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bleak house(奈噌議型徨)-及132嫗

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covered      with   manuscript      papers察   and    with   worn    pens察   and   a 

medley of such tokens。 Touchingly and awfully drawn together察he 

and the little mad woman were side by side察and察as it were察alone。 

She sat on a chair holding his hand察and none of us went close to 


    His voice had faded察with the old expression of his face察with his 

strength察with his anger察with his resistance to the wrongs that had 

at last subdued him。 The faintest shadow of an object full of form 

and   colour察  is   such   a   picture   of   it察  as   he   was   of   the   man   from 

Shropshire whom we had spoken with before。 

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                                  Bleak House                                    488 

    He    inclined   his  head    to  Richard    and    me察  and   spoke    to  my 


    ^Mr Jarndyce察it is very kind of you to come to see me。 I am not 

long to be seen察I think。 I am very glad to take your hand察sir。 You 

are   a   good   man察  superior   to   injustice察  and   God   knows   I   honour 

you。 ̄ 

    They shook hands earnestly察and my Guardian said some words 

of comfort to him。 

    ^It  may  seem   strange   to  you察  sir察院  returned   Gridley察   I  should 

not   have   liked   to   see   you察  if   this   had   been   the   first   time   of   our 

meeting。 But察you know察I made a fight for it察you know I stood up 

with  my   single   hand   against   them   all察  you   know   I   told   them   the 

truth to the last察and told them what they were察and what they had 

done to me察so I don¨t mind your seeing me察this wreck。 ̄ 

    ^You     have   been    courageous      with   them察   many    and    many     a 

time察院returned my Guardian。 

    ^Sir察  I   have been察院  with   a   faint  smile。   ^I   told   you   what   would 

come of it察when I ceased to be so察and察see here Look at us look 

at  us 院  He  drew  the  hand   Miss Flite   held察  through   her   arm察  and 

brought her something nearer to him。 

    ^This ends it。 Of all my old associations察of all my old pursuits 

and hopes察of all the living and the dead world察this one poor soul 

alone comes natural to me察and I am fit for。 There is a tie of many 

suffering years察between us two察and it is the only tie I ever had on 

earth that Chancery has not broken。 ̄ 

    ^Accept my blessing察Gridley察院said Miss Flite察in tears。 ^Accept 

my blessing 院

    ^I thought察boastfully察that they never could break my heart察Mr 

Jarndyce。 I was resolved that they should not。 I did believe that I 

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                                   Bleak House                                    489 

could察and would察charge them with being the mockery they were察

until I died of some bodily disorder。 But I am worn out。 How long I 

have been wearing out察I don¨t know察I seemed to break down in 

an    hour。   I  hope    they   may    never    come     to  hear    of  it。  I  hope 

everybody here will lead them to believe that I died defying them察

consistently and perseveringly察as I did through so many years。 ̄ 

    Here Mr Bucket察who was sitting in a corner察by the door察good´ 

naturedly offered such consolation as he could administer。 

    ^Come察  come 院  he   said察  from   his   corner。   ^Don¨t   go   on   in   that 

way察Mr Gridley。 You are only a little low。 We are all of us a little 

low察  sometimes。   I am。  Hold  up察  hold   up   You¨ll   lose   your   temper 

with the whole round of ¨em察again and again察and I shall take you 

on a score of warrants yet察if I have luck。 ̄ 

    He only shook his head。 

    ^Don¨t shake your head察院said Mr Bucket。 ^Nod it察that¨s what I 

want to see you do。 Why察Lord bless your soul察what times we have 

had together Haven¨t I seen you in the Fleet over and over again察

for  contempt拭 Haven¨t  I   came   into   Court   twen´ty   afternoons察  for 

no    other    purpose     than   to  see   you    pin   the  Chancellor      like  a 

bulldog拭  Don¨t   you   remember察  when   you   first   began   to   threaten 

the   lawyers察  and   the   peace   was   sworn   against   you   two   or   three 

times   a  week拭 Ask   the   little   old   lady   there察  she   has   been   always 

present。 Hold up察Mr Gridley察hold up察sir 院

    ^What are you going to do about him拭院asked George in a low 


    ^I   don¨t   know     yet察院  said   Bucket     in   the   same    tone。   Then 

resuming his encouragement察he pursued aloud此 

    ^Worn out察Mr Gridley拭After dodging  me   for  all   these   weeks察

and forcing me to climb the roof here like a Tom Cat察and to come 

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                                   Bleak House                                     490 

to   see   you   as   a   Doctor拭  That   ain¨t   like   being   worn   out。 I   should 

think   not   Now   I   tell   you   what   you   want。   You   want   excitement察

you know察to keep you up察that¨s what you want。 You¨re used to it察

and   you   can¨t   do   without   it。   I   couldn¨t   myself。   Very   well察  then察

here¨s this warrant got by Mr Tulkinghorn of Lincoln¨s Inn Fields察

and  backed   into  half´a´dozen counties  since。   What   do   you   say   to 

coming      along    with   me察  upon    this  warrant察    and   having     a  good 

angry   argument   before         the  magistrates拭     It¨ll  do  you   good察   it¨ll 

freshen you up察and get you into training for  another  turn   at  the 

Chancellor。   Give   in拭  Why   I   am   surprised   to   hear   a   man   of   your 

energy talk of giving in。 You mustn¨t do that。 You¨re half the fun of 

the fair察in the Court of Chancery。 George察you lend Mr Gridley a 

hand察    and   let¨s  see   now    whether     he   won¨t    be   better   up   than 

down。 ̄ 

    ^He is very weak察院said the trooper察in a low voice。 

    ^Is he拭院returned Bucket察anxiously。 ^I only want to rouse him。 

I don¨t like to see an old acquaintance giving in like this。 It would 

cheer him up more than anything if I could make him a little waxy 

with me。 He¨s welcome to drop into me察right and left察if he likes。 I 

shall never take advantage of it。 ̄ 

    The roof rang with a scream from Miss Flite察which still rings in 

my ears。 

    ^O   no察  Gridley 院  she   cried察  as   he   fell   heavily   and   calmly   back 

from before her。 ^Not without my blessing。 After so many years 院

    Then the sun was down察the light had gradually stolen from the 

roof察and the shadow had crept upward。 But察to me察the shadow of 

that    pair察  one   living   and   one    dead察  fell  heavier     on  Richard¨s 

departure察  than   the   darkness   of   the   darkest   night。   And   through 

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                                   Bleak House                                     491 

Richard¨s farewell words I heard it echoed。 

    ^Of all my old associations察of all my old pursuits and hopes察of 

all the living and the dead world察this one poor soul alone comes 

natural   to   me察  and   I   am   fit   for。   There   is   a   tie   of   many   suffering 

years between us two察and it is the only tie I ever had on earth that 

Chancery has not broken 院

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                                 Bleak House                                  492 

                                Chapter 25 

                      Mrs Snagsby Sees It All 

          here is disquietude in Cook

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