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bleak house(奈噌議型徨)-及182嫗

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    While   I   was   very   ill察  the   way   in   which   these   divisions   of   time 

became        confused      with    one    another察     distressed      my    mind 

exceedingly。 At once a child察an elder girl察and the little woman I 

had   been   so   happy   as察  I   was   not   only   oppressed    by   cares   and 

difficulties adapted to each station察but by the great perplexity of 

endlessly   trying   to   reconcile   them。   I   suppose   that   few   who   have 

not been in such a condition can quite understand what I mean察or 

Charles Dickens                                                     ElecBook Classics 

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                                   Bleak House                                     673 

what painful unrest arose from this source。 

    For the same reason I am almost afraid to hint at that time in 

my  disorder!it  seemed   one   long  night察  but   I   believe   there   were 

both nights and days in it!when I laboured up colossal staircases察

ever  striving  to  reach   the   top察  and  ever   turned察  as   I   have   seen   a 

worm in a garden path察by some obstruction察and labouring again。 

I   knew  perfectly   at   intervals察  and   I   think   vaguely   at   most   times察

that I was in my bed察and I talked with Charley察and felt her touch察

and  knew  her  very  well察  yet  I   would   find myself   complaining   ^O 

more     of  these   never´ending       stairs察 Charley察more         and    more! 

piled up to the sky察I think 院and labouring on again。 

    Dare     I   hint   at   that    worse     time    when察    strung     together 

somewhere in great black space察there was a flaming necklace察or 

ring察or starry circle of some kind察of which I was one of the beads 

And when my only prayer was to be taken off from the   rest察and 

when it was such inexplicable agony and misery to be a part of the 

dreadful thing拭

    Perhaps the less I say of these sick experiences察the less tedious 

and the more intelligible I shall be。 I do not  recall   them  to  make 

others     unhappy察     or  because     I  am    now    the   least   unhappy      in 

remembering         them。    It  may    be  that   if  we   knew    more     of  such 

strange      afflictions察  we   might    be   better    able   to  alleviate    their 


    The repose that succeeded察the long delicious sleep察the blissful 

rest察  when   in   my   weakness   I   was   too   calm   to   have   any   care   for 

myself察and could have heard or so I think now that I was dying察

with   no   other   emotion   than   with   a   pitying   love   for   those   I   left 

behind!this state can be perhaps more widely understood。 I was 

in this state when I first shrunk from the light as it twinkled on me 

Charles Dickens                                                      ElecBook Classics 

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                                   Bleak House                                    674 

once more察and knew with a boundless joy for which no words are 

rapturous enough察that I should see again。 

    I   had   heard   my  Ada   crying  at   the   door察  day   and   night察  I   had 

heard her calling to me that I was cruel and did not love her察I had 

heard her praying and imploring to be let in to nurse and comfort 

me察and to leave my bedside no more此but I had only said察when I 

could   speak察   Never察  my   sweet   girl察  never 院  and   I   had   over   and 

over again reminded Charley that she was to keep my darling from 

the room察whether I lived or died。 Charley had been true to me in 

that time of need察and with her little hand and her great heart had 

kept the door fast。 

    But now察my sight strengthening察and the glorious light coming 

every day more fully and brightly on me察I could   read   the   letters 

that my dear wrote to me every morning and evening察and could 

put them to my lips and lay my cheek upon them with no fear of 

hurting  her。   I   could see   my  little   maid察  so  tender  and   so   careful察

going     about    the   two   rooms     setting    everything     in   order察  and 

speaking  cheerfully  to  Ada   from   the   open   window   again。   I   could 

understand   the   stillness   in   the   house察  and   the   thoughtfulness   it 

expressed on the part of all those who had always been so good to 

me。   I   could   weep in   the   exquisite   felicity   of   my   heart察  and   be   as 

happy in my weakness as ever I had been in my strength。 

    By´and´bye察my strength began to be restored。 Instead of lying察

with so strange a calmness察watching what was done for me察as if it 

were done for some one else whom I was quietly sorry for察I helped 

it a little察and so on to a little more察and much more察until I became 

useful to myself察and interested察and attached to life again。 

    How well I remember the pleasant afternoon when I was raised 

in bed with pillows for the first time察to enjoy a great tea´drinking 

Charles Dickens                                                      ElecBook Classics 

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                                   Bleak House                                     675 

with   Charley   The   little   creature!sent   into   the   world察  surely察  to 

minister   to   the   weak   and   sick!was   so   happy察  and   so   busy察  and 

stopped   so   often   in   her   preparations   to   lay   her   head   upon   my 

bosom察and fondle me察and cry with joyful tears she   was  so  glad察

she was so glad that I was obliged to say察 Charley察if you go on in 

this way察I must lie down again察my darling察for I am weaker than I 

thought I was 院So Charley became as quiet as a mouse察and took 

her bright face here and there察across and across  the  two  rooms察

out of the shade into the divine sunshine察and out of the sunshine 

into    the  shade察   while    I  watched     her   peacefully。     When     all  her 

preparations were concluded and the pretty tea´table with its little 

delicacies   to   tempt   me察  and   its   white   cloth察  and   its   flowers察  and 

everything   so   lovingly   and   beautifully   arranged   for   me   by   Ada 

downstairs察  was   ready   at   the   bed´side察  I   felt   sure   I  was   steady 

enough      to  say   something      to  Charley     that   was   not   new    to  my 


    First察I complimented Charley on the room察and indeed察it was 

so fresh and airy察so spotless and neat察that I could scarce believe I 

had been lying there so long。 This delighted Charley察and her face 

was brighter than before。 

    ^Yet察Charley察院said I looking round察 I miss something察surely察

that I am accustomed to拭院

    Poor   little   Charley   looked   round   too察  and   pretended   to   shake 

her head察as if there were nothing absent。 

    ^Are the pictures all as they used to be拭院I asked her。 

    ^Every one of them察miss察院said Charley。 

    ^And the furniture察Charley拭院

    ^Except   where   I     have   moved      it   about察 to   make   more   room察

miss。 ̄ 

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    ^And yet察院said I察 I miss some familiar object。 Ah察I know what 

it is察Charley It¨s the looking´glass。 ̄ 

    Charley  got  up   from   the   table察 making  as   if   she   had   forgotten 

something察  and   went   into   the       next   room察    and   I  heard    her   sob 


    I had thought of this very often。 I was now certain of it。 I could 

thank   God   that   it   was   not   a   shock   to   me   now。   I   called   Charley 

back察and when she came!at first pretending to smile察but as she 

drew  nearer  to  me察looking  grieved!I   took   her  in  my  arms察  and 

said察   It  matters   very  little察  Charley。   

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