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bleak house(奈噌議型徨)-及207嫗

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be nothing more。 ̄ 

    The client察with his dejection insensibly relieved察and his vague 

hopes     rekindled察    takes    pen   and    ink   and   writes    the   draft此  not 

without perplexed consideration and calculation of the date it may 

bear察  implying   scant   effects   in   the   agent¨s   hands。   All   the   while察

Vholes察buttoned up in body and mind察looks at him attentively。 All 

the while察Vholes¨s official cat watches the mouse¨s hole。 

    Lastly察   the   client察  shaking    hands察    beseeches     Mr    Vholes察   for 

Heaven¨s   sake   and   Earth¨s   sake察  to   do   his   utmost察  to   ^pull   him 

through ̄      the   Court    of  Chancery。      Mr    Vholes察   who    never    gives 

hopes察lays his palm upon the client¨s shoulder察and answers with 

a smile察 Always here察sir。 Personally察or by letter察you will always 

find me here察sir察with my shoulder to the wheel。 ̄ Thus they part察

and   Vholes察  left   alone察  employs   himself   in   carrying   sundry   little 

matters   out  of  his   Diary   into   his   draft   bill   book察  for   the   ultimate 

behoof   of   his   three   daughters。   So   might   an   industrious         fox察 or 

bear察make up his account of chickens or stray travellers with an 

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´ Page 765´

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eye    to   his  cubs察  not   to   disparage   by   that   word   the   three   raw´ 

visaged察    lank察  and    buttoned´up       maidens察    who    dwell    with    the 

parent  Vholes   in   an   earthy  cottage   situated in a   damp   garden   at 


    Richard察emerging from the heavy shade of Symond¨s Inn into 

the sunshine of Chancery Lane!for there happens to be sunshine 

there today!walks thoughtfully on察and turns into Lincoln¨s Inn察

and passes under the shadow of the Lincoln¨s Inn trees。 On many 

such     loungers    have    the   speckled    shadows      of  those   trees   often 

fallen察on the like bent head察the bitten nail察the lowering eye察the 

lingering      step察   the   purposeless       and    dreamy      air察  the    good 

consuming and consumed察the life turned sour。 This lounger is not 

shabby      yet察  but   that   may    come。     Chancery察     which     knows     no 

wisdom but in Precedent察is very rich in such Precedents察and why 

should one be different from ten thousand拭

    Yet the time is so short since his depreciation began察that as he 

saunters away察  reluctant   to   leave   the   spot   for   some   long   months 

together察  though   he   hates   it察  Richard   himself   may   feel   his   own 

case   as   if   it   were   a   startling   one。   While   his   heart   is   heavy   with 

corroding   care察  suspense察  distrust察  and   doubt察  it   may   have   room 

for some sorrowful wonder when he recalls how different his first 

visit   there察  how   different   he察  how   different   all   the   colours   of   his 

mind。   But   injustice   breeds   injustice察      the  fighting   with   shadows 

and     being    defeated     by   them察    necessitates     the   setting    up   of 

substances   to   combat察  from   the   impalpable          suit   which   no   man 

alive can understand察the time for that being long gone by察it has 

become a gloomy relief to turn to the palpable figure of the friend 

who   would      have    saved    him   from    this  ruin察  and   make    him    his 

enemy。 Richard has told Vholes the truth。 Is he in a hardened or a 

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softened mood察he still lays his injuries equally at that door察he was 

thwarted察in that quarter察of a set purpose察and that purpose could 

only originate in the one subject that is resolving his existence into 

itself此besides察it is a justification to him in his own eyes to have an 

embodied antagonist and oppressor。 

    Is Richard a monster in all   this!or  would   Chancery  be  found 

rich in such Precedents too察if they could be got for citation from 

the Recording Angel拭

    Two pairs of eyes not unused to such people look after him察as察

biting    his   nails  and    brooding察    he  crosses    the   square察   and    is 

swallowed up by the shadow of the southern gateway。 Mr Guppy 

and   Mr   Weevle   are   the   possessors   of   those   eyes察  and   they   have 

been leaning in conversation against the low stone parapet under 

the trees。 He passed close by them察seeing nothing but the ground。 

    ^William察院    says   Mr   Weevle察    adjusting    his  whiskers察     there¨s 

combustion going on there It¨s not a case of Spontaneous察but it¨s 

smouldering combustion it is。 ̄ 

    ^Ah 院says Mr Guppy察 he wouldn¨t keep out of Jarndyce察and I 

suppose   he¨s   over   head   and   ears   in   debt。   I   never   knew   much   of 

him。 He was as high as the Monument when he was on trial at our 

place。   A   good   riddance   to   me察  whether   as   clerk   or   client   Well察

Tony察that as I was mentioning is what they¨re up to。 ̄ 

    Mr    Guppy察    refolding   his   arms察  resettles   himself    against    the 

parapet察as resuming a conversation of interest。 

    ^They are still up to it察sir察院says Mr Guppy察 still taking stock察

still   examining   papers察  still   going   over   the   heaps    and   heaps    of 

rubbish。 At this rate they¨ll be at it these seven years。 ̄ 

    ^And Small is helping拭院

    ^Small left us at a week¨s notice。 Told Kenge察his grandfather¨s 

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business was too much for the old gentleman察and he could better 

himself   by   undertaking   it。   There   had   been   a   coolness   between 

myself and Small on account of his being so close。 But he said you 

and   I   began   it察  and   as   he   had   me   there!for   we   did!I   put   our 

acquaintance on the old footing。 That¨s how I come to know what 

they¨re up to。 ̄ 

    ^You haven¨t looked in at all拭院

    ^Tony察院says Mr Guppy察a little disconcerted察 to be unreserved 

with you察I don¨t greatly relish the house察except in your company察

and     therefore    I  have    not察 and    therefore    I  proposed      this  little 

appointment   for   our   fetching   away   your   things。   There   goes   the 

hour   by   the   clock   Tony 院  Mr   Guppy   becomes   mysteriously   and 

tenderly eloquent察 it is necessary that I should impress upon your 

mind once more察that circumstances over which I have no control察

have   made   a   melancholy   alteration   in   my   most   cherished   plans察

and in that unrequited image which I formerly mentioned to you 

as a friend。 That image is shattered察and that idol is laid low。 My 

only wish now察in connection with the objects which I had an idea 

of carrying out in the court察with your aid as a friend察is to let ¨em 

alone  and bury  ¨em   in   oblivion。   Do   you   think   it   possible察  do   you 

think it at all likely I put it to you察Tony察as a friend察  from   your 

knowledge   of   that   capricious   and   deep   old   character   who   fell   a 

prey   to   the!Spontaneous   element察  do   you察  Tony察  think   it   at   all 

likely    that察  on    second     thoughts察    he   put    those    letters   away 

anywhere        after   you   saw    him    alive察  and    that   they   were     not 

destroyed that night拭院

    Mr  Weevle   reflects   for  some   time。  Shakes   his   head。   Decidedly 

thinks not。 

    ^Tony察院says Mr Guppy察as t

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