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bleak house(奈噌議型徨)-及153嫗

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of   the   case察  so   far   as   I   have   got   it   up。   It¨s   going   on察  and   I   shall 

gather   it   up   closer  and   closer   as   it   goes   on。   Your   ladyship   must 

know!if       your    ladyship    don¨t   happen察    by   any   chance     to  know 

already!that        there    was   found    dead    at  the   house    of  a  person 

named Krook察near Chancery Lane察some time ago察a law´writer in 

great distress。 Upon which law´writer察there   was   an   inquest察  and 

which   law´writer   was   an   anonymous   character察  his   name   being 

unknown。 But察your ladyship察  I   have   discovered察  very  lately察  that 

that law´writer¨s name was Hawdon。 ̄ 

    ^And what is that to me拭院

    ^Aye察your ladyship察that¨s the question Now察your ladyship察a 

queer thing happened after that man¨s death。 A lady started up察a 

disguised   lady察  your   ladyship察  who   went   to   look   at   the   scene   of 

action察and went to look at his grave。 She hired a cross´sweeping 

boy   to   show   it   her。   If   your   ladyship   would   wish   to   have   the   boy 

produced   in   corroboration   of   this   statement察  I   can   lay   my   hand 

upon him at any time。 ̄ 

    The wretched boy is nothing to my Lady察and she does not wish 

to have him produced。 

    ^Oh察I assure your ladyship it¨s a very queer start indeed察院says 

Mr    Guppy。     ^If  you    was   to  hear    him   tell  about    the   rings   that 

sparkled on her fingers when she took her glove off察you¨d think it 

quite romantic。 ̄ 

    There     are   diamonds      glittering    on   the   hand    that   holds    the 

screen。   My   Lady   trifles   with   the   screen察  and   makes   them   glitter 

more察again with that expression which in other times might have 

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                                   Bleak House                                     567 

been so dangerous to the young man of the name of Guppy。 

    ^It   was   supposed察  your   ladyship察  that   he   left   no   rag   or   scrap 

behind him by which he could be possibly identified。 But he did。 

He left a bundle of old letters。 ̄ 

    The   screen   still   goes察  as   before。   All   this   time察  her   eyes   never 

once release him。 

    ^They     were    taken    and   secreted。     And    tomorrow      night察  your 

ladyship察they will come into my possession。 ̄ 

    ^Still I ask you察what is this to me拭院

    ^Your ladyship察I conclude with that。 ̄ Mr Guppy rises。 ^If you 

think there¨s enough察in this chain of circumstances put together! 

in   the   undoubted       strong    likeness    of  this   young     lady   to  your 

ladyship察  which   is   a   positive   fact   for   a   jury!in   her   having   been 

brought      up    by   Miss    Barbary!in        Miss    Barbary     stating    Miss 

Summerson¨s          real   name      to  be   Hawdon!in          your    ladyship¨s 

knowing both  these   names very   well!and   in   Hawdon¨s   dying   as 

he   did!to   give   your   ladyship   a   family   interest   in   going   further 

into   the   case察  I   will   bring   those   papers   here。   I   don¨t   know   what 

they are察except that they are old letters此I have never had them in 

my possession yet。 I will bring those papers here察as soon as I get 

them察  and   go   over   them   for   the   first   time   with   your   ladyship。   I 

have told your ladyship my object。 I have told your ladyship that I 

should be placed in a very disagreeable situation察if any complaint 

was made察and all is in strict confidence。 ̄ 

    Is this the full purpose of the young man of the name of Guppy察

or   has   he   any   other拭  Do   his   words   disclose   the   length察  breadth察

depth察of his object and suspicion in coming here察or察if not察what 

do they hide拭He is a match for my Lady there。 She may look at 

him察but he can look at the table察and keep that witness´box face of 

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                                  Bleak House                                    568 

his from telling anything。 

    ^You may bring the letters察院says my Lady察 if you choose。 ̄ 

    ^Your   ladyship   is   not   very   encouraging察     upon   my   word     and 

honour察院says Mr Guppy察a little injured。 

    ^You may bring the letters察院she repeats察in the same tone察   if 

you!please。 ̄ 

    ^It shall be done。 I wish your ladyship good day。 ̄ 

    On   a   table   near   her   is   a   rich   bauble   of   a   casket察  barred   and 

clasped like an old strong chest。 She察looking at him still察takes it 

to her and unlocks it。 

    ^Oh I assure your ladyship I am not actuated by any motives of 

that  sort察院  says   Mr   Guppy察   and   I   couldn¨t   accept   of   anything   of 

the kind。 I wish your ladyship good day察and am much obliged to 

you all the same。 ̄ 

    So the young man makes his bow察and goes downstairs察where 

the supercilious Mercury does not consider himself called upon to 

leave his Olympus by the hall fire察to let the young man out。 

   As    Sir   Leicester    basks    in   his  library察  and    dozes    over   his 

newspaper察is there no influence in the house to startle him察not to 

say察to make the very trees at Chesney Wold fling up their knotted 

arms察the very portraits frown察the very armour stir拭

    No。 Words察sobs察and cries察are but air察and air is so shut in and 

shut    out   throughout      the  house    in  town察   that   sounds    need    be 

uttered   trumpet´tongued   indeed   by   my   Lady   in   her   chamber察  to 

carry any faint vibration to Sir Leicester¨s ears察and yet this cry is 

in the house察going upward from a wild figure on its knees。 

    ^O my child察my child Not dead in the first hours of her life察as 

my cruel sister told me察but sternly nurtured by her察after she had 

renounced me and my name O my child察O my child 院

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                                  Chapter 30 

                            Esther¨s Narrative 

           ichard   had   been      gone   away   some     time察  when   a    visitor 

Rcame to pass a few days with us。 It was an elderly lady。 It 

           was Mrs Woodcourt察who察having come from Wales to stay 

with   Mrs   Bayham   Badger察  and   having   written   to   my   Guardian察

^by her son Allan¨s desire察院to report that she had heard from him 

and  that  he   was   well察   and   sent  his kind   remembrances   to   all   of 

us察院  had   been   invited   by   my   Guardian   to   make   a   visit   to   Bleak 

House。      She   stayed    with   us   nearly    three   weeks    She    took   very 

kindly   to   me察  and   was   extremely   confidential察  so   much   so   that 

sometimes   she   almost  made   me   uncomfortable。   I   had   no   right察  I 

knew very well察to be uncomfortable because she confided in me察

and I felt it was unreasonable察still察with all I could do察I could not 

quite help it。 

    She was such a sharp little lady察and used to sit with her hands 

folded in each other察looking so very watchful while she talked to 

me察  that  perhaps   I   found   that  rather  irksome。   Or perhaps   it   was 

her   being   so   upright   and   trim察  though   I   don¨t   think   it   was   that察

because I though that quaintly pleasant。 Nor can it have been the 

general     expression      of  her   face察 which     was   very   sparkling     and 

pretty for an old lady。 I don¨t know what it was。 Or at least if I do察

now察I thought I did not then。 Or at least!but it don

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