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    Then I went on to think察as I dressed my hair before the glass察

how often had I considered within myself that the deep   traces   of 

my   illness察  and    the   circumstances       of  my   birth察  were    only   new 

reasons      why    I  should     be   busy察   busy察   busy!useful察      amiable察

serviceable察  in   all   honest察  unpretending   ways。   This   was   a   good 

time察to be sure察to sit down morbidly and cry As to its seeming at 

all strange to me at first if that were any excuse for crying察which 

it was not that I was one day to be the mistress of Bleak House察

why   should   it   seem   strange拭  Other   people   had   thought   of   such 

things察if I had not。 ^Don¨t you remember察my plain dear察院I asked 

myself察  looking   at   the    glass察   what   Mrs   Woodcourt   said        before 

those scars were there察about your marrying! ̄ 

    Perhaps      the   name    brought     them     to  my   remembrance。         The 

dried remains of the flowers。 It would be better not to keep them 

Charles Dickens                                                      ElecBook Classics 

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                                   Bleak House                                     842 

now。     They    had   only   been    preserved      in  memory      of  something 

wholly past and gone察but it would be better not to keep them now。 

    They were in a book察and it happened to be in the next room! 

our    sitting´room察    dividing    Ada¨s    chamber      from    mine。    I  took  a 

candle察and went softly in to fetch it from its shelf。 After I had it in 

my hand察I saw my beautiful darling察through the open door察lying 

asleep察and I stole in to kiss her。 

    It   was   weak   in   me察  I   know察  and   I   could   have   no   reason   for 

crying察but I dropped a tear upon her dear face察and another察and 

another。   Weaker   than   that察  I   took   the   withered   flowers   out察  and 

put   them   for   a   moment   to   her   lips。   I   thought   about   her   love   for 

Richard察though察indeed察the flowers had nothing to do with that。 

Then   I   took   them   into   my   own   room察  and   burned   them   at   the 

candle察and they were dust in an instant。 

    On    entering     the   breakfast´room       next   morning察     I  found    my 

Guardian   just   as   usual察  quite   as   frank察  as   open察  and   free。   There 

being not the least constraint in his manner察there was none or I 

think there was none in mine。 I was with him several times in the 

course of the morning察in and out察when there was no one   there察

and I thought it not unlikely that he might speak to me about the 

letter察but he did not say a word。 

    So察on the next morning察and the next察and for at least a week察

over which time Mr Skimpole prolonged his stay。 I expected察every 

day察that my Guardian might speak to me about the letter察but he 

never did。 

    I thought then察growing uneasy察that I ought to write an answer。 

I tried over and over again in my own room at night察but I could 

not   write   an   answer   that   at   all   began   like   a   good   answer察  so   I 

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thought each night I would wait one more day。 And I waited seven 

more days察and he never said a word。 

   At    last  Mr   Skimpole      having    departed察   we   three    were   one 

afternoon going out for a ride察and I being dressed before Ada察and 

going down察came upon my Guardian察with his back towards me察

standing at the drawing´room window looking out。 

   He   turned   on   my   coming   in察  and   said察  smiling察   Aye察  it¨s   you察

little woman察is it拭院and looked out again。 

   I   had made   up   my mind   to  speak  to  him now。   In   short察  I   had 

come down on purpose。 ^Guardian察院I said察rather hesitating and 

trembling察 when would you like to have the answer to the letter 

Charley came for拭院

    ^When it¨s ready察my dear察院he replied。 

    ^I think it is ready察院said I。 

    ^Is Charley to bring it拭院he asked pleasantly。 

    ^No。 I have brought it myself察Guardian察院I returned。 

   I put my two arms round his neck and kissed him察and he said察

was this the mistress of Bleak House察and I said yes察and it made 

no  difference   presently察and   we   all   went  out  together察  and   I   said 

nothing to my precious pet about it。 

Charles Dickens                                                   ElecBook Classics 

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                                 Bleak House                                  844 

                                Chapter 45 

                                  In Trust 

          ne    morning     when    I  had   done   jingling   about   with   my 

          baskets of keys察as  my  beauty  and   I   were   walking  round 


          and     round    the   garden    I  happened      to  turn   my    eyes 

towards   the   house察  and   saw   a   long   thin   shadow   going   in   which 

looked like Mr Vholes。 Ada had been telling me only that morning察

of   her   hopes    that  Richard     might    exhaust    his   ardour    in  the 

Chancery suit by being so very earnest in it察and therefore察not to 

damp     my    dear   girl¨s  spirits察 I  said  nothing  about    Mr   Vholes¨s 


   Presently came Charley察lightly winding among the bushes察and 

tripping   along    the   paths察 as   rosy  and   pretty   as  one   of  Flora¨s 

attendants     instead    of  my   maid察  saying察  O   if  you  please察  miss察

would you step and speak to Mr Jarndyce 院

   It   was   one   of   Charley¨s   peculiarities察  that   whenever   she   was 

charged with a message she always began to deliver it as soon as 

she beheld察at any distance察the person for whom it was intended。 

Therefore I saw Charley察asking me in her usual form of words察to 

^step   and   speak ̄   to   Mr   Jarndyce察  long   before   I   heard   her。   And 

when I did hear her察she had said   it  so  often   that  she  was   out  of 


   I told Ada I would make haste back察and inquired of Charley察as 

we    went    in察  whether     there   was    not   a  gentleman      with   Mr 

Jarndyce拭  To   which   Charley察  whose   grammar察  I   confess   to   my 

shame察  never   did   any   credit   to   my   educational   powers察  replied察

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^Yes察miss。 Him as come down in the country with Mr Richard。 ̄ 

   A more complete contrast than my Guardian and Mr Vholes察I 

suppose there could not be。 I found them looking  at  one  another 

across a table察the one so open察and the other so close察the one so 

broad and upright察and the other so narrow and stooping察the one 

giving out what he had to say in such a rich ringing voice察and the 

other keeping it in such a cold´blooded察gasping察fish´like manner察

that I thought I never had seen two people so unmatched。 

    ^You  know  Mr  Vholes察my  dear察院 said my  Guardian。 Not  with 

the greatest urbanity察I must say。 

    Mr   Vholes   rose察  gloved   and   buttoned   up   as   usual察  and   seated 

himself again察just as he had seated himself beside Richard in the 

gig。 Not having Richard to look at察he looked straight before him。 

    ^Mr Vholes察院said my Guardian察eyeing his black figure察as if he 

were a bird   of ill´omen察  has brought  an   ugly  report  of  our  most 

unfortunate        Rick。 ̄     Laying     a   marked       emphasis       on    most 

unfortunate察      as  if  the   words     were    rather    descriptive     of  his 

connection with Mr Vho

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