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bleak house(奈噌議型徨)-及166嫗

弌傍 bleak house(奈噌議型徨) 忖方 耽匈4000忖

梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何

entertainments。 ^Sooner than which察myself察院says Mrs Perkins察 I 

would   get   my   living   by   selling   lucifers。 ̄     Mrs    Piper察  as   in   duty 

bound察  is   of   the   same   opinion察  holding   that   a   private   station   is 

better   than   public   applause察  and   thanking   Heaven   for   her   own 

and察  by   implication察  Mrs   Perkins¨s   respectability。   By   this   time察

the pot´boy of the Sol¨s Arms appearing with her supper´pint well 

frothed察Mrs Piper  accepts   that  tankard   and   retires indoors察  first 

giving a fair good night to Mrs Perkins察who has had her own pint 

in   her  hand   ever  since it  was   fetched   from   the   same   hostelry   by 

young Perkins before he was sent to bed。 Now察there is a sound of 

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putting     up    shop´shutters      in   the   court察  and    a  smell    as  of   the 

smoking of pipes察and shooting stars are seen in upper  windows察

further     indicating     retirement      to  rest。  Now察    too察 the   policeman 

begins     to  push    at   doors察  to  try  fastenings察    to  be   suspicious     of 

bundles察     and    to   administer      his  beat察   on   the   hypothesis      that 

everyone is either robbing or being robbed。 

    It is a close night察though the damp cold is searching  too察  and 

there     is  a  laggard    mist   a  little  way   up   in   the  air。  It  is  a  fine 

steaming       night   to   turn   the   slaughterhouses察       the   unwholesome 

trades察  the   sewerage察  bad   water察  and   burial   grounds   to   account察

and  give   the   Registrar  of  Deaths   some   extra   business。   It   may   be 

something in the air!there is plenty in it!or it may be something 

in   himself察  that   is   in   fault察  but   Mr   Weevle察  otherwise   Jobling察  is 

very ill at ease。 He comes and goes察between his own room and the 

open street door察twenty times an hour。 He has been doing so察ever 

since it fell dark。 Since the Chancellor shut up his shop察which he 

did   very   early   tonight察  Mr   Weevle   has   been   down   and   up察  and 

down   and   up   with   a   cheap   tight   velvet   skull´cap   on   his   head察

making       his  whiskers      look   out   of  all  proportion察     oftener    than 


    It is no phenomenon that Mr Snagsby should be ill at ease too察

for he always is so察more or less察under the oppressive influence of 

the secret that is upon him。 Impelled by the mystery察of which he 

is   a   partaker察  and   yet   in   which   he   is   not   a   sharer察  Mr   Snagsby 

haunts   what   seems   to   be   its   fountain´head!the   rag   and   bottle 

shop   in   the   court。   It   has   an   irresistible   attraction   for   him。   Even 

now察coming round by the Sol¨s Arms with the intention of passing 

down      the   court察   and   out   at   the   Chancery      Lane     end察  and    so 

terminating his unpremeditated after´supper stroll of ten minutes 

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long from his own door and back again察Mr Snagsby approaches。 

    ^What察Mr Weevle拭院says the stationer察stopping to speak。 ^Are 

you there拭院

    ^Ay 院says Weevle。 ^Here I am察Mr Snagsby。 ̄ 

    ^Airing   yourself察  as   I   am   doing察  before   you   go   to   bed拭院 the 

stationer inquires。 

    ^Why察there¨s not much air to be got here察and what there is察is 

not very freshening察院Weevle answers察glancing up and down the 


    ^Very true察sir。 Don¨t  you  observe察院  says   Mr Snagsby察pausing 

to  sniff   and   taste   the   air  a   little察   don¨t   you   observe察  Mr   Weevle察

that you¨re!not to put too fine a point upon it!that you¨re rather 

greasy here察sir拭院

    ^Why察I have noticed myself that there is a queer kind of flavour 

in the place tonight察院Mr Weevle   rejoins。   ^I  suppose   it¨s chops at 

the Sol¨s Arms。 ̄ 

    ^Chops察do you think拭Oh Chops察eh拭院Mr Snagsby sniffs and 

tastes again。 ^Well察sir察I suppose it is。 But I should say their cook 

at the Sol wanted a little looking after。 She has been burning ¨em察

sir   And   I   don¨t   think察院  Mr   Snagsby   sniffs   and   tastes   again察  and 

then spits and wipes his mouth察 I don¨t think!not to put too fine 

a point upon it!that they were quite fresh察when they were shown 

the gridiron。 ̄ 

    ^That¨s very likely。 It¨s a tainting sort of weather。 ̄ 

    ^It is a tainting sort of weather察院says Mr Snagsby察 and I find it 

sinking to the spirits。 ̄ 

    ^By George I find it gives me the horrors察院returns Mr Weevle。 

    ^Then察you see察you live in a lonesome way察and in a lonesome 

room察    with    a  black    circumstance      hanging      over   it察院 says   Mr 

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Snagsby察      looking    in  past   the   other¨s    shoulder     along    the   dark 

passage察  and  then   falling back a   step   to   look   up   at   the   house。   ^I 

couldn¨t   live   in   that   room   alone察  as   you   do察  sir。   I   should   get   so 

fidgetty   and   worried   of   an   evening察  sometimes察  that   I   should   be 

driven to come to the door察and stand here察sooner than sit there。 

But  then   it¨s   very   true   that   you   didn¨t   see察  in   your   room察  what I 

saw there。 That makes a difference。 ̄ 

    ^I know quite enough about it察院returns Tony。 

    ^It¨s   not   agreeable察  is   it拭院  pursues   Mr   Snagsby察  coughing   his 

cough   of   mild   persuasion   behind   his   hand。   ^Mr   Krook   ought   to 

consider it in the rent。 I hope he does察I am sure。 ̄ 

    ^I hope he does察院says Tony。 ^But I doubt it 院

    ^You   find     the  rent   high察  do   you察  sir察院 returns    the   stationer。 

^Rents are high about here。 I don¨t know how it is exactly察but the 

law seems to put things up in price。 Not察院adds Mr Snagsby察with 

his   apologetic     cough察     that   I  mean    to  say   a  word     against    the 

profession I get my living by。 ̄ 

    Mr Weevle again glances up and down the court察and then looks 

at   the   stationer。    Mr    Snagsby察    blankly     catching     his  eye察  looks 

upward   for   a   star   or   so察  and   coughs   a   cough   expressive   of   not 

exactly seeing his way out of this conversation。 

    ^It¨s a curious fact察sir察院he observes察slowly rubbing his hands察

^that he should have been! ̄ 

    ^Who¨s he拭院interrupts Mr Weevle。 

    ^The     deceased察    you   know察院    says   Mr    Snagsby察    twitching     his 

head   and   right   eyebrow   towards   the   staircase察  and   tapping   his 

acquaintance on the button。 

    ^Ah to be sure 院returns the other察as if he were not overfond of 

the subject。 ^I thought we had done with him。 ̄ 

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    ^I was only going to say察it¨s a curious fact察sir察  that  he  should 

have come and lived here察and been one of my writers察  and  then 

that you should come and live here察and be one of my writers察too。 

Which      there    is   nothing     derogatory察     but   far   from    it  in   the 

appellation察院says Mr Snagsby察breaking off with a mistrust that he 

may     have    unpolitely     asserted    a  kind    of  pr

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