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bleak house(奈噌議型徨)-及167嫗

弌傍 bleak house(奈噌議型徨) 忖方 耽匈4000忖

梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何

may     have    unpolitely     asserted    a  kind    of  proprietorship       in  Mr 

Weevle察      because     I  have    known      writers    that   have    gone    into 

Brewers¨       houses     and     done    really    very    respectable      indeed。 

Eminently   respectable察  sir察院  adds   Mr   Snagsby察  with   a   misgiving 

that he had not improved the matter。 

    ^It¨s a curious coincidence察as you say察院answers   Weevle察  once 

more glancing up and down the court。 

    ^Seems a Fate in it察don¨t there拭院suggests the stationer。 

    ^There does。 ̄ 

    ^Just so察院observes the stationer察with his   confirmatory  cough。 

^Quite   a Fate   in it。   Quite   a   Fate。   Well察  Mr   Weevle察  I   am   afraid   I 

must  bid   you  good   night察院  Mr   Snagsby   speaks   as   if   it  made   him 

desolate to go察though he has been casting about for any means of 

escape   ever  since   he   stopped   to   speak察   my   little   woman   will   be 

looking for me察else。 Good night察sir 院

    If  Mr    Snagsby      hastens    home     to  save   his   little  woman      the 

trouble  of  looking  for  him察  he might  set   his   mind   at   rest   on   that 

score。 His little woman has had her eye upon him round the Sol¨s 

Arms      all  this  time察  and    now    glides    after  him    with    a  pocket 

handkerchief  wrapped   over  her  head察  honouring  Mr  Weevle   and 

his doorway with a very searching glance as she goes past。 

    ^You¨ll know me again察ma¨am察at all events察院says Mr Weevle to 

himself察     and     I  can¨t   compliment        you    on   your    appearance察

whoever you are察with your head tied up in a bundle。 Is this fellow 

Charles Dickens                                                      ElecBook Classics 

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never coming 院

    This fellow approaches as he speaks。 Mr Weevle softly holds up 

his   finger察and   draws  him into  the   passage察  and   closes   the   street 

door。   Then察  they   go   upstairs察  Mr   Weevle   heavily察  and   Mr   Guppy 

for it is he very lightly indeed。 When they are shut into the back 

room察they speak low。 

    ^I thought you had gone to Jericho at least察instead   of  coming 

here察院says Tony。 

    ^Why察I said about ten。 ̄ 

    ^You said about ten察院Tony repeats。 ^Yes察so you did say about 

ten。 But察according to my count察it¨s ten times ten!it¨s a hundred 

o¨clock。 I never had such a night in my life 院

    ^What has been the matter拭院

    ^That¨s it 院says Tony。 ^Nothing has been the matter。 But察here 

have I been stewing and fuming in this jolly old crib察till I have had 

the horrors falling on me as thick as hail。 There¨s a blessed looking 

candle 院 says   Tony察  pointing   to   the   heavily   burning   taper   on   his 

table with a great cabbage head and a long winding´sheet。 

    ^That¨s   easily  improved察院  Mr  Guppy  observes察as   he   takes   the 

snuffers in hand。 

    ^Is it拭院returned his friend。 ^Not so easily as you  think。  It  has 

been smouldering like that察ever since it was lighted。 ̄ 

    ^Why察what¨s the matter with you察Tony拭院inquires Mr Guppy察

looking at him察snuffers in hand察as he sits down with his elbow on 

the table。 

    ^William Guppy察院replies the other察 I am in the Downs。 It¨s this 

unbearably       dull察 suicidal   room!and        old   Boguey     downstairs察    I 

suppose。 ̄  Mr  Weevle moodily pushes   the   snuffers´tray   from   him 

with   his   elbow察  leans   his   head   on   his   hand察  puts   his   feet   on   the 

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fender察  and   looks   at   the   fire。   Mr   Guppy察  observing   him察  slightly 

tosses his head察and sits down on the other side of the table in an 

easy attitude。 

    ^Wasn¨t that Snagsby talking to you察Tony拭院

    ^Yes察  and   he!yes察  it   was   Snagsby察院  says   Mr   Weevle察  altering 

the construction of the sentence。 

    ^On business拭院

    ^No。   No   business。   He   was   only   sauntering   by   and   stopped   to 

prose。 ̄ 

    ^I thought it was Snagsby察院says Mr Guppy察 and thought it as 

well that he shouldn¨t see me察so I waited till he was gone。 ̄ 

    ^There we go again察William G。 院cries Tony察looking up for an 

instant。 ^So mysterious and secret By George察if we were going to 

commit a murder察we couldn¨t have more mystery about it 院

    Mr  Guppy  affects   to  smile察  and   with  the   view   of   changing   the 

conversation察looks with an admiration察  real   or  pretended察  round 

the room at the   Galaxy  gallery  of  British  beauty察  terminating  his 

survey with the portrait of Lady Dedlock over the mantel´shelf察in 

which   she   is   represented   on   a   terrace察  with   a   pedestal   upon   the 

terrace察  and   a   vase   upon   the   pedestal察  and   her   shawl   upon   the 

vase察  and   a   prodigious   piece   of   fur   upon   the   shawl   and   her   arm 

upon the piece of fur察and a bracelet on her arm。 

    ^That¨s     very   like   Lady    Dedlock察院     says   Mr    Guppy。     ^It¨s  a 

speaking likeness。 ̄ 

    ^I wish it was察院growls Tony察without changing his position。 ^I 

should have some fashionable conversation here察then。 ̄ 

    Finding察by this time察that his friend is not to be wheedled into a 

more   sociable   humour察  Mr   Guppy   puts   about   upon   the   ill´used 

tack察and remonstrates with him。 

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    ^Tony察院says he察 I can make allowances for lowness of spirits察

for no man knows what it is when it does come upon a man察better 

than I do察and no man perhaps has a better right to know it察than a 

man   who  has   an   unrequited   image   printed   on   his   art。   But   there 

are    bounds     to  these   things    when    an   unoffending      party    is  in 

question察and I will acknowledge to  you察  Tony察  that  I   don¨t  think 

your     manner     on   the   present    occasion     is  hospitable     or  quite 

gentlemanly。 ̄ 

    ^This is strong language察William Guppy察院returns Mr Weevle。 

    ^Sir察it may be察院retorts Mr William Guppy察 but I feel strongly 

when I use it。 ̄ 

    Mr Weevle admits that he has been wrong察and begs Mr William 

Guppy   to   think   no   more   about   it。   Mr   William   Guppy察  however察

having  got  the   advantage察  cannot   quite   release   it   without   a   little 

more injured remonstrance。 

    ^No Dash it察Tony察院says that gentleman察 you really ought to 

be    careful   how   you   wound     the   feelings   of   a   man察 who   has   an 

unrequited image imprinted on his art察and who is not altogether 

happy   in   those   chords   which   vibrate   to   the   tenderest   emotions。 

You察Tony察possess in yourself all that is   calculated   to  charm   the 

eye察and allure the taste。 It is not!happily for you察perhaps察and I 

may   wish   that   I   could   say   the   same!it   is   not   your   character   to 

hover around one flower。 The ¨ole garden is open to you察and your 

airy pinions carry you through it。 Still察Tony察far be it from me察I 

am sure察to wound even your feelings without a cause 院

    Tony again entreats that the subject may be no longer pursued察

saying      emphatically察      William     Guppy察    drop     it 院 Mr    Guppy 

acquiesces察with the reply察 I never should have taken it up察Tony察

of my own accord。 ̄ 

Charles Dickens                                            

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