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pretty for an old lady。 I don¨t know what it was。 Or at least if I do察

now察I thought I did not then。 Or at least!but it don¨t matter。 

    Of a night when   I   was   going  upstairs   to bed察she   would   invite 

me into her  room察  where   she   sat  before   the   fire   in  a   great  chair察

and察  dear  me察she   would   tell me   about  Morgan   ap   Kerrig   until   I 

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was   quite  low´spirited Sometimes   she  recited   a   few   verses   from 

Crumlinwallinwer          and    the   Mewlinwillinwodd         if  those   are   the 

right   names察  which   I   dare   say   they   are   not察  and   would   become 

quite   fiery   with   the   sentiments   they   expressed。   Though   I   never 

knew what they were being in Welsh察further than that they were 

highly eulogistic of the lineage of Morgan ap Kerrig。 

    ^So察   Miss    Summerson察院       she   would     say   to  me    with    stately 

triumph察      this   you    see察  is  the   fortune    inherited     by   my    son。 

Wherever my son goes察he can claim kindred with Ap Kerrig。 He 

may   not   have   money察  but   he   always   has   what   is   much   better! 

family察my dear。 ̄ 

    I   had   my   doubts   of   their   caring   so   very   much   for   Morgan   ap 

Kerrig察in India and China察but of course I never expressed them。 I 

used to say it was a great thing to be so highly connected。 

    ^It is my dear察a great thing察院Mrs Woodcourt would reply。 ^It 

has   its   disadvantages察  my   son¨s   choice   of   a   wife察  for   instance察  is 

limited     by   it察 but  the  matrimonial       choice    of  the   Royal    family 

limited in much the same manner。 ̄ 

    Then   she   would   pat   me   on   the   arm   and   smooth   my   dress察  as 

much   as   to   assure   me   that   she   had   a   good   opinion   of   me察  the 

distance between us notwithstanding。 

    ^Poor Mr Woodcourt察my dear察院she would say察and always with 

some      emotion察    for   with    her   lofty   pedigree     she    had    a  very 

affectionate heart察 was descended from a great Highland family察

the Mac Coorts of Mac Coort。 He served his king and country as an 

officer in the Royal Highlanders察and he died on the field。 My son 

is   one   of   the  last   representatives    of   two   old  families。   With   the 

blessing of Heaven he will set them up again察and unite them with 

another old family。 ̄ 

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    It was in vain for me to try to change the subject察as I used to 

try!only for the sake of novelty!or perhaps because!but I need 

not be so particular。 Mrs Woodcourt never would let me change it。 

    ^My  dear察院  she said   one night察   you   have   so   much  sense察  and 

you look at the world in a quiet manner so superior to your time of 

life察  that   it   is   a   comfort   to   me   to   talk   to   you   about   these   family 

matters   of  mine。   You   don¨t   know   much   of  my   son察  my   dear察  but 

you know enough of him察I dare say察to recollect him拭院

    ^Yes察ma¨am。 I recollect him。 ̄ 

    ^Yes察   my    dear。   Now察   my   dear察  I  think    you   are   a  judge   of 

character察and I should like to have your opinion of him拭院

    ^O察Mrs Woodcourt察院said I察 that is so difficult。 ̄ 

    ^Why  is   it  so difficult察  my dear拭院  she   returned。   ^I   don¨t   see   it 

myself。 ̄ 

    ^To give an opinion! ̄ 

    ^On so slight an acquaintance察my dear。 That¨s true。 ̄ 

    I   didn¨t   mean   that察  because   Mr   Woodcourt   had        been   at   our 

house a good deal altogether察and had become quite intimate with 

my   Guardian。   I   said   so察  and   added     that   he  seemed     to   be  very 

clever  in   his   profession!we   thought!and   that   his   kindness   and 

gentleness to Miss Flite were above all praise。 

    ^You do him justice 院said Mrs Woodcourt察pressing my  hand。 

^You     define    him    exactly。    Allan   is  a  dear    fellow察  and    in  his 

profession faultless。 I say it察though I am his mother。 Still察I must 

confess he is not without faults察love。 ̄ 

    ^None of us are察院said I。 

    ^Ah But his really are faults that he might correct察and ought 

to correct察院returned the sharp old lady察sharply shaking her head。 

^I am so much attached to you察that I may confide in you察my dear察

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as a third party wholly disinterested察that he is fickleness itself。 ̄ 

    I   said察  I   should   have   thought   it   hardly   possible   that   he   could 

have been otherwise than constant to his profession察and zealous 

in the pursuit of it察judging from the reputation he had earned。 

    ^You   are   right   again察  my   dear察院  the   old   lady   retorted察   but   I 

don¨t refer to his profession察look you。 ̄ 

    ^O 院said I。 

    ^No察院  said   she。   ^I   refer察  my   dear察  to   his   social   conduct。   He   is 

always   paying   trivial   attentions   to   young   ladies察  and   always   has 

been   ever   since   he   was   eighteen。   Now察  my   dear察  he          has   never 

really   cared   for   any   one   of   them察  and   has   never   meant   in   doing 

this   to   do   any   harm察  or   to   express   anything   but   politeness   and 

good nature。 Still察it¨s not right察you know察is it拭院

    ^No察院said I察as she seemed to wait for me。 

    ^And it might lead to mistaken notions察you see察my dear。 ̄ 

    I supposed it might。 

    ^Therefore  I   have  told   him察many  times察  that  he  really   should 

be more careful察both in justice to himself and in justice to others。 

And he has always said察 Mother察I will be察but you know me better 

than anybody else does察and you know I mean no harm!in short察

mean      nothing。¨     All   of  which     is  very   true察  my    dear察  but    is  no 

justification。 However察as he is now gone so far  away察  and   for  an 

indefinite      time察   and    as   he   will   have    good     opportunities       and 

introductions察  we   may  consider  this past  and   gone。 And   you察  my 

dear察院    said    the   old   lady察  who     was    now    all  nods     and    smiles察

^regarding your dear self察my love拭院

    ^Me察Mrs Woodcourt拭院

    ^Not   to   be   always   selfish察  talking   of   my   son察  who   has   gone   to 

seek   his  fortune察  and   to   find   a   wife!when   do   you   mean   to   seek 

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your fortune and to find a husband察Miss Summerson拭Hey察look 

you Now you blush 院

    I don¨t think I did blush!at all events察it was not important if I 

did!and I said察my present fortune perfectly contented me察and I 

had no wish to change it。 

    ^Shall I tell you what I always think of you察and the fortune yet 

to come for you察my love拭院said Mrs Woodcourt。 

    ^If you believe you are a good prophet察院said I。 

    ^Why察  then察  it   is   that   you   will   marry   some   one察  very   rich   and 

very   worthy察  much   older!five   and   twenty   years察  perhaps!than 

yourself。 And you will be an excellent wife察and much beloved察and 

very happy。 ̄ 

    ^That is a good fortune察院said I。 ^But察why i

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