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be governed until young Coodle and young Doodle察now in frocks 

and    long   stockings察   were   grown     up。  This   stupendous      national 

calamity察    however察    was   averted    by  Lord    Coodle¨s    making     the 

timely discovery察that if in the heat of debate he had said that he 

scorned   and     despised    the   whole   ignoble    career   of  Sir  Thomas 

Doodle察he had merely meant to say that party differences should 

never   induce   him   to   withhold   from   it   the   tribute   of   his   warmest 

admiration察while it as opportunely turned out察on the other hand察

that Sir Thomas Doodle had   in   his  own   bosom   expressly booked 

Lord   Coodle   to   go   down   to   posterity   as   the   mirror   of   virtue   and 

honour。 Still England has been some weeks in the dismal strait of 

having no pilot as was well observed by Sir Leicester Dedlock to 

weather the storm察and the marvellous part of the matter is察that 

England   has   not   appeared   to   care   very   much   about   it察  but   has 

gone on eating and drinking and marrying and giving in marriage察

as the old world did in the days before the flood。 But Coodle knew 

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the   danger察  and  Doodle knew  the   danger察  and   all   their   followers 

and hangers´on had the clearest possible perception of the danger。 

At last Sir Thomas Doodle has not only condescended to come in察

but has done it handsomely察bringing in with him all his nephews察

all his male cousins察and all his brothers´in´law。 So there is   hope 

for the old ship yet。 

    Doodle      has   found     that   he   must     throw    himself     upon     the 

country!chiefly         in   the  form    of   sovereigns     and    beer。   In   this 

metamorphosed           state   he   is  available    in  a   good    many     places 

simultaneously察       and    can    throw     himself    upon     a  considerable 

portion of the country at one time。 Britannia being much occupied 

in   pocketing   Doodle   in   the   form   of   sovereigns察  and   swallowing 

Doodle   in   the   form   of   beer察  and   in   swearing   herself   black   in   the 

face    that  she   does    neither!plainly       to  the   advancement        of  her 

glory   and   morality!the   London   season   comes   to   a   sudden   end察

through      all  the   Doodleites     and   Coodleites      dispersing     to  assist 

Britannia in those religious exercises。 

    Hence Mrs Rouncewell housekeeper at Chesney Wold foresees察

though no instructions have yet  come   down察  that  the   family  may 

shortly     be  expected察    together     with   a  pretty   large   accession     of 

cousins      and    others     who    can    in   any    way    assist    the   great 

Constitutional work。 And hence the stately old dame察taking Time 

by the forelock察leads him up and down the staircases察and along 

the    galleries   and    passages     and   through     the   rooms察   to  witness 

before he grows any older that everything is ready察that floors are 

rubbed   bright察  carpets   spread察  curtains   shaken   out察  beds   puffed 

and   patted察  still´room   and   kitchen   cleared   for   action察  all   things 

prepared as beseems the Dedlock dignity。 

    This    present     summer      evening察    as  the   sun    goes   down察    the 

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preparations       are   complete。     Dreary     and    solemn     the  old   house 

looks察    with   so   many     appliances      of   habitation察    and    with    no 

inhabitants except the pictured forms upon the walls。 So did these 

come      and   go察 a   Dedlock     in  possession     might    have    ruminated 

passing along察so did they see this gallery hushed   and   quiet察as   I 

see it now察so think察as I think察of the gap that they would make in 

this domain when they were gone察so find it察as I find it察difficult to 

believe that it could be without them察so pass from my world察as I 

pass from theirs察now closing the reverberating door察so leave no 

blank     to  miss    them察   and    so  die。   Through      some     of  the   fiery 

windows察beautiful from without察and set察at this sunset hour察not 

in   dull   grey   stone    but   in  a   glorious    house    of  gold察  the   light 

excluded at the other windows pours in察  rich察  lavish察  overflowing 

like the summer plenty in the land。 Then do the frozen Dedlocks 

thaw。     Strange     movements        come     upon     their   features察   as   the 

shadows       of  leaves   play   there。    A  dense    Justice    in  a   corner    is 

beguiled into a wink。 A staring Baronet察with a truncheon察gets a 

dimple in   his   chin。   Down into  the   bosom   of  a   stony   shepherdess 

there steals a  fleck   of  light  and   warmth察  that  would   have   done it 

good   a   hundred   years   ago。   One   ancestress   of   Volumnia察  in   high´ 

heeled     shoes察  very    like  her!casting       the  shadow      of  that  virgin 

event   before   her   full   two   centuries!shoots   out   into   a   halo   and 

becomes   a   saint。   A   maid   of   honour   of   the   court   of   Charles   the 

Second察with large round eyes and other charms to correspond察

seems to bathe in glowing water察and it ripples as it glows。 

    But the fire of the sun is dying。 Even now the floor is dusky察and 

shadow slowly mounts the walls察bringing the Dedlocks down like 

age   and   death。   And   now察  upon   my   lady¨s   picture   over   the   great 

chimney´piece察a weird shade falls from some old tree察that turns it 

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pale察and flutters it察and looks as if a great arm held a veil or hood察

watching  an   opportunity   to   draw   it   over   her。   Higher   and   darker 

rises   shadow  on   the   wall!now   a   red   gloom   on   the   ceiling!now 

the fire is out。 

    All   that   prospect察  which   from   the   terrace   looked   so   near察  has 

moved   solemnly   away察  and   changed!not   the   first   or   the   last   of 

beautiful      things   that   look   so   near    and   will   so  change!into        a 

distant phantom。 Light mists arise察and the dew falls察and all   the 

sweet  scents in   the   garden are   heavy  in   the   air。   Now察  the   woods 

settle   into   great   masses   as   if   they   were   each   one   profound   tree。 

And   now  the   moon  rises察 to  separate   them察  and   to  glimmer   here 

and there is horizontal lines behind their stems察and to make the 

avenue       a   pavement       of   light    among      high    cathedral      arches 

fantastically broken。 

    Now察the moon is high察and the great house察needing habitation 

more than ever察is like a body without life。 Now察it is even awful察

stealing through it察to think of the live people who have slept in the 

solitary bedrooms此to say nothing of the dead。 Now is the time for 

shadow察when every corner is a cavern察and every downward step 

a   pit察  when   the   stained   glass   is   reflected   in   pale   and   faded   hues 

upon the floors察when anything and everything can be made of the 

heavy  staircase   beams   excepting   their   own   proper   shapes察  when 

the   armour   has   dull   lights   upon   it   not   easily   to   be   distinguished 

from stealthy movement察and when barred helmets are frightfully 

suggestive   of   heads   inside。   But察  of   all   the    sh

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