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before I went to sleep。 I had kept Mr Woodcourt¨s flowers。 When 

they were withered I had dried them察and put them in a book that 

I   was   fond   of。   Nobody   knew   this察  not   even   Ada。   I   was   doubtful 

whether   I   had   a   right   to   preserve   what   he   had   sent   to   one   so 

different!whether it was generous towards him to do it。 I wished 

to   be   generous   to   him察  even   in   the   secret   depths    of   my   heart察

which   he   would   never   know察  because   I   could   have   loved   him! 

could have been devoted to him。 At last I came to the conclusion 

that I might keep them察if I treasured them only as a remembrance 

of what was irrevocably past and gone察never to be looked back on 

any more察in any other light。 I hope this may not seem trivial。 I was 

very much in earnest。 

    I took care to be up early in the morning察and to be before the 

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glass when Charley came in on tiptoe。 

    ^Dear察dear察miss 院cried Charley察starting。 ^Is that you拭院

    ^Yes察  Charley察院  said   I察  quietly   putting   up   my   hair。   ^And   I   am 

very well indeed察and very happy。 ̄ 

    I   saw  it  was   a   weight   off   Charley¨s   mind察  but   it   was   a   greater 

weight off mine。 I knew the worst now察and was composed to it。 I 

shall   not   conceal察  as   I   go   on察  the   weaknesses   I   could   not   quite 

conquer察  but  they  always passed   from   me   soon察  and   the   happier 

frame of mind stayed by me faithfully。 

    Wishing to be fully re´established in my strength and my good 

spirits   before   Ada   came察  I   now   laid   down   a   little   series   of   plans 

with Charley for being in the fresh air all day long。 We were to be 

out  before   breakfast察  and  were   to  dine   early察  and  were   to   be   out 

again before and after dinner察and were to walk in the garden after 

tea察  and   were   to  go  to  rest  betimes察and   were   to  climb   every  hill 

and explore every road察lane察and field in the neighbourhood。 As to 

restoratives      and    strengthening       delicacies察    Mr   Boythorn¨s       good 

housekeeper was for ever trotting about with something to eat or 

drink in her hand察I could not even be heard   of  as   resting  in   the 

Park察  but   she   would   come   trotting   after   me   with   a   basket察  her 

cheerful face shining with a lecture on the importance of frequent 

nourishment。   Then   there   was   a   pony   expressly   for   my   riding察  a 

chubby pony察with a short neck and a mane all over his eyes察who 

could canter!when he would!so easily and quietly察that he was a 

treasure。 In a very few days察he would come to me in the paddock 

when I called him察and eat out of my hand察and follow me about。 

We   arrived   at   such   a   capital   understanding察  that   when   he   was 

jogging  with  me   lazily察and   rather   obstinately察  down   some   shady 

lane察  if   I   patted   his   neck察  and   said察   Stubbs察  I   am   surprised   you 

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don¨t canter when you know how much I   like   it察  and   I   think   you 

might   oblige   me察     for   you   are  only   getting   stupid    and    going   to 

sleep察院he would give his head a comical shake or two察and set off 

directly察   while    Charley     would     stand    still  and  laugh    with    such 

enjoyment察that her laughter was like music。 I don¨t know who had 

given Stubbs his name察but it seemed to belong to him as naturally 

as   his   rough   coat。   Once   we   put   him   in   a   little   chaise察  and   drove 

him triumphantly through the green lanes for five miles察but all at 

once察as we were extolling him to the skies察he seemed to take it ill 

that   he   should     have   been   accompanied         so  far  by   the   circle  of 

tantalizing   little   gnats察  that   had   been   hovering   round   and   round 

his ears the whole way without appearing to advance an inch察and 

stopped to think about it。 I suppose he came to the decision that it 

was not to be borne察for he steadily refused to move察until I gave 

the reins to Charley and got out and walked察when he followed me 

with   a   sturdy   sort   of   good   humour察  putting   his   head   under   my 

arm察and rubbing his ear against my sleeve。 It was in vain for me 

to  say察   Now察  Stubbs察  I   feel  quite  sure  from   what  I   know  of   you察

that you will go on if I ride a little while察院for the moment I left him 

he stood stock still again。 Consequently I was obliged to lead   the 

way察as before察and in   this   order  we   returned   home察  to  the   great 

delight of the village。 

    Charley and I had reason to call it the most friendly of villages察I 

am sure察for in a week¨s time the people were so glad to see us go 

by察  though   ever   so   frequently   in   the   course   of   a   day察  that   there 

were faces of greeting in every cottage。 I had known many of the 

grown people before察and almost all the children察but now the very 

steeple began to wear a familiar and affectionate look。 Among my 

new     friends    was   an   old   old  woman      who    lived   in  such    a  little 

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thatched and whitewashed dwelling察that when the outside shutter 

was turned up on its hinges察it shut up the whole house´front。 This 

old lady had a grandson who was a sailor察and I wrote a letter to 

him for her察and drew at the top of it the chimney´corner in which 

she had brought him up察and where his old stool yet occupied its 

old    place。   This   was    considered      by   the  whole     village   the   most 

wonderful   achievement   in   the   world察  but   when   an   answer   came 

back   all   the  way  from   Plymouth察  in  which   he   mentioned   that   he 

was   going   to   take   the   picture   all   the   way   to   America察  and   from 

America would write again察I got all the credit that ought to have 

been given to the   Post´office察  and   was  invested   with  the   merit  of 

the whole system。 

    Thus察what with being so much in the air察playing with so many 

children察gossiping with so many people察sitting on invitation in so 

many   cottages察      going   on   with   Charley¨s     education察  and      writing 

long   letters   to   Ada   every   day察  I   had   scarcely   any   time   to   think 

about that little loss of mine察and was almost always cheerful。 If I 

did think of it at odd moments now and then察I had only to be busy 

and forget it。 I felt it more than I had hoped I should察once察when a 

child said察 Mother察why is the lady not a pretty lady now察like she 

used to be拭院But when I found the child was not less fond of me察

and     drew    its  soft  hand     over   my    face   with    a  kind    of  pitying 

protection   in   its   touch察  that   soon   set   me   up   again。   There   were 

many       little  occurrences       which     suggested      to  me察   with    great 

consolation察  how   natural   it   is   to   gentle   hearts   to   be   considerate 

and     delicate   towards     any    inferiority。   One    of  these    particularly 

touched   me。   I   happened   to   stroll   into   the   little   church   when   a 

marriage was just concluded察and the young couple had to sign the 

register。    The    bridegroom察      to  whom      the  pen    was    handed     first察


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