bleak house(奈噌議型徨)-及220嫗
梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
in that good condition of being locked up in jail察 it will be some
time before you find yourself at liberty again。 ̄
^I will prove you察院repeats Mademoiselle in her former whisper。
^And now察院 proceeds the lawyer察 still without minding her察
^you had better go。 Think twice察before you come here again。 ̄
^Think you察院she answers察 twice two hundred times 院
^You were dismissed by your lady察you know察院Mr Tulkinghorn
observes察 following her out upon the staircase察 as the most
implacable and unmanageable of women。 Now turn over a new
leaf察 and take warning by what I say to you。 For what I say察 I
mean察and what I threaten察I will do察mistress。 ̄
She goes down without answering or looking behind her。 When
she is gone察 he goes down too察 and returning with his cobweb´
covered bottle察 devotes himself to a leisurely enjoyment of its
contents此now and then察as he throws his head back in his chair察
catching sight of the pertinacious Roman pointing from the
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Chapter 43
Esther¨s Narrative
t matters little now察how much I thought of my living mother
who had told me evermore to consider her dead。 I could not
venture to approach her察 or to communicate with her in
writing察for my sense of the peril in which her life was passed was
only to be equalled by my fears of increasing it。 Knowing that my
mere existence as a living creature was an unforeseen danger in
her way察 I could not always conquer that terror of myself which
had seized me when I first knew the secret。 At no time did I dare
to utter her name。 I felt as if I did not even dare to hear it。 If the
conversation anywhere察when I was present察took that direction察as
it sometimes naturally did察I tried not to hear!I mentally counted察
repeated something that I knew察 or went out of the room。 I am
conscious察now察that I often did these things when there can have
been no danger of her being spoken of察but I did them in the dread
I had of hearing anything that might lead to her betrayal察and to
her betrayal through me。
It matters little now how often I recalled the tones of my
mother¨s voice察wondered whether I should ever hear it again as I
so longed to do察and thought how strange and desolate it was that
it should be so new to me。 It matters little that I watched for every
public mention of my mother¨s name察that I passed and repassed
the door of her house in town察loving it察but afraid to look at it察that
I once sat in the theatre when my mother was there and saw me察
and when we were so wide asunder察before the great company of
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all degrees察 that any link or confidence between us seemed a
dream。 It is all察all over。 My lot has been so blest that I can relate
little of myself which is not a story of goodness and generosity in
others。 I may well pass that little察and go on。
When we were settled at home again察 Ada and I had many
conversations with my Guardian察of which Richard was the theme。
My dear girl was deeply grieved that he should do their kind
cousin so much wrong察but she was so faithful to Richard察that she
could not bear to blame him察 even for that。 My Guardian was
assured of it察and never coupled his name with a word of reproof。
^Rick is mistaken察my dear察院he would say to her。 ^Well察well we
have all been mistaken over and over again。 We must trust to you
and time to set him right。 ̄
We knew afterwards what we suspected then察 that he did not
trust to time until he had often tried to open Richard¨s eyes。 That
he had written to him察 gone to him察 talked with him察 tried every
gentle persuasive art his kindness could devise。 Our poor devoted
Richard was deaf and blind to all。 If he were wrong he would make
amends when the Chancery suit was over。 If he were groping in
the dark察he could not do better than do his utmost to clear away
those clouds in which so much was confused and obscured。
Suspicion and misunderstanding were the fault of the suit拭Then
let him work the suit out察and come through it to his right mind。
This was his unvarying reply。 Jarndyce and Jarndyce had
obtained such possession of his whole nature察 that it was
impossible to place any consideration before him which he did
not!with a distorted kind of reason!make a new argument in
favour of his doing what he did。 ^So that it is even more
mischievous察院said my Guardian once to me察 to remonstrate with
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the poor dear fellow察than to leave him alone。 ̄
I took one of these opportunities of mentioning my doubts of Mr
Skimpole as a good adviser for Richard。
^Adviser拭院 returned my Guardian察 laughing。 ^My dear察 who
would advise with Skimpole拭院
^Encourager would perhaps have been a better word察院said I。
^Encourager 院 returned my Guardian again。 ^Who could be
encouraged by Skimpole拭院
^Not Richard拭院I asked。
^No察院he replied。 ^Such an unworldly察uncalculating察gossamer
creature察is a relief to him察and an amusement。 But as to advising
or encouraging察or occupying a serious station towards anybody or
anything察 it is simply not to be thought of in such a child as
Skimpole。 ̄
^Pray察cousin John察院said Ada察who had just joined us察and now
looked over my shoulder察 what made him such a child拭院
^What made him such a child拭院inquired my Guardian察rubbing
his head察a little at a loss。
^Yes察cousin John。 ̄
^Why察院he slowly replied察roughening his head more and more察
^he is all sentiment察 and!and susceptibility察 and!and
sensibility!and!and imagination。 And these qualities are not
regulated in him察 somehow。 I suppose the people who admired
him for them in his youth察attached too much importance to them察
and too little to any training that would have balanced and
adjusted them察 and so he became what he is。 Hey拭院 said my
Guardian察 stopping short察 and looking at us hopefully。 ^What do
you think察you two拭院
Ada glancing at me察said she thought it was a pity he should be
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an expense to Richard。
^So it is察so it is察院returned my Guardian察hurriedly。 ^That must
not be。 We must arrange that。 I must prevent it。 That will never
do。 ̄
And I said I thought it was to be regretted that he had ever
introduced Richard to Mr