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specious to preserve that outward indifference。 It may cause other 

parties interested to become lax about their interests察and people 

may die off察and points may drag themselves out of memory察and 

many things may smoothly happen that are convenient enough。 ̄ 

    I  was    so   touched     with   pity   for  Richard察    that   I  could    not 

reproach      him    any    more察   even    by   a  look。   I  remembered        my 

Guardian¨s   gentleness   towards   his   errors察  and   with   what   perfect 

freedom from resentment he had spoken of them。 

    ^Esther察院Richard resumed察 you are not to suppose that I have 

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come here to make under´handed charges against John Jarndyce。 

I   have   only   come   to   justify   myself。   What   I   say   is察  it   was   all   very 

well察and we got on very well察while I was a boy察utterly regardless 

of this same suit察but as soon as I began to take an interest  in   it察

and   to   look   into   it察  then   it   was   quite   another   thing。   Then   John 

Jarndyce   discovers   that   Ada   and   I   must   break   off察  and   that   if   I 

don¨t  amend   that  very   objectionable   course察  I   am   not   fit   for   her。 

Now察     Esther察    I  don¨t   mean      to  amend       that   very    objectionable 

course此  I   will    not   hold   John    Jarndyce¨s       favour   on    those   unfair 

terms of compromise察which he has no right to dictate。 Whether it 

pleases   him   or   displeases   him察  I   must   maintain   my   rights察  and 

Ada¨s。   I   have   been   thinking   about   it   a   good   deal察  and   this   is   the 

conclusion I have come to。 ̄ 

    Poor   dear   Richard   He   had   indeed   been   thinking   about   it   a 

good   deal。   His   face察  his   voice察  his   manner察  all   showed   that察  too 


    ^So   I   tell   him   honourably   you   are   to   know   I   have   written   to 

him about all this察that we are at issue察and that we had better be 

at issue openly than covertly。 I thank him for his goodwill and his 

protection察  and   he  goes   his   road察  and   I  go   mine。   The   fact   is察  our 

roads are not the same。 Under one of the wills in dispute I should 

take much more than he。 I don¨t mean to say that it is the one to be 

established察but there it is察and it has its chance。 ̄ 

    ^I have not to learn from you察my dear Richard察院said I察 of your 

letter。   I   had   heard   of   it   already察  without   an   offended        or   angry 

word。 ̄ 

    ^Indeed拭院replied Richard察softening。 ^I am glad I said he was 

an   honourable   man察  out   of   all   this   wretched   affair。   But   I   always 

say that察and have never doubted it。 Now察my dear Esther察I know 

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these   views   of   mine   appear   extremely   harsh   to   you察  and   will   to 

Ada when you tell her what has passed between us。 But if you had 

gone   into   case   as   I   have察  if   you   had   only  applied   yourself   to   the 

papers as I did when I was at Kenge¨s察if you only knew what an 

accumulation of charges and counter´charges察and suspicions and 

cross´suspicions察  they   involve察  you   would   think   me   moderate   in 

comparison。 ̄ 

    ^Perhaps so察院said I。 ^But do you think that察among those many 

papers察there is much truth and justice察Richard拭院

    ^There is truth and justice somewhere in the case察Esther察 ̄ 

     ^Or was once察long ago察院said I。 

    ^Is!is!must   be   somewhere察院  pursued   Richard察  impetuously察

^and must be brought out。 To allow Ada to be made a bribe   and 

hush´money of察is not the way to bring it out。 You  say  the   suit  is 

changing   me察  John   Jarndyce   says   it   changes察  has   changed察  and 

will change察everybody who has any share in it。 Then the greater 

right I have on my side察when I resolve to do all I can to bring it to 

an end。 ̄ 

    ^All you can察Richard Do you think that in these many years no 

others   have   done   all   they   could拭  Has   the   difficulty   grown   easier 

because of so many failures拭院

    ^It   can¨t  last  for  ever察院   returned    Richard察    with   a  fierceness 

kindling      in  him    which    again    presented      to  me    that   last  sad 

reminder。 ^I am young and earnest察and energy and determination 

have   done   wonders   many   a   time。   Others   have   only   half   thrown 

themselves into it。 I devote myself to it。 I make it the object of my 

life。 ̄ 

    ^Oh Richard察my dear察so much the worse察so much the worse 院

    ^No察    no察  no察  don¨t   you    be   afraid    for  me察院    he   returned察

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affectionately。   ^You¨re   a dear察  good察  wise察  quiet察  blessed   girl察  but 

you have your prepossessions。 So I come round to John Jarndyce。 

I   tell   you察  my   good   Esther察  when   he   and   I   were   on   those   terms 

which he found so convenient察we were not on natural terms。 ̄ 

    ^Are division and animosity your natural terms察Richard拭院

    ^No察  I   don¨t  say  that。   I   mean   that  all   this   business   puts   us   on 

unnatural   terms察  with   which   natural   relations   are   incompatible。 

See another reason for urging it on I may find out察when it¨s over察

that   I   have   been   mistaken   in   John   Jarndyce。   My   head   may   be 

clearer when I am free of it察and I may then agree with what you 

say today。 Very well。 Then I shall acknowledge it察and make  him 

reparation。 ̄ 

    Everything postponed to that imaginary time Everything held 

in confusion and indecision until then 

    ^Now察my best of confidantes察院said Richard察 I want my cousin察

Ada察to understand that I am not captious察fickle察and wilful察about 

John   Jarndyce察  but   that   I   have   this   purpose   and   reason   at   my 

back。 I wish to represent myself to her through you察because she 

has   a   great  esteem   and  respect  for  her   cousin   John察  and   I   know 

you will soften the course I take察even though you disapprove of it察

and!and         in  short察院   said    Richard察    who     had    been    hesitating 

through   these   words察   I!I   don¨t   like   to   represent   myself   in   this 

litigious察  contentions察  doubting   character察  to   a   confiding   girl   like 

Ada。 ̄ 

    I told him that he was more like himself in those latter words察

than in anything he had said yet。 

    ^Why察院acknowledged Richard察   that  may  be   true   enough察  my 

love。 I rather feel it to be so。 But I shall be able to give myself fair´ 

play   by   and   by。   I   shall   come   all   right   again察  then察  don¨t   you   be 

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afraid。 ̄ 

    I asked him if this were all he wished me to tell Ada拭

    ^Not   quite察院  said   Richard。   ^I   am   bound   not   to   withhold   from 

her that John Jarndyce answered my  letter  in   his   usual manner察

addressing   me   as   `My   dear   Rick察   trying   to   argue   me   out   of   my 

opinions察  and   telling   me   that   they   should   make   no   difference   in 

him。 All very well of course察but not altering the case。 I also want 


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