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bleak house(奈噌議型徨)-及230嫗

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with    me    as  I  suppose     it  would    with   most    people    under     such 

circumstances。   At   one   while   my   journey   looked   hopeful察  and   at 

another hopeless。 Now I thought that I should do some good察and 

now     I  wondered      how    I  could    ever   have    supposed     so。  Now     it 

seemed      one   of  the   most   reasonable      things   in   the  world    that   I 

should have come察and now one of the most unreasonable。 In what 

state I should find Richard察what I should say to him察and what he 

would say to me察occupied my mind by turns with these two states 

of feeling察and the wheels seemed to play one tune   to   which  the 

burden of my Guardian¨s letter  set  itself  over  and   over  again all 


    At   last  we   came     into  the   narrow     streets   of  Deal察   and   very 

gloomy they were察upon a raw misty morning。 The long flat beach察

with its little irregular houses察wooden and brick察and its litter of 

capstans察and great boats察and sheds察and bare upright poles with 

tackle and blocks察and loose gravelly waste places overgrown with 

grass and weeds察wore as dull an appearance as any place I   ever 

saw。   The   sea   was   heaving   under   a   thick   white   fog察  and   nothing 

else was moving but a few early  ropemakers察  who察  with  the   yarn 

twisted round their bodies察looked as if察tired of their present state 

of existence察they were spinning themselves into cordage。 

    But when we got into a warm   room   in   an   excellent  hotel察and 

sat down察comfortably washed and dressed察to an  early breakfast 

for   it   was   too   late   to   think   of   going   to   bed察  Deal   began   to   look 

more   cheerful。   Our   little   room   was   like   a   ship¨s   cabin察  and   that 

delighted   Charley   very   much。   Then   the   fog   began   to   rise   like   a 

curtain察and numbers of ships that we had had no idea were near察

appeared。 I don¨t know how many sail the waiter told us were then 

Charles Dickens                                                      ElecBook Classics 

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lying in the Downs。 Some of these vessels were of grand size此one 

was   a   large   Indiaman   just   come   home此  and   when   the   sun   shone 

through the clouds察making silvery pools in the dark sea察the way 

in   which    these   ships   brightened察    and    shadowed察    and    changed察

amid a bustle of boats putting off from the shore to them and from 

them   to   the   shore察  and   a   general   life   and   motion   in   themselves察

and everything around them察was most beautiful。 

    The large Indiaman was our great attraction察because she had 

come into the Downs in the night。 She was surrounded by boats察

and we said how glad the people on board of her must be to come 

ashore。 Charley was curious too察about the voyage察and about the 

heat in India察and the serpents and the tigers察and   as   she   picked 

up such information much faster than grammar察I told her what I 

knew on those points。 I told her察too察how people in such voyages 

were     sometimes      wrecked     and   cast   on  rocks察  where     they   were 

saved by  the   intrepidity   and   humanity   of   one   man。   And   Charley 

asking how that could be察I told her how we knew at home of such 

a case。 

    I had thought of sending Richard a note察saying I was there察but 

it seemed so much better to go to him without preparation。 As he 

lived in barracks察I was a little doubtful whether this was feasible察

but   we    went   out   to   reconnoitre。   Peeping   in    at   the  gate  of  the 

barrack´yard察  we   found   everything  very  quiet  at  that   time   in   the 

morning察and I asked a serjeant standing on the guardhouse steps察

where  he  lived。   He  sent  a man   before  to  show  me察  who  went   up 

some bare stairs察and knocked with his knuckles at a door and left 


    ^Now then 院cried Richard from within。 So I left Charley in the 

little   passage察  and   going   on   to   the   half´open   door察  said察   Can   I 

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come in察Richard拭It¨s only Dame Durden。 ̄ 

    He was writing at a table察with a great confusion of clothes察tin 

cases察  books察  boots察  brushes察  and   portmanteaus   strewn   all   about 

the  floor。   He  was   only  half´dressed!in plain  clothes察  I   observed察

not   in   uniform!and   his   hair   was   unbrushed察  and   he   looked   as 

wild as his room。 All this I saw after he had heartily welcomed me察

and I was seated near him察for he started upon hearing my voice察

and   caught   me   in   his   arms   in   a   moment。   Dear   Richard   He   was 

ever the same to me。 Down to!ah察poor察poor fellow to the end察

he never received me but with something of his old merry boyish 


    ^Good   Heaven察  my   dear   little   woman察院  said   he察   how   do   you 

come   here。   Who   could   have   thought   of   seeing   you   Nothing   the 

matter拭Ada is well拭院

    ^Quite well。 Lovelier than ever察Richard 院

    ^Ah 院he said察leaning back in his chair。 ^My poor cousin I was 

writing to you察Esther。 ̄ 

    So  worn   and   haggard  as   he   looked察  even   in   the   fulness   of   his 

handsome        youth察   leaning    back    in  his  chair察  and    crushing     the 

closely written sheet of paper in his hand 

    ^Have you been at the trouble of writing all that察and am I not 

to read it after all拭院I asked。 

    ^Oh my dear察院he returned察with a hopeless gesture。 ^You may 

read it in the whole room。 It is all over here。 ̄ 

    I mildly entreated him not to be despondent。   I   told   him  that  I 

had   heard   by   chance   of   his   being   in   difficulty察  and   had   come   to 

consult with him what could best be done。 

    ^Like you察Esther察but useless察and so not like you 院said he with 

a   melancholy   smile。   ^I   am   away   on   leave   this   day!should   have 

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been gone in another hour!and that is to smooth it over察for my 

selling out。 Well  Let  bygones   be  bygones。  So  this calling  follows 

the rest。 I only want to have been in the church察to have made the 

round of all the professions。 ̄ 

    ^Richard察院I urged察 it is not so hopeless as that拭院

    ^Esther察院he returned察 it is indeed。 I am just so near disgrace 

as that those who are put in authority over me as the catechism 

goes would far rather be without me than with me。 And they are 

right。   Apart   from   debts   and   duns察  and   all   such   drawbacks察  I   am 

not fit even for this employment。 I have no care察no mind察no heart察

no soul察but for one thing。 Why察if this bubble hadn¨t broken now察院

he    said察 tearing    the  letter  he   had   written    into   fragments察    and 

moodily  casting  them   away察  by   driblets察   how   could   I   have   gone 

abroad拭I must have been ordered abroad察but how could I   have 

gone。   How   could   I察  with   my   experience   of   that   thing察  trust   even 

Vholes unless I was at his back 院

    I suppose he knew by my face what I was about to say察but he 

caught the hand I had laid upon his arm察and touched my own lips 

with it to prevent me from going on。 

    ^No察  Dame   Durden   Two   subjects   I   forbid!must   forbid。   The 

first   is  John    Jarndyce。     The    second察    you   know     what。    Call   it 

madness察and I tell you I can¨t help it now察and can¨t be s

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