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bleak house(奈噌議型徨)-及224嫗

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giddiness察to retire to Ada in the window察or to see the window察or 

to   know     where     it  was。  I  heard    my    name察   and    found    that   my 

Guardian was presenting me察before I could move to a chair。 

    ^Pray be seated察Sir Leicester。 ̄ 

    ^Mr   Jarndyce察院  said   Sir   Leicester   in   reply察  as   he   bowed   and 

seated himself察 I do myself the honour of calling here! ̄ 

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     ^You do me the honour察Sir Leicester。 ̄ 

    ^Thank you!of calling here on my road from Lincolnshire察  to 

express   my   regret   that   any   cause   of   complaint察  however   strong察

that  I   may  have   against  a   gentleman  who!who  is   known   to   you 

and   has   been   your   host察  and   to   whom   therefore   I   will   make   no 

further   reference察     should     have   prevented      you察  still   more  ladies 

under   your   escort   and   charge察  from   seeing   whatever   little   there 

may be to gratify a polite and refined taste察at my house察Chesney 

Wold。 ̄ 

    ^You   are   exceedingly  obliging察  Sir  Leicester察  and   on   behalf   of 

those   ladies   who   are   present   and   for   myself察  I   thank   you   very 

much。 ̄ 

    ^It   is   possible察  Mr   Jarndyce察  that   the   gentleman   to   whom察  for 

the    reasons     I  have    mentioned      I  refrain    from    making      further 

allusion!it is possible察Mr Jarndyce察that the gentleman may have 

done   me   the   honour  so  far   to   misapprehend   my   character察  as   to 

induce   you  to  believe   that   you   would   not   have   been   received   by 

my   local   establishment   in   Lincolnshire   with   that   urbanity察  that 

courtesy察  which   its   members   are   instructed   to   show   to   all   ladies 

and gentlemen who present themselves at that house。 I merely beg 

to observe察sir察that the fact is the reverse。 ̄ 

    My Guardian delicately dismissed this remark without making 

any verbal answer。 

    ^It   has   given   me   pain察  Mr   Jarndyce察院  Sir   Leicester   weightily 

proceeded。   ^I   assure   you察  sir察  it   has   given!Me!pain!to   learn 

from the housekeeper at Chesney Wold察that a gentleman who was 

in your company in that part of the county察and who would appear 

to   possess     a  cultivated     taste   for   the   Fine   Arts察  was    likewise 

deterred察by some such cause察from examining the family pictures 

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with   that   leisure察  that   attention察  that   care察  which   he   might   have 

desired     to   bestow   upon    them察  and    which   some     of  them    might 

possibly   have   repaid。 ̄   Here   he   produced   a   card察  and   read察  with 

much      gravity    and   a   little  trouble察  through     his   eyeglass察    Mr 

Hirrold察Herald!Harold!Skampling!Skumpling!I                             beg    your 

pardon察Skimpole。 ̄ 

    ^This    is  Mr   Harold    Skimpole察院     said  my    Guardian察    evidently 


    ^Oh 院    exclaimed      Sir   Leicester察    I   am    happy    to   meet    Mr 

Skimpole察  and   to  have   the   opportunity  of  tendering  my   personal 

regrets。 I hope察sir察that when you again find yourself in my part of 

the county察you will be under no similar sense of restraint。 ̄ 

    ^You are very obliging察Sir Leicester Dedlock。 So encouraged察I 

shall certainly give myself the pleasure and advantage of another 

visit   to  your    beautiful    house。    The    owners     of   such   places    as 

Chesney Wold察院said Mr Skimpole察with his usual happy and easy 

air察 are public benefactors。 They are good enough to maintain a 

number of delightful objects for the admiration and pleasure of us 

poor   men察  and   not   to   reap   all   the   admiration   and   pleasure   that 

they yield察is to be ungrateful to our benefactors。 ̄ 

    Sir Leicester seemed   to  approve   of  this   sentiment  highly。   ^An 


    ^No察院  returned   Mr   Skimpole。   ^A   perfectly   idle   man。   A   mere 

amateur。 ̄ 

    Sir Leicester seemed to approve of this even more。 He hoped he 

might   have   the   good   fortune   to   be     at   Chesney   Wold   when      Mr 

Skimpole       next    came     down     into    Lincolnshire。      Mr    Skimpole 

professed himself much flattered and honoured。 

    ^Mr   Skimpole   mentioned察院  pursued   Sir   Leicester察  addressing 

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himself   again   to   my   Guardian此   mentioned   to   the   housekeeper察

who察as he may have observed察is an old and attached retainer of 

the family! ̄ 

    ─That is察when I walked through the house the other day察on 

the occasion of my going down to visit Miss Summerson and Miss 

Clare察院Mr Skimpole airily explained to us。 

    ^That    the   friend   with   whom     he  had    formerly    been   staying 

there察was Mr Jarndyce。 ̄ Sir Leicester bowed to the bearer of the 

name。 ^And hence I became aware of the circumstance for which I 

have professed my regret。 That this should have  occurred   to  any 

gentleman察     Mr    Jarndyce察   but   especially    a  gentleman     formerly 

known      to   Lady    Dedlock察    and   indeed    claiming     some    distant 

connection      with   her察 and   for   whom    as  I  learn  from   my    Lady 

herself   she   entertains   a   high   respect察  does察  I   assure   you察  give! 

Me!pain。 ̄ 

    ^Pray     say  no   more     about   it察 Sir  Leicester察院   returned     my 

Guardian。   ^I   am   very   sensible察  as   I   am   sure   we   all   are察  of   your 

consideration。      Indeed     the  mistake     was   mine察   and   I  ought    to 

apologise for it。 ̄ 

   I had not once looked up。 I had not seen the visitor察and had not 

even appeared to myself to hear the conversation。 It surprises me 

to find that I can recall it察for it seemed to make no impression on 

me    as   it   passed。  I  heard  them   speaking察  but    my   mind    was   so 

confused察and my instinctive avoidance of this gentleman made his 

presence so distressing to me察that I thought I understood nothing察

through the rushing in my head and the beating of my heart。 

    ^I mentioned the subject to Lady Dedlock察院said Sir Leicester察

rising察 and my Lady informed me that she had had the pleasure 

of exchanging a few words with Mr Jarndyce and his wards察on the 

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occasion      of  an  accidental     meeting     during     their  sojourn     in  the 

vicinity。   Permit   me察  Mr   Jarndyce察  to   repeat   to   yourself察  and   to 

these     ladies察  the    assurance      I  have    already     tendered      to  Mr 

Skimpole。   Circumstances   undoubtedly   prevent   my   saying   that   it 

would   afford   me   any   gratification   to   hear   that   Mr   Boythorn   had 

favoured my house with his presence察but those circumstances are 

confined   to   that   gentleman   himself察  and   do   not   extend        beyond 

him。 ̄ 

    ^You  know  my  old   opinion   of   him察院  said   Mr  Skimpole察  lightly 

appealing   to   us。   ^An   amiable   bull察  who   is   determined   to   make 

every colour scarlet 院

    Sir Leicester Dedlock cough

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