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bleak house(奈噌議型徨)-及126嫗

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梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何

came      in  a  pretty   little  girl察 neatly   dressed     in  mourning察     who 

dropped a curtsey。 

    ^If   you   please察  miss察院  said   the   little   girl察  in   a   soft   voice察   I   am 

Charley。 ̄ 

Charles Dickens                                                      ElecBook Classics 

´ Page 465´

                                  Bleak House                                  465 

    ^Why察so you are察院said I察stooping down in astonishment察and 

giving her a kiss。 ^How glad am I to see you察Charley 院

    ^If you please察miss察院pursued Charley察  in   the   same soft  voice察

^I¨m your maid。 ̄ 


    ^If  you  please察  miss察 I¨m a   present  to  you察  with  Mr   Jarndyce¨s 

love。 ̄ 

   I   sat   down   with   my   hand    on   Charley¨s   neck察  and   looked   at 


    ^And O察miss察院says Charley察clapping her hands察with the tears 

starting down her dimpled cheeks察 Tom¨s at school察if you please察

and   learning   so   good   And   little   Emma察  she¨s   with   Mrs   Blinder察

miss察a being took such care of And Tom察he would have been at 

school!and Emma察she would have been left with Mrs Blinder! 

and me察I should have been here!all a deal sooner察miss察only Mr 

Jarndyce   thought   that   Tom   and   Emma   and   me   had   better   get   a 

little used to parting first察we was so small。 Don¨t cry察if you please察

miss 院

    ^I can¨t help it察Charley。 ̄ 

    ^No察miss察nor I can¨t help it察院says Charley。 ^And if you please察

miss察Mr Jarndyce¨s love察and he thinks you¨ll like to teach me now 

and then。 And if you please察Tom and Emma and me is to see each 

other   once   a   month。   And   I¨m   so   happy   and   so   thankful察  miss察院

cried Charley with a heaving heart察 and I¨ll try to be such a good 

maid 院

    ^O Charley dear察never forget who did all this 院

    ^No察miss察I never will。 Nor Tom won¨t。 Nor yet Emma。 It was 

all you察miss。 ̄ 

    ^I have known nothing of it。 It was Mr Jarndyce察Charley。 ̄ 

Charles Dickens                                                   ElecBook Classics 

´ Page 466´

                                  Bleak House                                  466 

    ^Yes察miss察but it was all done for the love of you察and that you 

might be my mistress。 If you please察miss。 I am a little present with 

his love察and it was all done for the love of you。 Me and Tom was to 

be sure to remember it。 ̄ 

   Charley dried her eyes察and entered on her functions察going in 

her matronly little way about and about the room察and folding up 

everything she could lay her hands upon。 Presently察Charley came 

creeping back to my side察and said此

    ^O don¨t cry察if you please察miss。 ̄ 

   And I said again察 I can¨t help it察Charley。 ̄ 

   And Charley said again察 No察miss察nor I can¨t help it。 ̄ And so察

after all察I did cry for joy indeed察and so did she。 

Charles Dickens                                                   ElecBook Classics 

´ Page 467´

                                  Bleak House                                  467 

                                Chapter 24 

                             An Appeal Case 

          s   soon   as  Richard    and   I  had   held   the  conversation      of 

Awhich   I   have   given   an   account察  Richard   communicated 

          the    state  of  his  mind    to  Mr    Jarndyce。    I  doubt    if  my 

Guardian were altogether taken by surprise察when he received the 

representation察      though     it  caused    him    much     uneasiness     and 

disappointment。 He and Richard were often closeted together察late 

at   night   and   early   in  the  morning察    and   passed    whole   days    in 

London察and had innumerable appointments with Mr Kenge察and 

laboured through a quantity of disagreeable business。 While they 

were     thus    employed察     my    Guardian察     though     he   underwent 

considerable       inconvenience      from    the   state   of  the   wind察  and 

rubbed his head so constantly that not a   single   hair  upon  it  ever 

rested in its right place察was as genial with Ada and me as at any 

other time察but maintained a steady reserve on these matters。 And 

as   our  utmost  endeavours   could   only  elicit  from   Richard   himself 

sweeping assurances   that  everything  was   going  on   capitally察  and 

that   it  really  was   all  right  at  last察 our   anxiety   was   not   much 

relieved by him。 

   We learnt察however察as the time went on察that a new application 

was made to the Lord Chancellor on Richard¨s behalf察as an Infant 

and a Ward察and I don¨t know what察and that there was a quantity 

of   talking察  and   that   the   Lord   Chancellor   described   him察  in   open 

court察  as   a   vexatious   and   capricious   infant察  and   that   the   matter 

was   adjourned   and   readjourned察  and   referred察  and   reported   on察

Charles Dickens                                                   ElecBook Classics 

´ Page 468´

                                   Bleak House                                    468 

and petitioned about察until Richard began to doubt as he told us 

whether察if he entered the army at all察it would not be as a veteran 

of seventy or eighty years of age。 At last an appointment was made 

for him to see the Lord Chancellor again in his private room察and 

there the Lord Chancellor very seriously reproved him for trifling 

with    time察  and   not   knowing      his  mind!^a       pretty   good    joke察  I 

think察院   said   Richard察     from    that  quarter 院and        at  last  it  was 

settled    that   his  application     should    be   granted。    His   name     was 

entered     at  the   Horse    Guards察    as  an   applicant    for  an   Ensign¨s 

commission察the purchase´money was deposited at an Agent¨s察and 

Richard察  in   his   usual   characteristic   way察  plunged   into   a   violent 

course of military study察and got up at five o¨clock every morning 

to practise the broadsword exercise。 

    Thus察  vacation  succeeded   term察  and   term   succeeded   vacation。 

We   sometimes   heard   of   Jarndyce   and   Jarndyce察  as   being   in   the 

paper or out of the paper察or as being to be mentioned察or as being 

to be spoken to察and it came on察and it went off。 Richard察who was 

now in a Professor¨s house in London察was able to be with us less 

frequently   than   before察  my   Guardian   still   maintained   the         same 

reserve察  and   so   time   passed   until   the   commission   was   obtained察

and    Richard     received     directions    with   it  to  join  a  regiment     in 


    He   arrived   post´haste   with   the   intelligence   one   evening察  and 

had   a   long   conference   with   my   Guardian。   Upwards   of   an   hour 

elapsed before my Guardian put his head into the room where Ada 

and I were sitting察and said察 Come in察my dears 院We went in察and 

found Richard察whom we had last seen in high spirits察leaning on 

the chimney´piece察looking mortified and angry。 

    ^Rick    and   I察 Ada察院  said   Mr   Jarndyce察     are   not   quite   of  one 

Charles Dickens                                                     ElecBook Classics 

´ Page 469´

                                   Bleak House                                     469 

mind。 Come察come察Rick察put a brighter face upon it 院

    ^You   are   very   hard   with   me察  sir察院  said   Richard。   ^The   harder察

because you have been so considerate to me in all other respects察

and   have   done   me   kindnesses   that   I   can   never   acknowledge。   I 

never could have been set right without you察sir。 ̄ 

    ^Well察  well 院  said   Mr   Jarndyce察   I   want   to   set   you   more   right 

with yourself。 ̄ 

    ^I hope you

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