bleak house(奈噌議型徨)-及177嫗
梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
a series of years察 at home as a cupboard察 and on journeys as a
carpet bag。 She never puts it up察 having the greatest reliance on
her well´proved cloak with its capacious hood察but generally uses
the instrument as a wand with which to point out joints of meat or
bunches of greens in marketing察 or to arrest the attention of
tradesmen by a friendly poke。 Without her market´basket察 which
is a sort of wicker well with two flapping lids察 she never stirs
abroad。 Attended by these her trusty companions察 therefore察 her
honest sunburnt face looking cheerily out of a rough straw bonnet察
Mrs Bagnet now arrives察 fresh´coloured and bright察 in George¨s
Shooting Gallery。
^Well察 George察 old fellow察院 says she察 and how do you do察 this
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sunshiny morning拭院
Giving him a friendly shake of the hand察 Mrs Bagnet draws a
long breath after her walk察and sits down to enjoy a rest。 Having a
faculty察matured on the tops of baggage´wagons察and in other such
positions察 of resting easily anywhere察 she perches on a rough
bench察unties her bonnet strings察pushes back her bonnet察crosses
her arms察and looks perfectly comfortable。
Mr Bagnet察 in the mean time察 has shaken hands with his old
comrade察and with Phil此on whom Mrs Bagnet likewise bestows a
good´humoured nod and smile。
^Now察George察院says Mrs Bagnet察briskly察 here we are察Lignum
and myself察院she often speaks of her husband by this appellation察
on account察as it is supposed察of Lignum Vitae having been his old
regimental nickname when they first became acquainted察 in
compliment to the extreme hardness and toughness of his
physiognomy察 just looked in察 we have察 to make it all correct as
usual about that security。 Give him the new bill to sign察 George察
and he¨ll sign it like a man。 ̄
^I was coming to you this morning察院 observes the trooper察
^Yes察we thought you¨d come to us this morning察but we turned
out early察and left Woolwich察the best of boys察to mind his sisters察
and came to you instead!as you see For Lignum察 he¨s tied so
close now察and gets so little exercise察 that a walk does him good。
But what¨s the matter察George拭院asks Mrs Bagnet察stopping in her
cheerful talk。 ^You don¨t look yourself。 ̄
^I am not quite myself察院 returns the trooper察 I have been a
little put out察Mrs Bagnet。 ̄
Her bright quick eye catches the truth directly。 ^George 院
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holding up her forefinger。 ^Don¨t tell me there¨s anything wrong
about that security of Lignum¨s Don¨t do it察George察on account of
the children 院
The trooper looks at her with a troubled visage。
^George察院says Mrs Bagnet察using both her arms for emphasis察
and occasionally bringing down her open hands upon her knees。
^If you have allowed anything wrong to come to that security of
Lignum¨s察and if you have let him in for it察and if you have put us
in danger of being sold up!and I see sold up in your face察George察
as plain as print!you have done a shameful action察and deceived
us cruelly。 I tell you察cruelly察George。 There 院
Mr Bagnet察otherwise as immovable as a pump or a lamp´post察
puts his large right hand on the top of his bald head察as if to defend
it from a shower´bath察 and looks with great uneasiness at Mrs
^George 院 says that old girl。 ^I wonder at you George察 I am
ashamed of you George察I couldn¨t have believed you would have
done it I always knew you to be a rolling stone that gathered no
moss察but I never thought you would have taken away what little
moss there was for Bagnet and the children to lie upon。 You know
what a hard´working steady´going chap he is。 You know that
Quebec and Malta and Woolwich are!and I never did think you
would察or could察have had the heart to serve us so。 O George 院Mrs
Bagnet gathers up her cloak to wipe her eyes on察in a very genuine
manner察 How could you do it拭院
Mrs Bagnet ceasing察 Mr Bagnet removes his hand from his
head as if the shower´bath were over察and looks disconsolately at
Mr George察who has turned quite white察and looks distressfully at
the grey cloak and straw bonnet。
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^Mat察院 says the trooper察 in a subdued voice察 addressing him察
but still looking at his wife察 I am sorry you take it so much to
heart察because I do hope it¨s not so bad as that comes to。 I certainly
have察this morning察received this letter察which he reads aloud察 but
I hope it may be set right yet。 As to a rolling stone察why察what you
say is true。 I am a rolling stone察 and I never rolled in anybody¨s
way察 I fully believe察 that I rolled the least good to。 But it¨s
impossible for an old vagabond comrade to like your wife and
family better than I like ¨em察Mat察and I trust you¨ll look upon me
as forgivingly as you can。 Don¨t think I¨ve kept anything from you。
I haven¨t had the letter more than a quarter of an hour。 ̄
^Old girl 院murmurs Mr Bagnet察after a short silence察 will you
tell him my opinion拭院
^O Why didn¨t he marry察院Mrs Bagnet answers察 half laughing
and half crying察 Joe Pouch¨s widder in North America拭Then he
wouldn¨t have got himself into these troubles。 ̄
^The old girl察院 says Mr Bagnet察 puts it correct!why didn¨t
^Well察she has a better husband by this time察 I hope察院 returns
the trooper。 ^Anyhow察here I stand察this present day察not married
to Joe Pouch¨s widder。 What shall I do拭 You see all I have got
about me。 It¨s not mine察it¨s yours。 Give the word察and I¨ll sell off
every morsel。 If I could have hoped it would have brought in
nearly the sum wanted察 I¨d have sold all long ago。 Don¨t believe
that I¨ll leave you or yours in the lurch察Mat。 I¨d sell myself first。 I
only wish察院says the trooper察giving himself a disparaging blow in
the chest察 that I knew of anyone who¨d buy such a second´hand
piece of old stores。 ̄
Old girl察院 murmurs Mr Bagnet察 give him another bit of my
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mind。 ̄
^George察院says the old girl察 you are not so much to be blamed察
on full consideration察except for ever taking this business without
the means。 ̄
^And that was like me 院observed the penitent trooper察shaking
his head。 ^Like me察I know。 ̄
^Silence The old girl察院says Mr Bagnet察 is correct!in her way
of giving my opinions!hear me out 院
^That was when you never ought to