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Charles Dickens                                                   ElecBook Classics 

´ Page 577´

                                  Bleak House                                    577 

often enough此and when she is told it察she only gives me a placid 

look察as if I was I don¨t know what!a steeple in the distance察院said 

Caddy察  with  a   sudden   idea察   and   then   she   shakes   her   head察  and 

says `O Caddy察Caddy察what a teaze you are  and goes on with the 

Borrioboola letters。 ̄ 

    ^And about your wardrobe察Caddy拭院said I。 For she was under 

no restraint with us。 

    ^Well察my dear Esther察院she returned察drying her eyes察 I must 

do  the   best  I   can察  and   trust   to   my   dear   Prince   never   to   have   an 

unkind      remembrance        of  my   coming   so   shabbily   to   him。   If  the 

question concerned an outfit for Borrioboola察Ma would know all 

about it察and would be quite excited。 Being what it is察she neither 

knows nor cares。 ̄ 

    Caddy     was    not   at  all  deficient   in  natural    affection   for   her 

mother察    but   mentioned      this  with   tears察  as  an   undeniable     fact此

which I am afraid it was。 We were so sorry for the poor dear girl察

and  found so  much  to admire   in   the   good   disposition   which   had 

survived under such discouragement察that we both at once I mean 

Ada and I proposed a little scheme察that made her perfectly joyful。 

This was察her staying with us for three weeks察my staying with her 

for    one察  and    our   all  three    contriving     and   cutting    out察  and 

repairing察  and   sewing察  and   saving察  and   doing   the   very   best   we 

could think of察to make the most of her stock。 My Guardian being 

as pleased with the idea as Caddy was察we took her home next day 

to arrange the matter察and brought her out again in triumph察with 

her boxes察and all the purchases   that  could be   squeezed   out  of  a 

ten´pound       note察  which    Mr   Jellyby    had   found    in   the  Docks     I 

suppose察but which he at all events gave her。 What my Guardian 

would not have given her察if we had encouraged him察it would be 

Charles Dickens                                                     ElecBook Classics 

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                                   Bleak House                                    578 

difficult to say察but we thought it right to compound for no  more 

than      her    wedding´dress        and     bonnet。     He    agreed      to   this 

compromise察  and   if   Caddy   had   ever   been   happy   in   her   life察  she 

was happy when we sat down to work。 

    She was clumsy enough with her needle察poor girl察and pricked 

her fingers as much as she had been used to ink them。 She could 

not  help   reddening a   little察  now  and  then察  partly  with   the   smart察

and partly with vexation at being able to do no better此but she soon 

got over that察and began to improve rapidly。 So察day after day察she察

and my darling察and my little maid Charley察and a milliner out of 

the town察and I察sat hard at work察as pleasantly as possible。 

    Over     and    above    this察  Caddy     was    very   anxious     ^to   learn 

housekeeping察院as she said。 Now察Mercy upon us the idea of her 

learning housekeeping of a person of my vast experience was such 

a   joke察  that   I   laughed察  and   coloured   up察  and   fell   into   a   comical 

confusion   when   she   proposed   it。   However察  I   said察   Caddy察  I   am 

sure you are very welcome to learn anything that you can learn of 

me察my dear察院and I showed her all my books and methods察and all 

my fidgety ways。 You would have supposed that I was showing her 

some wonderful inventions   by  her  study  of  them察  and  if  you  had 

seen   her察  whenever   I   jingled   my   housekeeping   keys察  get   up   and 

attend me察certainly you might have thought that there never was 

a   greater   impostor   than      I察 with   a   blinder  follower   than    Caddy 


    So察   what    with   working      and    housekeeping察      and   lessons     to 

Charley察and backgammon in the evening with my Guardian察and 

duets   with   Ada察  the   three   weeks   slipped   fast   away。   Then   I   went 

home with Caddy察to see what could be done there察and Ada and 

Charley remained behind察to take care of my Guardian。 

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                                   Bleak House                                     579 

    When I say I went  home  with  Caddy察  I   mean   to  the   furnished 

lodging   in   Hatton     Garden。   We      went   to   Newman       Street   two   or 

three    times察   where    preparations      were    in  progress     too察  a  good 

many察     I   observed察    for   enchancing       the    comforts     of   old   Mr 

Turveydrop察and a few for putting the newly married couple away 

cheaply at the top of the house察but our great point was   to  make 

the   furnished   lodging   decent   for   the   wedding   breakfast察  and   to 

imbue      Mrs    Jellyby    beforehand       with   some     faint   sense    of  the 


    The latter was the more difficult thing of the two察because Mrs 

Jellyby and an unwholesome boy occupied the front  sitting´room 

the   back   one   was   a   mere   closet察  and   it   was   littered   down   with 

waste     paper    and   Borrioboolan       documents察     as   an  untidy    stable 

might     be    littered   with   straw。    Mrs    Jellyby    sat   there    all  day察

drinking       strong    coffee察   dictating     and    holding      Borrioboolan 

interviews by appointment。 The unwholesome boy察who seemed to 

me   to   be   going   into   a   decline察  took   his   meals   out   of   the   house。 

When Mr Jellyby came home察he usually groaned and went down 

into   the   kitchen。   There   he   got   something   to   eat察  if   the   servant 

would give him anything察and then feeling that he was in the way察

went  out  and   walked about  Hatton Garden   in   the   wet。   The   poor 

children scrambled up and tumbled down the house察as they had 

always been accustomed to do。 

    The     production      of   these    devoted     little   sacrifices察  in   any 

presentable condition察being quite out of the question at a week¨s 

notice察I proposed to Caddy that we should make them as happy as 

we   could察  on   her   marriage   morning察  in   the   attic   where   they   all 

slept察and should confine our greatest efforts to her mama and her 

mama¨s       room察    and   a   clean    breakfast。    In   truth察   Mrs    Jellyby 

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                                    Bleak House                                     580 

required   a   good   deal   of   attention察  the   lattice´work   up   her   back 

having widened considerably since I first knew her察and her hair 

looking like the mane of a dustman¨s horse。 

    Thinking   that   the   display   of   Caddy¨s   wardrobe   would   be   the 

best   means   of   approaching   the   subject察  I   invited   Mrs   Jellyby   to 

come   and   look   at   it   spread   out   on   Caddy¨s   bed察  in   the   evening察

after the unwholesome boy was gone。 

    ^My   dear   Miss   Summerson察院  said   she察  rising   from   her   desk察

with   her   usual   sweetness   of   temper察   these   are   really   ridiculous 

preparations察      though     your    assisting     them    is  a   proof    of  your 

kindness。 There is something so inexpressibly absurd to me察in the 

idea of Caddy being married O Caddy察you silly察silly察silly puss 院

    She came upstairs with  us notwithstanding察and   looked at  the 

clothes     in  her   customary       far´off  manner。  

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