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bleak house(奈噌議型徨)-及235嫗

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梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何

growth of fungus or any unwholesome excresence produced there 

in neglect and impurity察that Allan Woodcourt is softened towards 

him。   He    says   to   the  woman察     Miserable     creature察   what   has    he 


    To   which   she   only   replies察  shaking   her   head   at   the   prostrate 

figure   more   amazedly   than   angrily此   Oh   you察  Jo察  you   Jo。   I   have 

found you at last 院

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    ^What has he done拭院says Allan。 ^Has he robbed you拭院

    ^No   sir察  no。   Robbed   me拭  He   did   nothing   but   what   was   kind´ 

hearted by me察and that¨s the wonder of it。 ̄ 

    Allan looks from Jo to the woman察and from the woman to Jo察

waiting for one of them to unravel the riddle。 

    ^But   he    was   along   with   me察  sir察院  says   the  woman察^O   you 

Jo he   was   along   with   me察  sir察  down   at   Saint   Albans察  ill察  and   a 

young  lady察  Lord bless   her  for  a   good   friend   to   me察  took   pity   on 

him   when   I   durstn¨t察  and   took   him   home! ̄   Allan   shrinks   back 

from him with a sudden horror。 

    ^Yes sir察yes。 Took him home察and made him comfortable察and 

like a thankless monster he ran away in the night察and never has 

been seen  or  heard   of   since察 till   I   set  eyes   on   him  just   now。   And 

that young lady that was such a pretty dear察caught his illness察lost 

her   beautiful   looks察  and   wouldn¨t   hardly   be   known   for   the   same 

young lady now察if it wasn¨t for her angel temper察and   her  pretty 

shape察    and   her   sweet    voice。   Do    you   know     it拭 You   ungrateful 

wretch察    do   you   know     that  this   is  all  along   of  you   and   of  her 

goodness to you拭院demands the woman察beginning to rage at him 

as she recalls it察and breaking into passionate tears。 

    The    boy察  in   rough    sort  stunned     by   what    he   hears察  falls  to 

smearing his dirty forehead with his dirty palm察and to staring at 

the    ground察   and    to  shaking     from   head    to  foot   until  the   crazy 

hoarding against which he leans察rattles。 

    Allan    restrains    the   woman察     merely    by   a  quiet   gesture察   but 


    ^Richard told me察院he falters察 亜I mean I have heard of this! 

don¨t mind me for a moment察I will speak presently。 ̄ 

    He    turns    away察   and   stands    for   a  while   looking     out  at   the 

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                                  Bleak House                                    869 

covered      passage。    When     he  comes     back察  he   has   recovered     his 

composure察  except   that   he   contends   against  an   avoidance   of   the 

boy察  which   is   so   very   remarkable察  that   it   absorbs   the   woman¨s 


    ^You hear what she says。 But get up察get up 院

   Jo察  shaking   and   chattering察  slowly   rises察  and   stands察  after   the 

manner of his tribe in a difficulty察sideways against the hoarding察

resting one of his high shoulders against it察and covertly  rubbing 

his right hand over his left察and his left foot over his right。 

    ^You hear what she says察and I know it¨s true。 Have you  been 

here ever since拭院

    ^Whishermaydie          if  I  seen   Tom´all´Alone¨s       till  this  blessed 

morning察院replies Jo察hoarsely。 

    ^Why have you come here now拭院

   Jo looks all round the confined court察looks at his questioner no 

higher than the knees察and finally answers此

    ^I don¨t know how to do nothink察and I can¨t get nothink to do。 

I¨m   wery   poor   and   ill察  and   I   thought   I¨d   come   back   here   when 

there warn¨t nobody about察and lay down and hide somewheres as 

I   knows   on   till   after   dark察  and   then  go   and  beg   a  trifle  of   Mr 

Sangsby。   He   wos   allus   willin   fur   to   give  me    sumthink     he  wos察

though      Mrs    Sangsby      she   wus    allus   a´chivying     on    me!like 

everybody everywheres。 ̄ 

    ^Where have you come from拭院

   Jo   looks   all   round   the   court   again察  looks   at   his  questioner¨s 

knees     again察  and    concludes     by   laying    his  profile   against    the 

hoarding in a sort of resignation。 

    ^Did you hear me ask you where you have come from拭院

    ^Tramp then察院says Jo。 

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                                   Bleak House                                    870 

    ^Now察    tell  me察院   proceeds     Allen察  making      a  strong    effort  to 

overcome   his   repugnance察  going   very   near   to   him察  and   leaning 

over him with an   expression  of  confidence察   tell   me   how  it  came 

about that you left that house察when the good young lady had been 

so unfortunate as to pity you察and take you home。 ̄ 

    Jo    suddenly     comes      out   of  his   resignation察    and    excitedly 

declares察addressing   the   woman察  that   he   never   known   about   the 

young lady察that he never heern about it察that he never went fur to 

hurt  her察  that  he  would   sooner   have   hurt   his   own   self察  that   he¨d 

sooner   have   had   his   unfortnet   ed   chopped   off   than   ever   gone   a´ 

nigh her察and that she wos wery good to him察she wos。 Conducting 

himself throughout as if in his poor fashion he really meant it察and 

winding up with some very miserable sobs。 

    Allan   Woodcourt   sees   that   this   is   not   a   sham。   He   constrains 

himself to touch him。 ^Come Jo。 Tell me。 ̄ 

    ^No。    I  dustn¨t察院  says   Jo察  relapsing    into  the   profile   state。  ^I 

dustn¨t察or I would。 ̄ 

    ^But I must know察院returns the other察 all the same。 Come Jo。 ̄ 

    After   two   or   three   of  such   adjurations察    Jo  lifts  up  his   head 

again察looks round the court again察and says in a low voice察 Well察

I¨ll tell you something。 I wos took away。 There 院

    ^Took away拭In the night拭院

    ^Ah 院  Very   apprehensive   of   being   overheard察  Jo   looks   about 

him察and even glances up some ten feet at the top of the hoarding察

and through the cracks in it察lest the object of his distrust should 

be looking over察or hidden on the other side。 

    ^Who took you away拭院

    ^I dustn¨t name him察院says Jo。 ^I dustn¨t do it察sir。 ̄ 

    ^But I want察in the young lady¨s name察to know。 You may trust 

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                                   Bleak House                                     871 

me。 No one else shall hear。 ̄ 

    ^Ah察  but  I don¨t know察院  replies   Jo察  shaking   his   head   fearfully察

^as he don¨t hear。 ̄ 

    ^Why察he is not in this place。 ̄ 

    ^Oh察ain¨t he though拭院says Jo。 ^He¨s in all manner of places察all 

at wanst。 ̄ 

    Allan    looks    at  him    in  perplexity察    but   discovers     some     real 

meaning and good faith at the bottom of this bewildering reply。 He 

patiently   awaits   an   explicit   answer察  and   Jo察  more   baffled   by   his 

patience      than   by   anything     else察 at  last  desperately     whispers     a 

name in his ear。 

    ^Ay 院says Allan。 ^Why察what had you been doing拭院

    ^Nothink察sir。 Never done nothink to get myself into no trouble察

¨sept   in   not   moving   on   and   the   Inkwhich。   But   I¨m   a   moving   on 

now。 I¨m a   moving  on   to  the   berryin   ground!that¨s   the   move   as 

I¨m up to。 ̄ 


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