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bleak house(奈噌議型徨)-及157嫗

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clothes     in  her   customary       far´off  manner。      They    suggested      one 

distinct idea to her察for she said察with her placid smile察and shaking 

her head察 My good Miss Summerson察at half  the  cost察  this   weak 

child might have been equipped for Africa 院

    On our going downstairs again察Mrs Jellyby asked me whether 

this     troublesome        business     was     really    to   take     place    next 

Wednesday拭And on my replying yes察she said察 Will my room be 

required察my dear Miss Summerson拭For it¨s quite impossible that 

I can put my papers away。 ̄ 

    I   took   the   liberty   of   saying   that   the   room   would   certainly   be 

wanted察     and    that    I  thought     we    must    put    the   papers     away 

somewhere。   ^Well察my  dear  Miss Summerson察院 said   Mrs   Jellyby察

^you know best察I dare say。 But  by  obliging  me  to  employ  a   boy察

Caddy has   embarrassed   me   to  that  extent察  overwhelmed  as I   am 

with   public   business察  that   I   don¨t   know   which   way   to   turn。   We 

have   a   Ramification   meeting察  too察  on   Wednesday   afternoon察  and 

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the inconvenience is very serious。 ̄ 

    ^It is not likely to occur again察院said I察smiling。 ^Caddy will be 

married but once察probably。 ̄ 

    ^That¨s     true察院  Mrs   Jellyby    replied察   that¨s    true察 my    dear。   I 

suppose we must make the best of it 院

    The next question was察how Mrs Jellyby should be dressed on 

the    occasion。    I  thought    it  very   curious    to  see   her   looking    on 

serenely   from   her   writing´table察  while   Caddy   and   I   discussed   it察

occasionally shaking her head at us with a half´reproachful smile察

like a superior spirit who could just bear with our trifling。 

    The   state   in  which   her   dresses     were察  and    the  extraordinary 

confusion      in  which     she   kept   them察   added     not   a  little  to  our 

difficulty察but at length we devised something not very unlike what 

a   common´place   mother   might   wear   on           such   an   occasion。    The 

abstracted manner in which Mrs Jellyby would deliver herself up 

to having this attire tried on by the dressmaker察and the sweetness 

with which she would then observe to me how sorry she was that I 

had   not   turned   my   thoughts   to   Africa察  were   consistent   with   the 

rest of her behaviour。 

    The lodging was rather confined as to space察but I fancied that 

if  Mrs    Jellyby¨s   household      had   been    the  only   lodgers    in  Saint 

Paul¨s or Saint Peter¨s察the sole advantage they would have found 

in   the   size   of   the   building   would   have   been   its   affording   a   great 

deal of room to be dirty in。 I believe that nothing belonging to the 

family察which it had been possible to break察was unbroken at the 

time    of  those    preparations      for  Caddy¨s    marriage察    that   nothing 

which it had been possible to spoil in any way察was unspoilt察and 

that no domestic object which was capable of collecting dirt察form 

a dear child¨s knee to the door´plate察was without as much dirt as 

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could well accumulate upon it。 

    Poor Mr Jellyby察who very seldom spoke察and almost always sat 

when      he   was   at   home   with   his  head   against   the   wall察  became 

interested      when    he   saw   that   Caddy     and   I  were    attempting     to 

establish some order among all   this   waste   and   ruin察  and  took   off 

his coat to help。 But such wonderful things came tumbling out of 

the    closets   when     they   were    opened!bits        of  mouldy     pie察 sour 

bottles察Mrs Jellyby¨s caps察letters察tea察forks察odd boots and shoes 

of   children察  firewood察  wafers察  saucepan´lids察  damp   sugar   in   odds 

and ends of paper bags察footstools察black´lead brushes察bread察Mrs 

Jellyby¨s     bonnets察    books    with    butter    sticking    to  the   binding察

guttered     candle´ends       put  out   by   being   turned     upside    down    in 

broken candlesticks察nutshells察heads and tails of shrimps察dinner´ 

mats察      gloves察    coffee´grounds察       umbrellas!that           he    looked 

frightened察     and   left  off  again。   But   he   came     in  regularly    every 

evening察and sat without his coat察with his head against the   wall察

as though he would have helped us察if he had known how。 

    ^Poor Pa 院said Caddy to me察on the night before the great day察

when we really had got things a little to rights。 ^It seems unkind to 

leave   him察  Esther察  but   what   could   I   do   if   I   stayed   Since   I   first 

knew   you察  I   have   tidied   and   tidied   over   and   over   again察  but   it¨s 

useless。   Ma and   Africa察  together察  upset  the   whole   house   directly。 

We     never    have    a   servant    who    don¨t    drink。    Ma¨s    ruinous    to 

everything。 ̄ 

    Mr   Jellyby   could   not   hear   what   she   said察  but   he   seemed   very 

low indeed察and shed tears察I thought。 

    ^My heart aches for him察that it does 院sobbed Caddy。 ^I can¨t 

help thinking察tonight察Esther察how dearly I hope to be happy with 

Prince察and how dearly Pa hoped察I dare say察to be happy with Ma。 

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What a disappointed life 院

    ^My  dear  Caddy 院  said   Mr  Jellyby察  looking  slowly   round   from 

the wall。 It was the first time察I think察I ever heard him say three 

words together。 

    ^Yes察   Pa察院  cried   Caddy察    going   to   him   and    embracing      him 


    ^My dear Caddy察院said Mr Jellyby。 ^Never have! ̄ 

    ^Not Prince察Pa拭院faltered Caddy。 ^Not have Prince拭院

    ^Yes察   my   dear察院  said   Mr   Jellyby。   ^Have    him察  certainly。   But察

never have! ̄ 

    I mentioned察in my account of our first visit in Thavies Inn察that 

Richard   described   Mr   Jellyby   as   frequently   opening   his   mouth 

after   dinner   without   saying   anything。   It   was   a   habit   of   his。   He 

opened his mouth now察a great many times察and shook his head in 

a melancholy manner。 

    ^What do you wish me not to have拭Don¨t have what察dear Pa拭院

asked Caddy察coaxing him察with her arms round his neck。 

    ^Never have a mission察my dear child。 ̄ 

    Mr   Jellyby   groaned察  and   laid   his   head   against   the   wall   again察

and this was the only time I ever heard him make any approach to 

expressing his sentiments on the Borrioboolan question。 I suppose 

he   had   been   more   talkative   and   lively察  once察  but   he   seemed   to 

have been completely exhausted long before I knew him。 

    I thought Mrs Jellyby never would have left off serenely looking 

over   her   papers察  and   drinking   coffee察  that   night。    It   was  twelve 

o¨clock   before   we   could   obtain   possession   of   the   room察  and   the 

clearance it required then察was so discouraging察that Caddy察  who 

was almost tired out察sat down in the middle of the dust and cried。 

But  she   soon   cheered   up察  and   we did   wonders   with   it  before   we 

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went to bed。 


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