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in the world for such a thing。 I never was responsible in my life!I 

can¨t be。 ̄ 

    ^I am afraid everybody is obliged to be察院said I察timidly enough察

he being so much older and more cleverer than I。 

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    ^No察really拭院said Mr Skimpole察receiving this new light with a 

most agreeable jocularity of surprise。 ^But every man¨s not obliged 

to    be   solvent拭    I  am    not。   I  never    was。    See察   my    dear    Miss 

Summerson察院he took a handful of loose silver and halfpence from 

his pocket察 there¨s so much money。 I have not an idea how much。 

I have not the power of counting。 Call it four and nine´pence!call 

it four pound nine。 They tell me I owe more than that。 I dare say I 

do。 I   dare   say  I   owe as much  as   good´natured   people   will  let  me 

owe。   If   they   don¨t   stop察  why   should   I拭  There   you   have   Harold 

Skimpole in little。 If that¨s responsibility察I am responsible。 ̄ 

    The   perfect   ease   of   manner   with   which   he   put   the   money   up 

again察and looked at me with a smile on his refined face察as if he 

had   been   mentioning   a   curious   little   fact   about   somebody   else察

almost made me feel as if he really had nothing to do with it。 

    ^Now   when   you   mention   responsibility察院  he           resumed察      I   am 

disposed to say察that I never had the happiness of knowing any one 

whom   I   should   consider   so   refreshingly   responsible   as   yourself。 

You   appear   to     me    to  be   the  very   touchstone      of  responsibility。 

When I see you察my dear Miss Summerson察intent upon the perfect 

working   of   the   whole   little   orderly   system   of   which   you   are   the 

centre察I feel inclined to say to myself!in fact I do say to myself察

very often!that¨s responsibility。 ̄ 

    It   was   difficult察  after   this察 to  explain     what    I  meant察    but   I 

persisted so  far  as   to  say察  that  we   all  hoped   he   would   check   and 

not   confirm   Richard   in   the      sanguine     views    he   entertained     just 


    ^Most   willingly察院  he   retorted察   if   I   could。   But察  my   dear   Miss 

Summerson察I have no art察no disguise。 If he takes me by the hand察

and   leads   me   through   Westminister   Hall           in  an  airy   procession 

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after Fortune察I   must  go。   If   he   says察  Skimpole察  join   the   dance    I 

must     join  it。  Common       sense    wouldn¨t察   I  know察   but   I  have   no 

common sense。 ̄ 

    ^It was very unfortunate for Richard察院I said。 

    ^Do you think so 院returned Mr Skimpole。 ^Don¨t say that察don¨t 

say   that。   Let   us  suppose     him    keeping     company      with   Common 

Sense!an         excellent     man!a       good     deal   wrinkled!dreadfully 

practical!change          for  a  ten´pound      note   in  every    pocket!ruled 

account´book in his hand!say察upon the whole察resembling a tax´ 

gatherer。      Our     dear    Richard察     sanguine察     ardent察    overleaping 

obstacles察    bursting     with   poetry    like  a  young     bud察  says   to  this 

highly respectable companion察 I see a golden prospect before me察

it¨s  very   bright察   it¨s  very  beautiful察   it¨s  very   joyous察  here   I  go察

bounding       over   the   landscape      to  come     at  it   The   respectable 

companion   instantly   knocks   him   down   with   the            ruled   account´ 

book察tells him察in a literal prosaic way察that he sees no such thing察

shows him it¨s nothing but  fees察  fraud察  horsehair  wigs察and black 

gowns。   Now   you   know   that¨s   a   painful   change察sensible   in   the 

last   degree察   I  have   no   doubt察  but   disagreeable。  I     can¨t   do   it。  I 

haven¨t     got   the   ruled    account´book察      I  have    none    of  the   tax´ 

gathering elements in my composition察I am not at all respectable察

and I don¨t want to be。 Odd perhaps察but so it is 院

    It was idle to say more察so I proposed that we should join Ada 

and   Richard察     who   were     a   little  in  advance察  and   I  gave   up   Mr 

Skimpole  in  despair。   He  had been   over  the   Hall  in  the   course   of 

the morning察and whimsically described the family pictures as we 

walked。     There     were   such   portentous      shepherdesses   among   the 

Ladies   Dedlock   dead   and   gone察  he   told   us察  that   peaceful   crooks 

became       weapons     of  assault    in  their   hands。    They    tended     their 

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flocks   severely   in   buckram   and   powder察  and   put   their   sticking´ 

plaster   patches   on   to   terrify   commoners察  as   the   chiefs   of   some 

other   tribes   put   on   their   war´paint。   There   was   a   Sir   Somebody 

Dedlock察with a battle察a sprung´mine察  volumes   of  smoke察  flashes 

of  lightning察a   town   on   fire察  and   a   stormed   fort察  all   in   full   action 

between   his   horse¨s   two   hind   legs此  showing察       he   supposed察  how 

little   a   Dedlock      made     of   such    trifles。   The    whole     race    he 

represented       as   having    evidently     been察   in  life察 what   he   called 

^stuffed   people察院a   large   collection察  glassy   eyed察  set   up        in  the 

most   approved   manner   on   their   various   twigs   and   perches察  very 

correct察perfectly free from animation察and always in glass cases。 

    I   was not  so  easy now察  during any  reference   to  the   name察  but 

that I felt it a relief when Richard察with an exclamation of surprise察

hurried away  to  meet  a   stranger察  whom   he   first  descried  coming 

slowly towards us。 

    ^Dear me 院said Mr Skimpole。 ^Vholes 院

    We asked if that were a friend of Richard¨s。 

    ^Friend   and  legal adviser察院said   Mr  Skimpole。 ^Now察  my dear 

Miss Summerson察if  you  want  common sense察  responsibility察  and 

respectability察all united!if you want an exemplary man!Vholes 

is the man。 ̄ 

    We had not known察we said察that  Richard   was   assisted by  any 

gentleman of that name。 

    ^When he emerged from legal infancy察院returned Mr Skimpole察

^he parted   from   our  conversational   friend   Kenge察and   took   up察  I 

believe察with Vholes。 Indeed察I know he did察because I introduced 

him to Vholes。 ̄ 

    ^Had you known him long拭院asked Ada。 

    ^Vholes拭      My    dear    Miss    Clare察   I   had    had    that   kind     of 

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acquaintance with him which I   have  had   with  several   gentlemen 

of   his  profession。     He   had   done    something      or  other察  in  a  very 

agreeable察     civil   manner!taken          proceedings察     I   think察   is  the 

expression!which           ended    in   the  proceeding      of  his   taking  me。 

Somebody        was    so   good    as  to  step   in   and   pay    the   money! 

something and fourpence was the amount察I forget the pounds and 

shillings察but I know it ended with fourpence察because it struck me 

at the time as being so odd that I could owe anybody fourpence! 

and after that察I br

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