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bleak house(奈噌議型徨)-及152嫗

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梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何

hear    of察 or  to  see察 a  young   lady   of  the  name    of  Miss   Esther 

Summerson。 ̄ 

   My   Lady¨s   eyes   look   at   him   full。   ^I   saw   a   young   lady   of   that 

name not long ago。 This past autumn。 ̄ 

   ^Now察  did   it  strike  your  ladyship   that  she   was   like   anybody拭院

asks Mr Guppy察crossing his arms察  holding  his   head   on   one side察

and scratching the corner of his mouth with his memoranda。 

   My Lady removes her eyes from him no more。 

   ^No。 ̄ 

   ^Not like your ladyship¨s family拭院

   ^No。 ̄ 

   ^I think your ladyship察院said Mr Guppy察 can hardly remember 

Miss Summerson¨s face拭院

   ^I remember the young lady very well。 What has this to do with 


   ^Your ladyship察I do assure you察that having Miss Summerson¨s 

image   imprinted   on     my   art!which   I   mention      in  confidence!I 

found察   when    I  had   the   honour    of  going   over   your   ladyship¨s 

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mansion   of  Chesney  Wold察  while   on   a   short   out   in   the   county   of 

Lincolnshire       with   a   friend察  such   a  resemblance       between      Miss 

Esther     Summerson         and    your   ladyship¨s     own    portrait察   that   it 

completely   knocked         me   over察  so   much    so察 that   I  didn¨t   at  the 

moment even know what it was that knocked me over。 And now I 

have   the   honour   of   beholding   your   ladyship   near   I   have   often察

since   that察  taken   the   liberty   of   looking   at   your   ladyship   in   your 

carriage in the park察when I dare say you was not aware of me察but 

I never saw your ladyship so near察it¨s really more surprising than 

I thought it。 ̄ 

    Young man of the name of Guppy There have been times when 

ladies    lived   in   strongholds察    and    had    unscrupulous       attendants 

within     call察 when    that   poor   life   of   yours  would   not   have   been 

worth   a   minute¨s   purchase察  with   those   beautiful   eyes   looking   at 

you as they look at this moment。 

    My Lady察slowly using her little hand´screen as a fan察asks him 

again察what he supposes that his taste for likenesses has to do with 


    ^Your     ladyship察院    replies    Mr   Guppy察     again   referring     to  his 

paper察 I am coming to that。 Dash these notes。 O  Mrs Chadband。¨ 

Yes。 ̄ Mr Guppy draws his chair a little forward察and seats himself 

again。   My   Lady   reclines   in   her   chair  composedly察  though   with   a 

trifle less of graceful ease than usual察perhaps察and never falters in 

her   steady   gaze。   ^A!stop   a   minute察  though 院  Mr   Guppy   refers 

again。 ^E。 S。 twice拭O yes yes察I see my way now察right on。 ̄ 

    Rolling up the slip of paper as an instrument to point his speech 

with察Mr Guppy proceeds。 

    ^Your      ladyship察    there    is   a   mystery      about     Miss    Esther 

Summerson¨s   birth   and   bringing   up。   I   am   informed   of   that   fact察

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because!which I mention in confidence!I know it in the way of 

my   profession   at   Kenge      and   Carboy¨s。   Now察    as   I  have  already 

mentioned        to   your    ladyship察    Miss     Summerson¨s         image     is 

imprinted on my art。 If I could clear this mystery for her察or prove 

her   to   be   well   related察  or   find   that   having   the   honour   to   be  a 

remote   branch   of   your   ladyship¨s      family   she   had   a  right   to   be 

made a party in Jarndyce and Jarndyce察why察I might make a sort 

of   a   claim   upon   Miss   Summerson   to   look   with   an   eye   of   more 

decided favour on my proposals than she has exactly done as yet。 

In fact察as yet she hasn¨t favoured them at all。 ̄ 

   A kind of angry smile just dawns upon my Lady¨s face。 

    ^Now察it¨s a very singular circumstance察your ladyship察院says Mr 

Guppy察 though one of those circumstances that do fall in the way 

of   us   professional   men!which   I   may   call   myself察  for   though   not 

admitted察yet I have had a   present  of  my articles made   to  me by 

Kenge and Carboy察on my mother¨s advancing from the principal 

of her little income the money for the stamp察which comes heavy! 

that I have encountered the person察who lived as servant with the 

lady who brought Miss Summerson up察before   Mr  Jarndyce  took 

charge of her。 That lady was a Miss Barbary察your ladyship。 ̄ 

    Is the dead colour on my Lady¨s face察reflected from the screen 

which has a green silk ground察and which she holds in her raised 

hands as if she had forgotten it察or is it a dreadful paleness that has 

fallen on her拭

    ^Did   your  ladyship察院 says   Mr Guppy察   ever   happen   to   hear   of 

Miss Barbary拭院

    ^I don¨t know。 I think so。 Yes。 ̄ 

    ^Was     Miss    Barbary     at  all  connected      with    your   ladyship¨s 


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    My   Lady¨s   lips   move察  but   they   utter   nothing。   She   shakes   her 


    ^Not   connected拭院  says   Mr   Guppy。   ^O   Not   to   your   ladyship¨s 

knowledge察perhaps拭Ah But might be拭Yes。 ̄ After each of these 

interrogatories察she has inclined her head。 ^Very good Now察this 

Miss      Barbary      was     extremely       close!seems         to   have     been 

extraordinarily       close    for  a  female察   females     being    generally    in 

common        life  at   least   rather    given    to  conversation!and           my 

witness never had an idea whether she possessed a single relative。 

On     one    occasion察    and     only   one察   she    seems     to   have     been 

confidential to my witness on a single point察and she then told her 

that   the   little   girl¨s   real   name   was   not   Esther   Summerson察  but 

Esther Hawdon。 ̄ 

    ^My God 院

    Mr   Guppy   stares。   Lady   Dedlock   sits   before   him察  looking   him 

through察  with   the   same   dark   shade   upon   her   face察  in   the   same 

attitude   even   to   the   holding   of   the   screen察  with   her   lips   a   little 

apart察her  brow  a little contracted察 but  for  the   moment  dead。   He 

sees    her   consciousness       return察  sees   a  tremour      pass   across    her 

frame     like   a  ripple   over    water察   sees   her   lips  shake察   sees    her 

compose them by a great effort察sees her force herself back to the 

knowledge   of   his   presence察  and   of   what   he   has   said。   All   this察  so 

quickly察  that   her   exclamation   and   her   dead   condition   seemed   to 

have   passed away  like   the   features   of   those   long´preserved   dead 

bodies   sometimes   opened   up   in   tombs察  which察  struck   by   the   air 

like lightning vanish in a breath。 

    ^Your ladyship is acquainted with the name of Hawdon拭院

    ^I have heard it before。 ̄ 

    ^Name   of   any   collateral察  or   remote   branch   of   your   ladyship¨s 

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    ^No。 ̄ 

    ^Now察your ladyship察院says Mr Guppy察 I come to the last point 

of   the   case察  so   far   as   I   have   got   it   up。   It¨s   going   on察  and   I

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