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bleak house(奈噌議型徨)-及183嫗

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drew  nearer  to  me察looking  grieved!I   took   her  in  my  arms察  and 

said察   It  matters   very  little察  Charley。   I   hope   I   can   do   without   my 

old face very well。 ̄ 

    I was presently so far advanced as to be able to sit up in a great 

chair察and even giddily to walk into the adjoining room察leaning on 

Charley。   The   mirror   was   gone   from   its   usual   place   in   that   room 

too察but what I had to bear察was none the harder to bear for that。 

    My   Guardian       had    throughout   been       earnest    to  visit  me察  and 

there   was   now   no   good   reason   why   I       should   deny   myself      that 

happiness。      He    came    one   morning察     and   when     he  first  came     in察

could only hold me in his embrace察and say察 My dear察dear girl 院I 

had long known!who could know better what a deep fountain 

of affection and generosity his heart was察and was it not worth my 

trivial   suffering   and   change   to   fill   such   a   place   in   it拭   O   yes 院  I 

thought。 ^He has seen me察and he loves me better than he did察he 

has   seen   me察  and   is   even   fonder   of  me   than   he   was   before察  and 

what have I to mourn for 院

    He   sat   down   by   me   on   the   sofa察  supporting   me   with   his   arm。 

For a little while he sat with his hand over his face察but when he 

removed it察fell into his usual manner。 There never can have been察

there never can be察a pleasanter manner。 

Charles Dickens                                                       ElecBook Classics 

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                                  Bleak House                                    677 

    ^My   little   woman察院  said   he察   what   a   sad   time   this   has   been。 

Such an inflexible little woman察too察through all 院

    ^Only for the best察Guardian察院said I。 

    ^For the best拭院he repeated察tenderly。 ^Of course察for the best。 

But   here   have   Ada   and   I   been   perfectly   forlorn   and   miserable察

here has your friend Caddy been coming and going late and early察

here has everyone about the house been utterly lost and dejected察

here has even poor Rick been writing!to me察too!in his anxiety 

for you 院

    I had read of Caddy in Ada¨s letters察but not of Richard。 I told 

him so。 

    ^Why no察my dear察院he replied。 ^I have thought it better not to 

mention it to her。 ̄ 

    ^And   you   speak   of   his   writing   to  you察院  said   I察 repeating   his 

emphasis。 ^As if it were not natural for him to do so察Guardian察as 

if he could write to a better friend 院

    ^He thinks he could察my love察院returned my Guardian察 and to 

many a better。 The truth is察he wrote to me under a sort of protest察

while unable   to  write  to  you  with  any  hope  of  an   answer!wrote 

coldly察haughtily察distantly察resentfully。 Well察dearest little woman察

we must look forbearingly on it。 He is not to blame。 Jarndyce and 

Jarndyce has warped him out of himself察and perverted me in his 

eyes。 I have known it do as bad deeds察and worse察many a time。 If 

two angels could be concerned in it察I believe it would change their 

nature。 ̄ 

    ^It has not changed yours察Guardian。 ̄ 

    ^O yes察it has察my dear察院he said察laughingly。 ^It  has   made  the 

south  wind   easterly察  I   don¨t   know   how   often。   Rick   mistrusts   and 

suspects     me!goes       to  lawyers察    and   is  taught    to  mistrust    and 

Charles Dickens                                                     ElecBook Classics 

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                                    Bleak House                                     678 

suspect   me。      Hears    I  have   conflicting    interests察   claims    clashing 

against his察and what not。 Whereas察Heaven knows察that if I could 

get    out    of   the   mountains       of   Wiglomeration         on   which      my 

unfortunate   name   has   been   so   long   bestowed   which   I   can¨t察  or 

could level them by the extinction of my own original right which 

I can¨t察either察and no human power ever can察anyhow察I believe察to 

such a pass have we got察I would do it  this  hour。   I   would   rather 

restore to poor Rick his proper nature察than be endowed with all 

the   money   that   dead   suitors察  broken察  heart   and   soul察  upon   the 

wheel     of   Chancery察     have    left  unclaimed      with    the   Accountant 

General!and   that¨s   money   enough察  my   dear察  to   be   cast   into   a 

pyramid察in memory of Chancery¨s transcendent wickedness。 ̄ 

    ^Is   it  possible察Guardian察院  I asked察amazed察   that  Richard   can 

be suspicious of you拭院

    ^Ah察  my  love察  my   love察院  he   said察   it   is   in   the   subtle   poison   of 

such   abuses   to   breed   such   diseases。   His       blood    is  infected察  and 

objects lose their natural aspects in his sight。 It is not his fault。 ̄ 

    ^But it is a terrible misfortune察Guardian。 ̄ 

    ^It   is  a  terrible   misfortune察    little  woman察    to  be   ever   drawn 

within     the   influences     of  Jarndyce     and    Jarndyce。     I  know    none 

greater。   By   little   and   little   he   has   been   induced   to   trust   in   that 

rotten reed察and it communicates some portion of its rottenness to 

everything around him。 But again察I say察with all my soul察we must 

be patient with poor Rick察and not blame him。 What a troop of fine 

fresh hearts察like his察have I seen in my time turned by the same 

means 院

    I could not help expressing something of my wonder and regret 

that    his   benevolent      disinterested     intentions     had    prospered      so 


Charles Dickens                                                       ElecBook Classics 

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                                    Bleak House                                     679 

    ^We   must   not   say   so察  Dame      Durden察院     he  cheerfully   replied察

^Ada is the happier察I hope察and that is much。 I did think that I and 

both these young creatures might be friends察instead of distrustful 

foes察and that we might  so  far  counteract  the   suit察and   prove   too 

strong     for   it。  But   it  was   too   much      to  expect。    Jarndyce      and 

Jarndyce was the curtain of Rick¨s cradle。 ̄ 

    ^But察  Guardian察  may   we   not   hope   that   a   little   experience   will 

teach him what a false and wretched thing it is拭院

    ^We will   hope   so察  my   Esther察院  said   Mr   Jarndyce察   and   that   it 

may not teach him so too late。 In any case we must not be hard on 

him。 There are not many grown and matured men living while we 

speak察  good   men   too察  who察  if   they   were   thrown   into   this      same 

court   as   suitors察  would   not   be   vitally   changed      and   depreciated 

within   three   years!within   two!within   one。   How   can   we   stand 

amazed at poor Rick拭A young man so unfortunate察院here he fell 

into   a   lower   tone察  as   if   he   were   thinking   aloud察   cannot   at   first 

believe   who   could殖   that   Chancery   is   what   it   is。   He   looks   to   it察

flushed and fitfully察to do something with his interests察and bring 

them      to  some    settlement。      It  procrastinates察     disappoints察    tries察

tortures   him察  wears   out  his   sanguine  hopes and   patience察  thread 

by thread察but he still looks to it察and hankers after it察and finds his 

whole  world   treacherous   and   hollow。   Well察  well察  well   Enough   of 

this察my dear 院

    He    had    supported       me察  as   at  first察 all   this  time察   and    his 

tenderness was so precious to me察that I leaned my head upon his 

shoulder and loved him as if he had been my father。 I resolved in 

my own mind in this little pause察by some means察to see Richard 

when I grew stron

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