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bleak house(奈噌議型徨)-及209嫗

弌傍 bleak house(奈噌議型徨) 忖方 耽匈4000忖

梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何

rubbish      Me     and    Bart察   and    my     granddaughter        Judy察    are 

endeavouring to make out an inventory of what¨s worth anything 

to sell。 But we haven¨t come to much as yet察we!haven¨t!come! 

to!hah 院

    Mr   Smallweed       has   run   down   again察    while   Mr   Weevle¨s     eye察

attended by Mr Guppy¨s eye察has again gone round the room and 

come back。 

    ^Well察  sir察院  says   Mr   Weevle。   ^We   won¨t   intrude   any   longer察  if 

you¨ll allow us to go upstairs。 ̄ 

    ^Anywhere察      my    dear   sir察 anywhere      You¨re    at  home。     Make 

yourself so察pray 院

    As   they   go   upstairs察  Mr   Guppy   lifts   his   eyebrows   inquiringly察

and looks at Tony。 Tony shakes his head。 They find the old room 

very dull and dismal察with the ashes of the fire that was burning on 

that   memorable   night   yet   in   the   discoloured   grate。   They   have   a 

great   disinclination   to   touch   any   object察  and   carefully   blow   the 

dust   from     it   first。  Nor   are  they   desirous  to   prolong   their   visit此

packing      the   few   movables     with    all  possible   speed察   and    never 

speaking above a whisper。 

Charles Dickens                                                     ElecBook Classics 

´ Page 772´

                                   Bleak House                                     772 

    ^Look     here察院   says   Tony察   recoiling。   ^Here¨s    that   horrible    cat 

coming in 院

    Mr Guppy retreats behind a chair。 ^Small   told   me   of  her。   She 

went   leaping  and   bounding  and   tearing   about察  that   night察  like   a 

Dragon察and got out on the house´top察and roamed about up there 

for   a   fortnight察  and   then   came   tumbling  down   the   chimney   very 

thin。 Did you ever see such a brute拭Looks as if she knew all about 

it察don¨t she拭Almost looks as if she was Krook。 Shoohoo Get out察

you goblin 院

    Lady Jane in the doorway察with her tiger´snarl from ear to ear察

and   her   club    of  a  tail察 shows    no   intention    of  obeying察   but   Mr 

Tulkinghorn   stumbling   over   her察  she   spits   at   his   rusty   legs察  and 

swearing   wrathfully察  takes   her   arched   back   upstairs。   Possibly   to 

roam the house´tops again察and return by the chimney。 

    ^Mr Guppy察院says Mr Tulkinghorn察 could   I  have   a   word   with 


    Mr Guppy is engaged in collecting the Galaxy Gallery of British 

Beauty  from   the   wall察  and   depositing   those   works   of   art   in   their 

old ignoble band´box。 ^Sir察院he returns察reddening察 I wish to act 

with     courtesy     towards     every    member       of  the   profession察    and 

especially察  I   am   sure察  towards   a   member   of   it   so   well   known   as 

yourself!I will truly add察sir察so distinguished as yourself。 Still察Mr 

Tulkinghorn察sir察I must stipulate that if you have   any  word   with 

me察that word is spoken in the presence of my friend。 ̄ 

    ^Oh察indeed拭院says Mr Tulkinghorn。 

    ^Yes察  sir。   My   reasons   are   not   of   a   personal   nature   at   all察  but 

they are amply sufficient for myself。 ̄ 

    ^No doubt察no  doubt。 ̄   Mr  Tulkinghorn   is   as   imperturbable as 

the hearthstone to which he has quietly walked。 ^The matter is not 

Charles Dickens                                                      ElecBook Classics 

´ Page 773´

                                  Bleak House                                  773 

of that consequence that I need put you to the trouble of making 

any conditions察Mr Guppy。 ̄ He pauses here to smile察and his smile 

is   as   dull   and    rusty    as   his   pantaloons。     ^You     are   to   be 

congratulated察Mr Guppy察you are a fortunate young man察sir。 ̄ 

    ^Pretty well so察Mr Tulkinghorn察I don¨t complain。 ̄ 

    ^Complain拭 High  friends察  free   admission   to   great   houses察  and 

access    to  elegant    ladies  Why察   Mr   Guppy察   there   are   people   in 

London who would give their ears to be you。 ̄ 

   Mr Guppy察looking as if he would give his own   reddening  and 

still reddening ears to be one of those people at present instead of 

himself察replies察 Sir察if I attend to my profession察and do what is 

right by Kenge and Carboy察my friends and acquaintances are of 

no consequence to them察nor to any member of the profession察not 

excepting      Mr   Tulkinghorn      of  the  Fields。   I  am   not  under    any 

obligation to explain myself further察and with  all  respect  for  you察

sir察and without offence!I repeat察without offence! ̄ 

    ^Oh察certainly 院

    ^!I don¨t intend to do it。 ̄ 

    ^Quite so察院says Mr Tulkinghorn察with a calm nod。 ^Very good此I 

see    by  these   portraits    that  you   take   a  strong    interest   in  the 

fashionable great察sir拭院

   He addresses this to  the   astounded   Tony察  who  admits   the   soft 


    ^A virtue in which few Englishmen are deficient察院observes Mr 

Tulkinghorn。 He has been standing on the hearth´stone察with his 

back to the smoked chimney´piece察and now turns round察with his 

glasses to his eyes。 ^Who is this拭 Lady Dedlock。¨ Ha A very good 

likeness   in   its   way察  but   it   wants   force   of   character。   Good   day   to 

you察gentlemen察good day 院

Charles Dickens                                                   ElecBook Classics 

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                                   Bleak House                                     774 

    When   he   has   walked   out察  Mr   Guppy察  in   a   great   perspiration察

nerves himself to the hasty completion of the   taking  down   of  the 

Galaxy Gallery察concluding with Lady Dedlock。 

    ^Tony察院he says hurriedly to his astonished companion察 let us 

be quick in putting the things together察and in getting out of this 

place。    It  were    in  vain   longer    to  conceal    from    you察  Tony察   that 

between myself and one of the members of a swanlike aristocracy 

whom       I  now    hold    in   my    hand察   there    has   been    undivulged 

communication and association。 The time might have been察when 

I   might   have   revealed   it   to   you。   It   never   will   be   more。   It   is   due 

alike to the oath I have taken察alike to the shattered idol察and alike 

to   circumstances   over   which   I   have   no   control察      that   the  whole 

should   be     buried    in  oblivion。   I  charge   you   as   a  friend察  by   the 

interest you have ever testified in the fashionable intelligence察and 

by    any   little  advances      with   which     I  may    have    been    able   to 

accommodate you察so to bury it without a word of inquiry 院

    This charge Mr Guppy delivers in a state little short of forensic 

lunacy察while his friend shows a dazed mind in his whole head of 

hair察and even in his cultivated whiskers。 

Charles Dickens                                                      ElecBook Classics 

´ Page 775´

                                  Bleak House                                  775 

                                Chapter 40 

                       National And Domestic 

          ngland has been in a dreadful state for some weeks。 Lord 

ECoodle   would   go  out察  Sir   Thomas   Doodle   wouldn¨t   come 

          in察and there being nobody in Great  Britain   to  speak   of 

except Coodle and Doodle察there has been no Government。 It is a 

mercy     that   the  hostile   meeting    between     those   two   great   men察

which at one time seemed inevitable察did not come off察because if 

both   pistols   had   taken   effect察  and   Coodle   and   Doodle   had   killed 

each other察it is to be presumed that England must have waited to 

be governed until young Coodle and young Doodle察now in frocks 

and    long   stoc

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