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bleak house(奈噌議型徨)-及142嫗

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the   ground察  looks   at   the   painted   ceiling察  and   says   never   a   word。 

The irascible Mr Smallweed scratches the air。 

    ^The     question    is察院 says   Mr    Tulkinghorn      in   his  methodical察

subdued察      uninteresting      way察   first察 whether      you   have    any    of 

Captain Hawdon¨s writing拭院

    ^First察  whether   I   have   any   of   Captain   Hawdon¨s   writing察  sir察院

repeats Mr George。 

    ^Secondly察what will satisfy you for the trouble of producing it。 ̄ 

    ^Secondly察what will satisfy me for the trouble of producing it察

sir察院repeats Mr George。 

    ^Thirdly察  you   can   judge   for   yourself   whether   it   is   at   all   like 

that察院says Mr Tulkinghorn察suddenly handing him some sheets of 

written paper tied together。 

    ^Whether it is at all like that察sir。 Just so察院repeats Mr George。 

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´ Page 526´

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    All   three   repetitions   Mr   George   pronounces   in   a   mechanical 

manner察looking straight at Mr Tulkinghorn察nor does he so much 

as glance at the affidavit in Jarndyce and Jarndyce察that has been 

given     to   him  for   his  inspection    though   he   still  holds    it  in  his 

hand察but continues to look at the lawyer with an air of troubled 


    ^Well拭院says Mr Tulkinghorn。 ^What do you say拭院

    ^Well察    sir察院 replies    Mr     George察    rising    erect   and    looking 

immense察 I would rather察if you¨ll excuse me察have nothing to do 

with this。 ̄ 

    Mr Tulkinghorn察outwardly quite undisturbed察demands   ^Why 


    ^Why察      sir察院  returns      the    trooper。     ^Except       on    military 

compulsion察  I   am   not   a   man   of   business。   Among   civilians   I   am 

what   they   call   in   Scotland   a   ne¨er´do´weel。   I   have   no   head   for 

papers察    sir。  I  can   stand    any    fire  better    than   a   fire  of  cross 

questions。 I mentioned to Mr Smallweed察only an hour or so ago察

that  when   I   come   into  things   of  this kind   I  feel as if  I   was being 

smothered。   And   this   is   my   sensation察院  says   Mr   George察  looking 

around upon the company察 at the present moment。 ̄ 

    With that察he takes three strides forward察to replace the papers 

on   the   lawyer¨s   table察  and   three   strides   backward   to   resume   his 

former station此where he stands perfectly upright察now looking at 

the ground察and now at the painted ceiling察with his hands behind 

him   as   if   to   prevent   himself   from   accepting   any   other   document 


    Under  this provocation察  Mr  Smallweed¨s   favourite   adjective   of 

disparagement  is  so  close   to  his   tongue察  that  he   begins   the   word 

^my  dear  friend ̄  with  the   monosyllable   ^Brim察院  thus   converting 

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´ Page 527´

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the   possessive   pronoun   into   Brimmy察  and   appearing   to   have   an 

impediment   in   his   speech。   Once   past   this   difficulty察  however察  he 

exhorts his dear friend in the tenderest manner not to be rash察but 

to  do  what  so  eminent a   gentleman   requires察and  to  do  it  with   a 

good   grace此  confident   that   it   must   be   unobjectionable   as   well   as 

profitable。 Mr Tulkinghorn merely utters an occasional sentence察

as ^You are the best judge of your own interest察serjeant。 ̄ 

    ^Take care you do no harm by this。 ̄ 

    ^Please yourself察please yourself。 ̄ 

    ^If   you   know   what   you   mean察  that¨s   quite   enough。 ̄   These   he 

utters with an appearance of perfect indifference察as he looks over 

the papers on his table察and prepares to write a letter。 

    Mr   George   looks   distrustfully   from   the   painted   ceiling   to   the 

ground察from the ground to Mr Smallweed察from Mr Smallweed to 

Mr Tulkinghorn察and from Mr Tulkinghorn to the painted ceiling 

again察often in his perplexity changing the leg on which he rests。 

    ^I do assure you察sir察院says Mr George察 not to say it offensively察

that    between     you   and    Mr   Smallweed       here察  I  really   am    being 

smothered fifty  times   over。   I   really  am察  sir。   I am   not  a   match  for 

you gentlemen。 Will you allow me to ask察why you want to see the 

captain¨s hand察in the case that I could find any specimen of it拭院

    Mr   Tulkinghorn   quietly   shakes   his   head。   ^No。   If   you   were   a 

man of business察serjeant察you would not need to be informed that 

there   are   confidential   reasons察  very   harmless   in   themselves察  for 

many such wants察in the profession to which I belong。 But if you 

are   afraid   of   doing   any   injury   to   Captain   Hawdon察  you   may   set 

your mind at rest about that。 ̄ 

    ^Ay he is dead察sir。 ̄ 

    ^Is he拭院Mr Tulkinghorn quietly sits down to write。 

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    ^Well察sir察院says the trooper察looking into  his   hat  after  another 

disconcerted       pause察    I  am   sorry    not   to  have   given    you   more 

satisfaction。 If it would be any satisfaction to any one察that I should 

be confirmed in my judgment that I would rather have nothing to 

do    with   this察 by   a  friend   of  mine察  who    has   a  better   head    for 

business   than   I   have察  and   who   is   an   old   soldier察  I   am   willing   to 

consult with him。 I!I really am so completely smothered myself at 

present察院says Mr George察passing his hand hopelessly across   his 

brow察 that I don¨t know but what it might be a satisfaction to me。 ̄ 

    Mr Smallweed察hearing that this authority is an old soldier察so 

strongly inculcates the expediency of the trooper¨s taking counsel 

with him察and particularly informing him of its being a question of 

five guineas or more察that Mr George engages to go and see him。 

Mr Tulkinghorn says nothing either way。 

    ^I¨ll  consult    my    friend察  then察  by   your   leave察  sir察院  says   the 

trooper察   and   I¨ll   take  the   liberty  of  looking  in   again   with   a   final 

answer in the course of the day。 Mr Smallweed察if you wish to be 

carried downstairs! ̄ 

    ^In a   moment察my  dear  friend察in a   moment。 Will   you   first   let 

me speak half a word with this gentleman察in private拭院

    ^Certainly察    sir。  Don¨t    hurry    yourself    on   my    account。 ̄     The 

trooper   retires     to   a  distant   part   of   the  room察 and   resumes     his 

curious inspection of the boxes察strong and otherwise。 

    ^If   I  wasn¨t    as  weak    as   a  Brimstone      Baby察   sir察院 whispers 

Grandfather Smallweed察drawing the lawyer down to his level by 

the lappel of his coat察and flashing some half´quenched green fire 

out of his angry eyes察 I¨d tear the writing away from him。 He¨s got 

it buttoned in his breast。 I saw him put it there。 Judy saw him put 

it  there。   Speak  up察  you   crabbed   image   for  the   sign   of   a   walking´ 

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´ Page 529´

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stick shop察and say you saw him put it there 院

    This    vehement      conjuration      the   old  gentleman      accompanies 

with such a thrust at his grand´daughter察that it is too much for his 

strength察     and   he    slips   

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