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bleak house(奈噌議型徨)-及134嫗

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梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何

head察  and   tomorrow   night   that   boy   will   be   here察  and   tomorrow 

night Mrs Snagsby will have her eye upon him and upon some one 

else察and O you may walk   a  long  while   in   your  secret  ways   says 

Mrs   Snagsby察  with   haughtiness   and   scorn察  but   you   can¨t   blind 


    Mrs   Snagsby   sounds   no   timbrel   in   anybody¨s   ears察  but   holds 

her purpose quietly察and keeps her counsel。 Tomorrow comes察the 

savoury preparations for the Oil Trade come察the evening comes。 

Comes察Mr Snagsby in his black coat察come察the Chadbands察come 

when the gorging vessel is replete察the ¨prentices and Guster察to 

be edified察comes察at last察with his slouching head察and his shuffle 

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backward察and his shuffle forward察and his shuffle to the right察and 

his   shuffle   to   the   left察  and   his   bit   of   fur   cap   in   his   muddy   hand察

which he picks as if it were some mangy bird he had caught察and 

was   plucking  before   eating   raw察  Jo察  the   very察  very   tough   subject 

Mr Chadband is to improve。 

    Mrs Snagsby screws a watchful glance on Jo察as he is  brought 

into the little drawing´room by Guster。 He looks at Mr Snagsby the 

moment he comes in。 Aha Why does he look at Mr Snagsby拭Mr 

Snagsby       looks   at  him。   Why    should     he  do   that察 but   that   Mrs 

Snagsby sees it all拭Why else should that look pass between them察

why   else    should    Mr   Snagsby   be     confused察   and   cough    a  signal 

cough behind his hand拭It is as clear as crystal that Mr Snagsby is 

that boy¨s father。 

    ^Peace察my friends察院says Chadband察rising and wiping the oily 

exudations       from   his   reverend     visage。   ^Peace     be  with    us  My 

friends察 why  with  us拭 Because察院  with  his   fat  smile察 it   cannot   be 

against us察because it must be for us察because it is not hardening察

because   it   is  softening察  because     it   does  not   make   war   like   the 

hawk察    but   comes    home     untoe   us   like  the  dove。   Therefore察    my 

friends察peace be with us My human boy察come forward 院

    Stretching forth his flabby paw察Mr Chadband lays the same on 

Jo¨s arm察and considers where to station him。 Jo察very doubtful of 

his   reverend     friend¨s   intentions察   and    not  at  all  clear   but   that 

something       practical    and   painful    is  going   to  be   done    to  him察

mutters察 You let me alone。 I never said nothink to you。 You let me 

alone。 ̄ 

    ^No察my young friend察院says Chadband察smoothly察 I will not let 

you alone。 And why拭Because I am a harvest´labourer察because I 

am a toiler and a moiler察because you are delivered over untoe me察

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and are become as a precious instrument in my hands。 My friends察

may I so employ this instrument as   to  use   it  toe   your  advantage察

toe    your    profit察  toe   your    gain察   toe   your    welfare察    toe   your 

enrichment My young friend察sit upon this stool。 ̄ 

    Jo察  apparently   possessed   by   an   impression   that   the   reverend 

gentleman wants to cut his hair察shields his head with both arms察

and   is   got   into   the  required    position    with   great   difficulty察  and 

every possible manifestation of reluctance。 

    When   he   is    at   last   adjusted   like  a   lay´figure察 Mr   Chadband察

retiring behind the table察holds up his bear¨s´paw察and   says察   My 

friends 院    This    is  the   signal    for   a  general     settlement     of   the 

audience。 The ¨prentices giggle internally察and nudge   each  other。 

Guster     falls  into   a  staring   and    vacant    state察 compounded        of  a 

stunned   admiration   of   Mr   Chadband   and   pity   for   the   friendless 

outcast whose condition touches her nearly。 Mrs Snagsby silently 

lays trains of gunpowder。 Mrs Chadband composes herself grimly 

by    the    fire察 and     warms     her    knees此    finding    that    sensation 

favourable to the reception of eloquence。 

    It happens that Mr Chadband has a pulpit habit of fixing some 

member   of   his   congregation   with   his   eye察  and   fatly   arguing   his 

points     with   that   particular     person察    who    is  understood      to   be 

expected to be moved to an occasional grunt察groan察gasp察or other 

audible expression of inward working察which expression of inward 

working察being echoed by some elderly lady in the next pew察and 

so  communicated察like   a   game   of   forfeits察  through   a   circle   of   the 

more      fermentable        sinners     present察    serves     the   purpose       of 

parliamentary cheering察and gets Mr Chadband¨s steam up。 From 

mere   force   of   habit察  Mr   Chadband   in   saying   ^my   friends 院  has 

rested     his  eye   on  Mr    Snagsby察    and   proceeds     to  make     that   ill´ 

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starred     stationer察   already    sufficiently    confused察    the   immediate 

recipient of his discourse。 

    ^We     have    here   among     us察  my   friends察院   says   Chadband察       a 

Gentile and a Heathen察a dweller  in  the   tents   of  Tom´all´Alone¨s察

and    a  mover´on      upon    the   surface    of  the   earth。   We   have    here 

among   us察  my   friends察院  and   Mr   Chadband察  untwisting   the   point 

with   his   dirty   thumbnail察  bestows   an   oily   smile   on   Mr   Snagsby察

signifying     that   he   will  throw    him    an   argumentative       back!fall 

presently if he be not already down察 a brother and a boy。 Devoid 

of parents察devoid of relations察devoid of flocks and herds察devoid 

of gold and silver察and of precious stones。 Now察my friends察why do 

I   say   he   is   devoid   of   these   possessions拭  Why拭  Why   is   he拭院  Mr 

Chadband        states   the   question     as   if  he  were    propounding        an 

entirely new riddle察of much ingenuity and merit察to Mr Snagsby察

and     entreating     him    not    to  give   it  up。   Mr    Snagsby察     greatly 

perplexed   by   the   mysterious   look   he   received   just   now   from   his 

little woman!at about the period when Mr Chadband mentioned 

the   word   parents!is   tempted   into   modestly   remarking察   I   don¨t 

know察I¨m sure察sir。 ̄ On which interruption察Mrs Chadband glares察

and Mrs Snagsby says察 For shame 院

    ^I   hear   a   voice察院  says   Chadband察   is   it   a   still   small   voice察  my 

friends拭I fear not察though I fain would hope so! ̄ 

    ─Ah´h 院from Mrs Snagsby。 

    ^Which says察I don¨t know。 Then I will tell you  why。   I   say  this 

brother察  present   here   among   us察  is   devoid   of   parents察  devoid   of 

relations察devoid of flocks and herds察devoid of gold察of silver察and 

of precious stones察because he is devoid of the light that shines in 

upon some of us。 What is that light拭What is it拭I ask you what is 

that light拭院

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    Mr Chadband draws back his head and pauses察but Mr Snagsby 

is   not  to  be   lured   on   to  his  destruction     again。    Mr   Chadband察

leaning forward over the table察pierces what he has got to follow察

directly int

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