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bleak house(奈噌議型徨)-及181嫗

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Bagnet察who has all this time been staring at the ceiling察and who 

puts    his   hands    on   his  bald   head    again察  under   this    new   verbal 

shower´bath察       and    seems     exceedingly      in   need    of  the   old   girl 

through  whom to express his sentiments。 The trooper then   takes 

from     his  breast´pocket       a  folded   paper察   which     he   lays  with    an 

unwilling      hand     at  the   lawyer¨s     elbow。    ^`Tis   only    a  letter   of 

instructions察sir。 The last I ever had from him。 ̄ 

    Look     at   a  millstone察    Mr    George察    for   some     change     in   its 

expression察and you will find it quite as soon as in the face of Mr 

Tulkinghorn   when   he   opens   and   reads   the   letter   He   refolds   it察

and   lays   it   in   his   desk察  with   a   countenance   as   imperturbable   as 


    Nor has he anything more to say or do察but to nod once in the 

same frigid and discourteous manner察and to say briefly察 You can 

go。 Show these men out察there 院Being shown out察they repair  to 

Mr Bagnet¨s residence to dine。 

    Boiled     beef   and    greens    constitute     the   day¨s   variety    on   the 

former  repast  of  boiled pork   and  greens察and   Mrs   Bagnet   serves 

out   the   meal   in   the   same   way察  and   seasons   it   with   the   best   of 

temper此being that rare   sort  of  old   girl   that  she   receives  Good   to 

her arms without a hint that it might be Better察and catches light 

from any little spot of darkness near her。 The spot on this occasion 

is the darkened brow of Mr George察he is unusually thoughtful and 

depressed。        At    first   Mrs     Bagnet      trusts     to   the    combined 

endearments   of        Quebec     and   Malta    to  restore    him察   but   finding 

those   young   ladies   sensible   that   their   existing   Bluffy   is   not   the 

Bluffy   of   their   usual   frolicsome   acquaintance察  she   winks   off   the 

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light   infantry察  and   leaves   him   to   deploy   at   leisure   on   the   open 

ground of the domestic hearth。 

    But    he   does    not。   He   remains      in  close   order察   clouded     and 

depressed。 During the lengthy cleaning up and pattening process察

when   he   and   Mr   Bagnet   are   supplied   with   their   pipes察  he   is   no 

better than he was at dinner。 He forgets to smoke察looks at the fire 

and ponders察lets   his pipe  out察  fills   the   breast  of  Mr  Bagnet  with 

perturbation       and    dismay察   by   showing     he   has   no   enjoyment      of 


    Therefore      when     Mrs    Bagnet     at  last  appears察    rosy   from    the 

invigorating   pail察  and   sits   down   to   her   work察  Mr   Bagnet   growls 

^Old     girl 院 and    winks    monitions     to  her   to  find   out   what¨s    the 


    ^Why察George 院says Mrs Bagnet察quietly threading her needle。 

^How low you are 院

    ^Am I拭Not good company拭Well察I am afraid I am not。 ̄ 

    ^He ain¨t at all like Bluffy察mother 院cries little Malta。 

    ^Because he ain¨t well察I think察mother 院adds Quebec。 

    ^Sure that¨s a bad   sign not  to  be   like   Bluffy察  too 院  returns   the 

trooper察kissing the young  damsels。   ^But  it¨s   true察院  with  a  sigh! 

^true察I am afraid。 These little ones are always right 院

    ^George察院  says   Mrs   Bagnet察  working   busily察   if   I   thought   you 

cross enough to think of anything that a shrill old soldier¨s wife! 

who   could   have   bitten   her   tongue   off   afterwards察  and   ought   to 

have     done    it  almost!said       this  morning察     I  don¨t   know     what    I 

should say to you now。 ̄ 

    ^My kind soul of a darling察院returns the trooper。 ^Not a morsel 

of it。 ̄ 

    ^Because   really   and   truly察  George察  what   I   said   and   meant   to 

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say察was that  I   trusted   Lignum   to  you察  and   was   sure  you¨d bring 

him through it。 And you have brought him through it察noble 院

    ^Thank¨ee察  my   dear察院  says   George。          ^I   am   glad  of  your   good 

opinion。 ̄ 

    In   giving   Mrs   Bagnet¨s   hand察  with   her   work   in   it察  a   friendly 

shake!for she took her seat beside him!the trooper¨s attention is 

attracted   to   her   face。   After   looking   at   it   for   a   little   while   as   she 

plies her needle察he looks to young Woolwich察sitting on his stool in 

the corner察and beckons that fifer to him。 

    ^See   there察  my   boy察院  says   George察  very   gently   smoothing   the 

mother¨s   hair   with   his   hand察   there¨s   a   good   loving   forehead   for 

you All bright with love of you察my boy。 A little touched by the sun 

and  the   weather  through   following   your   father   about   and   taking 

care of you察but as fresh and wholesome as a ripe apple on a tree。 ̄ 

    Mr Bagnet¨s face expresses察so far as in its wooden material lies察

the highest approbation and acquiescence。 

    ^The time will come察my boy察院pursues the trooper察 when this 

hair   of   your   mother¨s   will   be   grey察  and   this   forehead   all   crossed 

and   recrossed   with   wrinkles!and   a   fine   old   lady   she¨ll   be   then。 

Take care察while you are young察that you can think in those days察 I 

never     whitened       a  hair   of   her   dear    head察   I  never    marked      a 

sorrowful line in her face  For of all the many things that you can 

think   of   when   you   are   a   man察  you   had   better   have  that   by   you察

Woolwich 院

    Mr George concludes by rising from his chair察  seating  the   boy 

besides   his   mother   in   it察  and   saying察  with   something   of   a   hurry 

about him察that he¨ll smoke his pipe in the street a bit。 

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                                 Chapter 35 

                            Esther¨s Narrative 

       lay ill through several   weeks察  and   the   usual   tenor  of  my  life 

      became like an old remembrance。 But this was not the effect 


      of  time察  so  much  as  of  the   change in all   my  habits察  made   by 

the   helplessness   and   inaction   of   a   sick   room。   Before   I   had   been 

confined to it many days察everything  else   seemed   to  have   retired 

into   a   remote   distance察  where   there   was   little   or   no   separation 

between      the   various    stages    of  my   life  which    had    been    really 

divided   by   years。   In   falling   ill察  I   seemed   to   have   crossed   a   dark 

lake察and to have left all my experiences察mingled together by the 

great distance察on the healthy shore。 

    My    housekeeping   duties察      though     at  first  it  caused   me   great 

anxiety to think that they were unperformed察were soon as far off 

as    the  oldest    of  the   old  duties    at  Greenleaf察    or   the  summer 

afternoons when I went home from school with my portfolio under 

my  arm察and   my  childish  shadow  at my   side察  to   my   godmother¨s 

house。   I   had   never   known   before   how   short   life   really   was察  and 

into how small a space the mind could put it。 

    While   I   was   very   ill察  the   way   in   which   these   divisions   of   time 

became        confused     

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