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                                    Bleak House                                     584 

went to bed。 

    In   the   morning   it   looked察  by   the   aid   of   a   few   flowers   and   a 

quantity   of   soap   and   water察  and   a   little   arrangement察  quite   gay。 

The     plain    breakfast     made     a  cheerful     show察    and   Caddy      was 

perfectly charming。 But when my darling came察I thought!and I 

think now!that I never had seen such a dear face as my beautiful 


    We   made   a   little   feast   for   the   children   upstairs察  and   we   put 

Peepy at the head of the table察and we showed them Caddy in her 

bridal   dress察  and     they   clapped     their  hands     and   hurrahed察     and 

Caddy   cried   to   think   that   she   was   going   away   from   them察  and 

hugged them over and over again察until we brought Prince up to 

fetch   her   away!when察  I   am   sorry   to   say察  Peepy   bit   him。   Then察

there was old Mr Turveydrop downstairs察in a state of Deportment 

not    to  be   expressed察    benignly     blessing     Caddy察   and    giving    my 

Guardian   to   understand察  that   his        son¨s   happiness   was   his     own 

parental   work察  and   that   he   sacrificed   personal   considerations   to 

insure it。 ^My dear sir察院said Mr Turveydrop察 these young people 

will    live    with    me察    my    house      is  large     enough      for   their 

accommodation察and they shall not want the shelter of my roof。 I 

could have wished察you will understand the allusion察Mr Jarndyce察

for   you    remember       my   illustrious    patron     the  Prince     Regent!I 

could   have   wished   that  my  son   had   married   into   a   family   where 

there was more Deportment察but the will of Heaven be done 院

    Mr   and    Mrs    Pardiggle   were      of  the   party!Mr       Pardiggle察    an 

obstinate´looking   man         with   a   large   waistcoat   and   stubbly      hair察

who was always talking in a loud bass voice about his mite察or Mrs 

Pardiggle¨s mite察or their five boys¨ mites。 Mr Quale察with his hair 

brushed   back       as  usual察  and    his   knobs   of   temples    shining    very 

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much察was also there察not in the character of a disappointed lover察

but   as   the   Accepted   of   a   young!at   least察  an   unmarried!lady察  a 

Miss Wisk察who was also there。 Miss Wisk¨s mission察my Guardian 

said察   was   to  show     the   world    that  woman¨s       mission    was    man¨s 

mission察     and   that   the   only   genuine     mission察    of  both   man     and 

woman察  was   to   be   always   moving   declaratory   resolutions   about 

things   in   general   at   public   meetings。   The   guests   were   few察  but 

were察  as   one might  expect  at  Mrs   Jellyby¨s察  all   devoted   to   public 

objects     only。    Besides     those    I  have    mentioned察      there    was    an 

extremely   dirty   lady察  with   her   bonnet   all   awry察  and   the   ticketed 

price of her dress still sticking on it察whose neglected home察Caddy 

told me察was like a filthy wilderness察but whose church was like a 

fancy     fair。  A  very   contentious       gentleman察     who    said   it  was   his 

mission   to   be   everybody¨s   brother察  but   who   appeared   to   be   on 

terms of coolness with the whole of his large family察completed the 


    A   party   having   less   in   common   with   such   an   occasion察  could 

hardly   have   been   got   together   by   any   ingenuity。         Such   a    mean 

mission   as   the   domestic   mission察  was   the   very   last   thing   to   be 

endured among them察indeed察Miss Wisk informed us察with great 

indignation察      before   we    sat  down     to  breakfast察    that  the   idea   of 

woman¨s mission lying chiefly in the narrow sphere of home   was 

an outrageous slander on the part of her Tyrant察Man。 One other 

singularity   was察  that   nobody   with   a   mission!except   Mr   Quale察

whose      mission察   as   I  think   I  have    formerly     said察 was    to  be   in 

ecstasies     with    everybody¨s      mission!cared         at  all  for   anybody¨s 

mission。 Mrs Pardiggle being as   clear  that  the   only  one   infallible 

course   was   her   course   of   pouncing   upon   the   poor察  and   applying 

benevolence to them like a strait waistcoat察as Miss Wisk was that 

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the   only   practical   thing   for   the   world   was   the   emancipation   of 

Woman from the thraldom of her Tyrant察Man。 Mrs Jellyby察all the 

while察sat smiling at the limited vision that could see anything but 


    But I am anticipating now  the   purport  of  our  conversation   on 

the   ride   home察  instead   of   first   marrying   Caddy。   We   all   went   to 

church察and Mr Jellyby gave her away。 Of the air with which old 

Mr     Turveydrop察      with   his   hat   under     his  left  arm察   。the   inside 

presented at the clergyman like a cannon撮 and his   eyes   creasing 

themselves       up    into   his  wig察  stood察   stiff  and    high´shouldered察

behind      us   bridesmaids       during     the   ceremony察     and    afterwards 

saluted   us察  I   could   never   say   enough   to   do   it   justice。   Miss   Wisk察

whom I cannot report as prepossessing in appearance察and whose 

manner was grim察listened to the proceedings察as part of Woman¨s 

wrongs察  with   a   disdainful   face。   Mrs   Jellyby察  with   her   calm   smile 

and her bright eyes察looked the least concerned of all the company。 

    We   duly   came   back   to   breakfast察  and   Mrs   Jellyby   sat   at   the 

head of the table察and Mr Jellyby at the foot。 Caddy had previously 

stolen upstairs察to  hug  the   children again察and   tell   them   that  her 

name   was   Turveydrop。   But   this   piece   of   information察  instead   of 

being   an   agreeable   surprise   to   Peepy察  threw   him   on   his   back   in 

such transports of kicking grief察that I could do nothing on being 

sent for察but accede to the proposal that he should be admitted to 

the breakfast table。 So he came down察and sat in my lap察and Mrs 

Jellyby察  after  saying察  in   reference   to  the   state   of  his   pinafore察   O 

you naughty Peepy察what a shocking little pig you are 院was not at 

all discomposed。 He was very good察except that he brought down 

Noah with him out of an ark I had given him before we went  to 

church察and would   dip   him   head   first  into  the   wine´glasses察and 

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then put him in his mouth。 

   My Guardian察with his sweet temper and   his   quick   perception 

and  his amiable   face察made   something  agreeable   even   out   of   the 

ungenial     company。      None    of  them    seemed      able  to  talk   about 

anything      but  his  or   her察 own    one   subject察  and   none    of  them 

seemed able   to  talk about  even   that察as   part  of   a   world   in   which 

there    was   anything   else察  but   my   Guardian     turned   it   all  to  the 

merry encouragement  of  Caddy察  and   the  honour  of  the  occasion察

and brought us through the breakfast nobly。 What we should have 

done     without    him察  I  am  afraid   to  think察  for察 all  the  company 


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