where many bridges are
reflected in it察 where wharves and shipping make it black and
awful察where it winds from these disfigurements through marshes
whose grim beacons stand like skeletons washed ashore察where it
expands through the bolder region of rising grounds察rich in corn´
field察 windmill and steeple察 and where it mingles with the ever´
heaving sea察 not only is it a still night on the deep察 and on the
shore where the watcher stands to see the ship with her spread
wings cross the path of light that appears to be presented to only
him察 but even on this stranger¨s wilderness of London there is
some rest。 Its steeples and towers察 and its one great dome察 grow
more ethereal察 its smoky house´tops lose their grossness察 in the
pale effulgence察 the noises that arise from the streets are fewer
and are softened察and the footsteps on the pavements pass more
tranquilly away。 In these fields of Mr Tulkinghorn¨s inhabiting察
where the shepherds play on Chancery pipes that have no stop察
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and keep their sheep in the fold by hook and by crook until they
have shorn them exceeding close察 every noise is merged察 this
moonlight night察into a distant ringing hum察 as if the city were a
vast glass察vibrating。
What¨s that拭Who fired a gun or pistol拭Where was it拭
The few foot´passengers start察 stop察 and stare about them。
Some windows and doors are opened察 and people come out to
look。 It was a loud report察and echoed and rattled heavily。 It shook
one house察or so a man says who was passing。 It has aroused all
the dogs in the neighbourhood察 who bark vehemently。 Terrified
cats scamper across the road。 While the dogs are yet barking and
howling!there is one dog howling like a demon!the church´
clocks察as if they were startled too察begin to strike。 The hum from
the streets察 likewise察 seems to swell into a shout。 But it is soon
over。 Before the last clock begins to strike ten察there is a lull。 When
it has ceased察the fine night察the bright large moon察and multitudes
of stars察are left at peace again。
Has Mr Tulkinghorn been disturbed拭 His windows are dark
and quiet察 and his door is shut。 It must be something unusual
indeed察 to bring him out of his shell。 Nothing is heard of