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bleak house(奈噌議型徨)-及143嫗

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梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何

with such a thrust at his grand´daughter察that it is too much for his 

strength察     and   he    slips   away    out    of  his   chair察  drawing      Mr 

Tulkinghorn        with   him察  until   he  is  arrested    by   Judy察  and    well 


    ^Violence will not do for me察my friend察院Mr Tulkinghorn then 

remarks coolly。 

    ^No察no察I know察I know察sir。 But it¨s chafing and galling!it¨s! 

it¨s    worse     than    your     smattering      chattering      Magpie      of   a 

grandmother察院  to  the   imperturbable   Judy察  who   only  looks   at   the 

fire察 to know he has got what¨s wanted察and won¨t give it up。 He察

not to give it up He A vagabond But never mind察sir察never mind。 

At the most he has only his own way for a little while。 I have him 

periodically   in   a   vice。   I¨ll   twist   him察  sir。   I¨ll   screw   him察  sir。   If   he 

won¨t do it with a good grace察I¨ll make him do it with a bad one察

sir Now察      my    dear   Mr   George察院    says   Grandfather      Smallweed察

winking at the lawyer hideously察as he releases him察 I am   ready 

for your kind assistance察my excellent friend 院

    Mr    Tulkinghorn察      with    some     shadowy      sign   of   amusement 

manifesting       itself  through      his  self´possession察     stands    on    the 

hearth´rug with his back to the fire察watching the disappearance of 

Mr   Smallweed察  and   acknowledging   the            trooper¨s   parting   salute 

with one slight nod。 

    It  is   more   difficult  to  get  rid   of  the   old   gentleman察  Mr   George 

finds察than to bear a hand in carrying him upstairs察for察when he is 

replaced in his  conveyance察  he is   so loquacious   on   the   subject  of 

the guineas察and retains such an affectionate hold of his button! 

having察  in   truth察  a   secret   longing   to   rip   his   coat   open察  and   rob 

Charles Dickens                                                     ElecBook Classics 

´ Page 530´

                                   Bleak House                                     530 

him!that some degree of force is necessary on the trooper¨s part 

to effect a separation。 It is accomplished at last察and he   proceeds 

alone in quest of his adviser。 

    By the cloisterly Temple察and by Whitefriars there察not without 

a    glance    at  Hanging´Sword          Alley察  which     would     seem    to   be 

something in his way察and by Blackfriars bridge察and Blackfriars 

road察Mr George sedately marches to a street of little shops lying 

somewhere in that ganglion of roads from Kent and Surrey察and of 

streets    from    the   bridges    of  London察    centring    in   the  far´famed 

Elephant who has lost his castle formed of a thousand four´horse 

coaches察  to   a   stronger   iron   monster   than   he察  ready   to   chop   him 

into mince´meat any day he dares。 To one of the little shops in this 

street察  which   is   a   musician¨s   shop察    having   a   few   fiddles   in  the 

window察and some Pan¨s pipes and a tambourine察and a triangle察

and     certain   elongated     scraps    of  music察   Mr    George     directs   his 

massive   tread。   And   halting   at   a   few   paces   from   it察  as   he   sees   a 

soldierly´looking   woman察  with   her   outer   skirts   tucked   up察  come 

forth    with   a  small    wooden      tub察 and    in  that   tub   commence       a 

whisking      and    a  splashing    on   the   margin    of  the   pavement察     Mr 

George   says   to   himself   ^She¨s   as   usual察  washing   greens。   I   never 

saw her察except upon a baggage´waggon察when she wasn¨t washing 

greens 院

    The   subject   of   this   reflection   is  at   all  events  so   occupied    in 

washing   greens   at   present察  that   she   remains   unsuspicious   of   Mr 

George¨s   approach察  until察lifting  up   herself  and   her   tub   together察

when she has poured the water off into the gutter察she finds him 

standing near her。 Her reception of him is not flattering。 

    ^George察  I   never   see   you察  but   I   wish   you   was   a   hundred   mile 

away 院

Charles Dickens                                                      ElecBook Classics 

´ Page 531´

                                   Bleak House                                    531 

    The   trooper察  without   remarking   on   this   welcome察  follows   into 

the   musical   instrument   shop察  where   the   lady   places   her   tub   of 

greens upon the counter察and having shaken hands with him察rests 

her arms upon it。 

    ^I   never察院  she says察   George察  consider   Matthew   Bagnet   safe   a 

minute      when    you¨re    near   him。   You    are   that  restless   and    that 

roving! ̄ 

    ^Yes I know I am察Mrs Bagnet。 I know I am。 ̄ 

    ^You know you are 院says Mrs Bagnet。 ^What¨s the use of that拭

Why are you拭院

    ^The     nature    of  the  animal察   I  suppose察院    returns    the  trooper 


    ^Ah 院     cries   Mrs     Bagnet察     something       shrilly察   but     what 

satisfaction     will  the   nature    of  the  animal    be   to  me察  when     the 

animal      shall   have    tempted     my    Mat    away     from    the   musical 

business to New Zealand or Australey拭院

    Mrs   Bagnet   is   not   at   all   an   ill´looking   woman。   Rather   large´ 

boned察  a   little   coarse   in   the   grain察  and   freckled   by   the   sun   and 

wind which have tanned her hair upon the forehead察but healthy察

wholesome察  and bright´eyed。   A   strong察busy察  active察  honest´faced 

woman察       of  from     forty´five    to   fifty。  Clean察    hardy察    and    so 

economically  dressed   though   substantially察  that   the   only   article 

of   ornament   of     which   she    stands   possessed     appears     to  be  her 

wedding´ring察around  which  her  finger  has   grown   to   be   so  large 

since it was put on察that it will never come off again until it shall 

mingle with Mrs Bagnet¨s dust。 

    ^Mrs Bagnet察院says the trooper察 I   am   on my  parole  with  you。 

Mat will get no harm from me。 You may trust me so far。 ̄ 

    ^Well察I think I may。 But the very looks of you are unsettling察院

Charles Dickens                                                     ElecBook Classics 

´ Page 532´

                                   Bleak House                                     532 

Mrs Bagnet rejoins。 ^Ah察George察George If you had only settled 

down察  and   married   Joe   Pouch¨s   widow   when   he   died   in   North 

America察she¨d have combed your hair for you。 ̄ 

    ^It   was   a   chance   for   me察  certainly察院  returns   the   trooper察  half´ 

laughingly察  half´seriously察   but   I   shall   never   settle     down     into   a 

respectable   man   now。   Joe   Pouch¨s   widow   might   have   done   me 

good!there was something  in   her!and something  of  her!but  I 

couldn¨t make up my mind to it。 If I had had the luck to meet with 

such a wife as Mat found 院

    Mrs   Bagnet察  who   seems   in   a   virtuous   way   to   be   under   little 

reserve with a good sort of fellow察but to be another good   sort  of 

fellow herself for that matter察receives this compliment by flicking 

Mr George in the face with  a   head   of  greens察  and  taking  her  tub 

into the little room behind the shop。 

    ^Why察     Quebec察     my     poppet察院    says    George察     following察    on 

invitation察  into   that   apartment。   ^And   little   Malta察  too   Come   and 

kiss your Bluffy 院

    These      young     ladies!not      supposed       to  have    been     actually 

christened by the names applied to them察though always so called 

in   the   family察  from    the   places    of  their  birth   in   barracks!are 

respectively  employed   on   three´legged   

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