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she could devote herself to him此never of her own delights察if she 

could minister to his。 

    And she kept her word拭

Charles Dickens                                                     ElecBook Classics 

´ Page 738´

                                    Bleak House                                     738 

    I looked along the road before me察where the distance already 

shortens   and   the   journey¨s   end   is   growing   visible察  and察  true   and 

good above the dead sea of the Chancery suits察and all the ashey 

fruit it casts ashore察I think I see my darling。 

Charles Dickens                                                       ElecBook Classics 

´ Page 739´

                                 Bleak House                                  739 

                                Chapter 38 

                                A Struggle 

             hen our time came for returning to Bleak House again察

Wwe were punctual to the day察and were received with an 

             overpowering        welcome。     I  was   perfectly    restored    to 

health and strength察and finding my housekeeping keys laid ready 

for me in my room察rang myself in as if I had been a new year察with 

a merry little peal。 ^Once more察duty察duty察Esther察院said I察 and if 

you     are  not   overjoyed     to   do   it察 more   than    cheerfully    and 

contentedly察  through   anything   and   everything察  you   ought   to   be。 

That¨s all I have to say to you察my dear 院

    The   first  few  mornings   were   mornings   of   so   much   bustle   and 

business察devoted to such  settlements  of  accounts察such  repeated 

journeys   to   and   fro  between   the   Growlery   and   all   other   parts   of 

the   house察  so  many  rearrangements   of drawers   and presses察  and 

such     a  general    new    beginning     altogether察   that  I  had    not  a 

moment¨s leisure。 But when these arrangements were completed察

and    everything     was   in  order察 I  paid  a  visit  of  a  few  hours    to 

London察which something in the letter I had destroyed at Chesney 

Wold had induced me to decide upon in my own mind。 

    I made Caddy Jellyby!her maiden name was so natural to me 

that I always called her by it!the pretext for this visit察and wrote 

her a note previously察asking the favour of her company on a little 

business   expedition。   Leaving   home   very   early   in   the   morning察  I 

got to London by stage´coach in such good time察that I walked to 

Newman Street with the day before me。 

Charles Dickens                                                  ElecBook Classics 

´ Page 740´

                                   Bleak House                                    740 

    Caddy察  who   had   not   seen   me   since   her   wedding   day察  was   so 

glad   and   so  affectionate   that   I   was   half  inclined   to   fear   I   should 

make her husband jealous。 But he was察in his way察just as bad!I 

mean as good察and in short it was the old story察and nobody would 

leave me any possibility of doing anything meritorious。 

    The elder Mr Turveydrop was in bed察I found察and Caddy was 

milling   his   chocolate察  which   a   melancholy   little   boy   who   was   an 

apprentice!it  seemed  such a   curious   thing   to   be   apprenticed   to 

the trade of dancing!was waiting to carry upstairs。 Her father´in´ 

law was extremely kind and considerate察Caddy told me察and they 

lived    most    happily    together。    When     she   spoke     of  their   living 

together察she meant that the old gentleman had all the good things 

and   all   the   good   lodging察  while   she   and   her   husband   had   what 

they   could   get察  and   were   poked   into   two   corner   rooms   over   the 

Mews。 ^And how is your mama察Caddy拭院said I。 

    ^Why察I hear of her察Esther察院replied Caddy察 through Pa察but I 

see very little of her。 We are good friends察I am glad to say察but Ma 

thinks there is something absurd in my having married a dancing´ 

master察and she is rather afraid of its extending to her。 ̄ 

    It struck me that if Mrs Jellyby had discharged her own natural 

duties     and   obligations察    before    she   swept    the   horizon     with   a 

telescope     in   search    of  others察  she   would    have    taken    the   best 

precautions against becoming absurd察but I need scarcely observe 

that I kept this to myself。 

    ^And your papa察Caddy拭院

    ^He   comes   here   every   evening察院  returned   Caddy察   and   is   so 

fond of sitting in the corner there察that it¨s a treat to see him。 ̄ 

    Looking      at  the  corner察   I  plainly   perceived     the   mark    of  Mr 

Jellyby¨s head against the wall。 It was consolatory to know that he 

Charles Dickens                                                     ElecBook Classics 

´ Page 741´

                                  Bleak House                                    741 

had found such a resting´place for it。 

    ^And you察Caddy察院said I察 you are always busy察I¨ll be bound拭院

    ^Well察my dear察院returned Caddy察 I am indeed察for to tell you a 

grand     secret察  I  am   qualifying    myself    to  give   lessons。    Prince¨s 

health is not strong and I want to be able to assist him。 What with 

schools察and classes here察and private pupils察and the apprentices察

he really has too much to do察poor fellow 院

    The   notion   of   the   apprentices   was   still   so   odd   to   me察  that   I 

asked Caddy察if there were many of them拭

    ^Four察院said Caddy。 ^One indoor察and three out。 They are very 

good     children察   only   when     they   get   together    they  will    play! 

children´like!instead of attending to their work。 So the little boy 

you saw just now waltzes by himself in the empty kitchen察and we 

distribute the others as well as we can。 ̄ 

    ^That is only for their steps察of course拭院said I。 

    ^Only for their steps察院said Caddy。 ^In that way they practise so 

many   hours   at   a   time察  whatever   steps   they   happen   to   be   upon。 

They dance in the academy察and at this time of year we do Figures 

at five every morning。 ̄ 

    ^Why察what a laborious life 院I exclaimed。 

    ^I   assure   you察  my   dear察院  returned   Caddy察  smiling察   when   the 

outdoor apprentices ring us up in the morning the bell rings into 

our room察not to disturb old Mr Turveydrop察and when I put up 

the   window察  and   see   them   standing   on   the   doorstep   with   their 

little  pumps      under    their  arms察   I  am   actually   reminded      of  the 

Sweeps。 ̄ 

   All this presented the art to me in a   singular  light察  to  be   sure。 

Caddy   enjoyed   the   effect   of   her   communication察  and   cheerfully 

recounted the particulars of her own studies。 

Charles Dickens                                                     ElecBook Classics 

´ Page 742´

                                   Bleak House                                     742 

    ^You see察my dear察to save expense察I ought to know something 

of  the   Piano察and   I   ought  to  know  something   of   the   Kit   too察  and 

consequently  I   have   to  practise   those   two  instruments   as   well  as 

the details of our profession。 If Ma   had been like   anybody  else察I 

might     have    had   some    little  musical    knowledge       to  begin   upon。 

However察I hadn¨t any察and that part of the work is察at first察a little 

discouraging察I must allow。 But I have a very good ear察and I am 

used to drudgery!I have to thank Ma for that察at all events!and 

where   there¨s   a   will   there¨s   a   way察  you   know察  Esther察  the   world 

over。 ̄   Saying  these   words察  Caddy   laughingly   sat   down   at   a   little 

jingling square piano察and really rattled off a quadrille with great 

spirit。   Then   s

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