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bleak house(奈噌議型徨)-及149嫗

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think they indicate to me my own course now。 ̄ 

    Sir Leicester¨s magnificence explodes。 Calmly察but terribly。 

    ^Mr Rouncewell察院says Sir Leicester察with his right hand in the 

breast of his blue coat!the attitude of state in which he is painted 

in the gallery此 do you draw a parallel between Chesney Wold察and 

a! ̄ here he resists a disposition to choke!^a factory拭院

    ^I   need   not   reply察  Sir   Leicester察  that   the   two   places   are   very 

different察but察for the purposes of this case察I think a parallel may 

be justly drawn between them。 ̄ 

    Sir  Leicester  directs   his   majestic   glance   down   one   side   of   the 

long  drawing´room察  and   up  the  other察  before  he   can   believe   that 

he is awake。 

    ^Are you aware察sir察that this young woman   whom   my  Lady! 

my   Lady!has   placed   near   her   person察         was   brought     up   at  the 

village school outside the gates拭院

    ^Sir Leicester察I am quite aware of it。 A very good school it is察

and handsomely supported by this family。 ̄ 

    ^Then察Mr Rouncewell察院returns Sir Leicester察 the application 

of what you have said察is察to me察incomprehensible。 ̄ 

    ^Will   it   be   more   comprehensible察  Sir   Leicester察  if   I   say察院  the 

ironmaster is reddening a little察 that I do not regard the village´ 

school as teaching everything desirable to be known by my son¨s 


    From   the   village   school   of   Chesney   Wold察  intact   as   it   is   this 

minute察     to  the   whole     framework       of  society察  from    the   whole 

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´ Page 552´

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framework         of  society察   to   the   aforesaid     framework        receiving 

tremendous   cracks   in   consequence   of   people   ironmasters察  lead´ 

mistresses察and what not not minding their catechism察and getting 

out of the station unto which they are called!necessarily and for 

ever察  according   to   Sir   Leicester¨s   rapid   logic察  the   first   station   in 

which   they   happen        to   find  themselves察  and      from   that察  to   their 

educating other people out of their stations察and so obliterating the 

landmarks察and opening the floodgates察and all the rest of it察this is 

the swift progress of the Dedlock mind。 

    ^My Lady察I beg your pardon。 Permit me for one moment 院She 

has given a faint indication of intending to speak。 ^Mr Rouncewell察

our   views     of   duty察 and   our   views    of  station察  and    our   views   of 

education察     and    our    views    of!in    short察  all   our   views!are       so 

diametrically       opposed察    that   to  prolong    this   discussion     must   be 

repellant   to   your   feelings察  and   repellant   to   my   own。   This   young 

woman       is  honoured      with   my    Lady¨s    notice    and   favour。    If  she 

wishes to withdraw herself from that  notice   and   favour察  or  if  she 

chooses to place herself under the influence of any one who may察

in his peculiar opinions!you will allow me to say察in his peculiar 

opinions察  though   I   readily   admit   that   he   is   not   accountable   for 

them     to   me!who   may察       in  his   peculiar   opinions察  withdraw       her 

from that notice and favour察she is at any time at liberty to do so。 

We     are   obliged    to  you   for  the   plainness     with   which    you    have 

spoken。   It   will   have   no   effect   of   itself察  one   way   or   other察  on   the 

young woman¨s position here。 Beyond this察we can make no terms察

and here we beg!if you will be so good!to leave the subject。 ̄ 

    The visitor pauses a moment to  give   my  Lady an   opportunity察

but she says nothing。 He then rises and replies此 

    ^Sir   Leicester   and   Lady   Dedlock察  allow   me   to   thank   you   for 

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your    attention察   and    only   to  observe    that   I  shall  very   seriously 

recommend         my    son   to  conquer     his  present     inclinations。    Good 

night 院

    ^Mr   Rouncewell察院  says   Sir   Leicester察  with   all   the   nature   of   a 

gentleman   shining   in   him察   it   is   late察  and   the   roads   are   dark。   I 

hope your time is not so precious but that you will allow my Lady 

and     myself    to  offer   you   the   hospitality    of  Chesney      Wold察   for 

tonight at least。 ̄ 

    ^I hope so察院adds my Lady。 

    ^I   am   much   obliged   to   you察  but   I   have   to   travel   all   night察  in 

order     to  reach   a  distant    part   of  the  country察   punctually      at  an 

appointed time in the morning。 ̄ 

    Therewith   the      ironmaster      takes   his  departure察     Sir  Leicester 

ringing the bell察and my Lady rising as he leaves the room。 

    When my Lady goes to her boudoir察she sits down thoughtfully 

by   the   fire察  and察  inattentive   to   the   Ghost¨s   Walk察  looks   at   Rosa察

writing in an inner room。 Presently my Lady calls her。 

    ^Come to me察child。 Tell me the truth。 Are you in love拭院

    ^O My lady 院

    My    Lady察   looking     at  the  downcast      and    blushing     face察 says 


    ^Who is it拭Is it Mrs Rouncewell¨s grandson拭院

    ^Yes察if you please察my Lady。 But I don¨t know that I am in love 

with him!yet。 ̄ 

    ^Yet察you silly little thing Do you know that he loves you察yet拭院

    ^I   think   he   likes   me   a   little察  my   Lady。 ̄   And   Rosa   bursts   into 


    Is   this   Lady     Dedlock     standing     beside     the   village   beauty察

smoothing her dark hair with that  motherly  touch察  and   watching 

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her with eyes so full of musing interest拭Aye察indeed it is 

    ^Listen to me察child。 You are young and true察and I believe you 

are attached to me。 ̄ 

    ^Indeed I am察my Lady。 Indeed there is nothing in the world I 

wouldn¨t do察to show how much。 ̄ 

    ^And I don¨t think   you  would   wish  to  leave   me   just  yet察  Rosa察

even for a lover。 ̄ 

    ^No察  my   Lady   O   no 院  Rosa   looks   up   for   the   first   time察  quite 

frightened at the thought。 

    ^Confide in me察my child。 Don¨t fear me。 I wish you to be happy察

and will make you so!if I can make anybody happy on this earth。 ̄ 

    Rosa察with fresh tears察kneels  at  her  feet  and kisses   her  hand。 

My     Lady    takes    the   hand    with    which     she   has   caught     it察 and察

standing  with  her  eyes   fixed  on   the   fire察  puts it  about  and   about 

between her own two hands察and gradually lets it fall。 Seeing her 

so absorbed察Rosa softly withdraws察but still my Lady¨s eyes are on 

the fire。 

    In   search   of   what拭  Of   any   hand   that   is   no  more察  of   any   hand 

that  never  was察  of   any   touch   that   might   have   magically   changed 

her  life拭 Or   does   she   listen   to   the   Ghost¨s   Walk察  and   think   what 

step does it most resemble拭A man¨s拭A woman¨s拭The pattering 

of   a   little   child¨s   feet察  ever   coming   on´on´on拭  Some   melancholy 

influence   is   upon   her察  or   why   should   so   proud   a   lady   close   the 

doors察and sit alone upon the hearth so desolate拭

    Volumnia   is   away   next   day察  and   all   the   cousins   are   scattered 

before   dinner。   Not   a   cousin   of   the   bat

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